Grammar frameworks | Probabilistic models

Stochastic grammar

A stochastic grammar (statistical grammar) is a grammar framework with a probabilistic notion of grammaticality: * Stochastic context-free grammar * Statistical parsing * Data-oriented parsing * Hidden Markov model * Estimation theory The grammar is realized as a language model. Allowed sentences are stored in a database together with the frequency how common a sentence is. Statistical natural language processing uses stochastic, probabilistic and statistical methods, especially to resolve difficulties that arise because longer sentences are highly ambiguous when processed with realistic grammars, yielding thousands or millions of possible analyses. Methods for disambiguation often involve the use of corpora and Markov models. "A probabilistic model consists of a non-probabilistic model plus some numerical quantities; it is not true that probabilistic models are inherently simpler or less structural than non-probabilistic models." (Wikipedia).

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Basic stochastic simulation b: Stochastic simulation algorithm

(C) 2012-2013 David Liao ( CC-BY-SA Specify system Determine duration until next event Exponentially distributed waiting times Determine what kind of reaction next event will be For more information, please search the internet for "stochastic simulation algorithm" or "kin

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SYN103 - Grammar (Overview)

There is a great deal of confusion about the term 'grammar'. Most people associate with it a book written about a language. In fact, there are various manifestations of this traditional term: presecriptive, descriptive and reference grammar. In theoretical linguistics, grammars are theory

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (8 of 38) What is a Stochastic Matrix?

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Stochastic Normalizing Flows

Introduction to the paper

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Alliteration, Assonance, and Onomatopoeia | Style | Grammar

This video will teach you all about the different ways you can use the sound of words for effect. Alliteration is when you use a bunch of similar consonants in a row; assonance is when you use a bunch of similar vowel sounds in a row; onomatopoeia is basically sound effects. You'll see.

From playlist Grammar

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Unit 3 Debate: Tomer Ullman and Laura Schulz

MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015 View the complete course: Instructor: Tomer Ullman, Laura Schulz Speakers debate what makes a good theory of the world, the potential role of stochastic search in theory formation, goal-o

From playlist MIT RES.9-003 Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course, Summer 2015

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (9 of 38) What is a Regular Matrix?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a regular matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Voice-Grammar-Compute-Communicate: Take Control of Your Health Data

To learn more about Wolfram Technology Conference, please visit: Speaker: Mitch Stonehocker Wolfram developers and colleagues discussed the latest in innovative technologies for cloud computing, interactive deployment, mobile devices,

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Multi-Language Data Acquisition Conversational Agent

Last year, at WTC-2020, I gave a presentation titled "Multi-language Data Wrangling Conversational Agent". A natural extension of that work is making a Conversational Agent (CA) for Data Acquisition Workflows (DAWs). A closely related problem domain is the acquisition of Machine Learning (

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Jana Cslovjecsek: Efficient algorithms for multistage stochastic integer programming using proximity

We consider the problem of solving integer programs of the form min {c^T x : Ax = b; x geq 0}, where A is a multistage stochastic matrix. We give an algorithm that solves this problem in fixed-parameter time f(d; ||A||_infty) n log^O(2d) n, where f is a computable function, d is the treed

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Set Theory (Part 2): ZFC Axioms

Please feel free to leave comments/questions on the video and practice problems below! In this video, I introduce some common axioms in set theory using the Zermelo-Fraenkel w/ choice (ZFC) system. Five out of nine ZFC axioms are covered and the remaining four will be introduced in their

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Martin Boundaries of Random Walks on Relatively Hyperbolic Groups by Debanjan Nandi

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The mathematics of natural algorithms - Bernard Chazelle

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Symbolic Regression and Program Induction: Lars Buesing

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Universal Properties of Transition Path Times Statistics (Remote talk) by Enrico Carlon


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Prepositions in Italian: Preposizioni Articolate

What's a preposition? It's a word that describes a relationship between a noun and some other element in the sentence. In English, these are words like to, at, of, or in. How are they used in Italian? Furthermore, how do these combine with articles to become preposizioni articolate? Let's

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Progress in Computer Algebra-Based Biological Modeling Languages

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AQC 2016 - Coupled Quantum Fluctuations and Quantum Annealing

A Google TechTalk, June 29, 2016, presented by Layla Hormozi (MIT) ABSTRACT: We study the relative effectiveness of stoquastic and non-stoquastic Hamiltonians consisting of coupled quantum fluctuations compared to Hamiltonians with single spin flips in the performance of quantum annealing.

From playlist Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference 2016

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Joss Whedon, balls and stochastic processes - TT2013 Week 1

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Concrete nouns are nouns that can be heard, tasted, smelled, touched, or seen. Abstract nouns are nouns that can be believed, felt emotionally, understood, learned, or known. LIKE AND SHARE THE VIDEO IF IT HELPED! Support me on Patreon: Visit our website: http://

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