Markov models


In bioinformatics, GLIMMER (Gene Locator and Interpolated Markov ModelER) is used to find genes in prokaryotic DNA. "It is effective at finding genes in bacteria, archea, viruses, typically finding 98-99% of all relatively long protein coding genes". GLIMMER was the first system that used the interpolated Markov model to identify coding regions. The GLIMMER software is open source and is maintained by Steven Salzberg, Art Delcher, and their colleagues at the Center for Computational Biology at Johns Hopkins University. The original GLIMMER algorithms and software were designed by Art Delcher, Simon Kasif and Steven Salzberg and applied to bacterial genome annotation in collaboration with Owen White. (Wikipedia).

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Refraction (1 of 5) What is Refraction? An Explanation

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Spectrum of Hg Lamp / amazing science experiment

Identify the spectral lines of Hg lamp Enjoy the amazing colors! Music:

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Amazing Gyroscope Properties!

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RubyConf 2022: Building Native GUI Apps in Ruby by Andy Maleh

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Ruby Conference 2008 - Desktop Development with Glimmer

By: Andy Maleh Help us caption & translate this video!

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EmberConf 2016: The Future of Ember Templating by Godfrey Chan & Yehuda Katz

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Virtual EmberConf 2020: Octane Octopus: The Multi-Faceted Migration by Jordan Hawker

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Dinosaurjs 2018: Compilers: The New Frontier In Web Performance by Chad Hietala

Compilers: The New Frontier In Web Performance by Chad Hietala

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EmberConf 2022 - Element Modifiers: Under the Hood by Jai Bhagat

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Virtual EmberConf 2020: Octane: A Paradigm shift in EmberJS by Suchita Doshi

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Playing with Gyroids - Part 1

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EmberConf 2021 - Keynote Part 1 by Yehuda Katz

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