Data mining

Outline of machine learning

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to machine learning. Machine learning is a subfield of soft computing within computer science that evolved from the study of pattern recognition and computational learning theory in artificial intelligence. In 1959, Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as a "field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed". Machine learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data. Such algorithms operate by building a model from an example training set of input observations in order to make data-driven predictions or decisions expressed as outputs, rather than following strictly static program instructions. (Wikipedia).

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Machine Learning

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Machine Learning

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(ML 13.1) Directed graphical models - introductory examples (part 1)

Introduction to (directed) graphical models. Simple examples to motivate the concept.

From playlist Machine Learning

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What is Machine Learning?

In this video, you’ll learn more about the evolution of machine learning and its impact on daily life. Visit for our text-based lesson. This video includes information on: • How machine learning works • How machine learning i

From playlist Machine Learning

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(ML 13.2) Directed graphical models - introductory examples (part 2)

Introduction to (directed) graphical models. Simple examples to motivate the concept.

From playlist Machine Learning

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(ML 1.1) Machine learning - overview and applications

Attempt at a definition, and some applications of machine learning. A playlist of these Machine Learning videos is available here:

From playlist Machine Learning

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Deep Learning Lecture 1.6 - Intro End

Deep Learning Lecture - Intro Conclusion

From playlist Deep Learning Lecture

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11b Machine Learning: Computational Complexity

Short lecture on the concept of computational complexity.

From playlist Machine Learning

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What Is Machine Learning? | What Is Machine Learning And How Does It Work? | Simplilearn

This Machine Learning tutorial will help you understand what is Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning, how does Machine Learning work, types of Machine Learning, Machine Learning pre-requisites and applications of Machine Learning. Machine learning

From playlist 🔥Machine Learning | Machine Learning Tutorial For Beginners | Machine Learning Projects | Simplilearn | Updated Machine Learning Playlist 2023

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How To Rank YouTube Videos | How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast In 2020 | YouTube SEO Tips |Simplilearn

🔥 Enroll for FREE Social Media Course & Get your Completion Certificate: This SEO tutorial will help you learn a few important factors that help your videos to ra

From playlist Digital Marketing Playlist [2023 Updated]🔥 | Digital Marketing Course | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn

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The Future of Machine Learning and JavaScript

There are many exciting things happening with AI, from which, until recently, JavaScript developers were largely shut out. But things are changing, if you can do `npm install @tensorflow/tfjs` or make an API call, you can now do AI. In this fast-paced talk, I'll open your mind to what's po

From playlist JavaScript

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(IC 1.1) Information theory and Coding - Outline of topics

A playlist of these videos is available at: Overview of central topics in Information theory and Coding. Compression (source coding) theory: Source coding theorem, Kraft-McMillan inequality, Rate-distortion theorem Error-correctio

From playlist Information theory and Coding

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Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning

Learn about the differences between deep learning and machine learning in this MATLAB® Tech Talk. We walk through several examples and learn how to decide which method to use. Related Resources: - MATLAB for Deep Learning: - Learn more about Deep Learning: https://g

From playlist Introduction to Deep Learning

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How To Chunk Data With Python For Machine Learning | Session 01 | #python | #datascience

Don’t forget to subscribe! This project series will guide you on how to chunk data with python for machine learning. In this project, we'll cover how to work with Cat and Dog Images and feed them to a machine learning classifier in chunks also known as "batch sizes" in Keras. Using this

From playlist Chunk Data With Python For Machine Learning

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Introduction to Machine Learning with Time Series || Markus Loning

Time series are ubiquitous in real-world applications, but often add considerable complications to data science workflows. What’s more, most available machine learning toolboxes (e.g. scikit-learn) are limited to the tabular setting, and cannot easily be applied to time series data. In th

From playlist Machine Learning

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The Computer Chronicles - Business Applications (1987)

Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at:

From playlist Computer Chronicles Episodes on Software

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How To Chunk Data With Python For Machine Learning | Session 04 | #python | #datascience

Don’t forget to subscribe! This project series will guide you on how to chunk data with python for machine learning. In this project, we'll cover how to work with Cat and Dog Images and feed them to a machine learning classifier in chunks also known as "batch sizes" in Keras. Using this

From playlist Chunk Data With Python For Machine Learning

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Machine Learning: Zero to Hero

This is a talk for people who know code, but who don’t necessarily know machine learning. Learn the ‘new’ paradigm of machine learning, and how models are an alternative implementation for some logic scenarios, as opposed to writing if/then rules and other code. This session will guide you

From playlist Machine Learning

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07b Machine Learning: Clustering Limitations

Motivation for advanced clustering methods, beyond the typical k-means clustering method in inferential machine learning. Subsurface Machine Learning, is an undergraduate / graduate course that I teach once a year at The University of Texas at Austin. We build from fundamental spatial / s

From playlist Machine Learning

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Introduction To Machine Learning | Machine Learning Basics for Beginners | ML Basics | Simplilearn

Machine Learning is a trending topic nowadays. This Introduction to Machine Learning video will help you to understand what is Machine Learning, importance of Machine Learning, advantages and disadvantages of Machine Learning, what are the types of Machine Learning - supervised, unsupervis

From playlist 🔥Machine Learning | Machine Learning Tutorial For Beginners | Machine Learning Projects | Simplilearn | Updated Machine Learning Playlist 2023

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ML+X Seminar: Prof Pyrcz - Data Analytics and ML for Subsurface Engineering and Geoscience

The subsurface resource industry has a long history of working with large, complicated geoscience and engineering datasets. The subsurface industry been working with ‘big data’ for decades! There is a growing toolbox of legacy and new emerging data-driven methods available that may offer i

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