Decision trees | Models of computation | Computational complexity theory

Decision tree model

In computational complexity the decision tree model is the model of computation in which an algorithm is considered to be basically a decision tree, i.e., a sequence of queries or tests that are done adaptively, so the outcome of the previous tests can influence the test is performed next. Typically, these tests have a small number of outcomes (such as a yes–no question) and can be performed quickly (say, with unit computational cost), so the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm in the decision tree model corresponds to the depth of the corresponding decision tree. This notion of computational complexity of a problem or an algorithm in the decision tree model is called its decision tree complexity or query complexity. Decision trees models are instrumental in establishing lower bounds for complexity theory for certain classes of computational problems and algorithms. Several variants of decision tree models have been introduced, depending on the computational model and type of query algorithms are allowed to perform. For example, a decision tree argument is used to show that a comparison sort of items must take comparisons. For comparison sorts, a query is a comparison of two items , with two outcomes (assuming no items are equal): either or . Comparison sorts can be expressed as a decision tree in this model, since such sorting algorithms only perform these types of queries. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Decision Trees | Decision Trees for Machine Learning | Part 1

The decision tree algorithm belongs to the family of supervised learning algorithms. Just like other supervised learning algorithms, decision trees model relationships, and dependencies between the predictive outputs and the input features. As the name suggests, the decision tree algorit

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(ML 2.1) Classification trees (CART)

Basic intro to decision trees for classification using the CART approach. A playlist of these Machine Learning videos is available here:

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How Decision Trees Work

Decision trees are powerful and surprisingly straightforward. Here's how they are grown. Code: Slides: PERM

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Decision Tree Examples | Edureka

( Data Science Training - ) Watch Sample Class Recording: A decision tree is a tree-like structure in which internal node repres

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Introduction to Decision Tree | Edureka

( Data Science Training - ) Watch Sample Class Recording: A decision tree is a tree-like structure in which internal node represents tes

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Decision trees - A friendly introduction

A video about decision trees, and how to train them on a simple example. Accompanying blog post: Helper videos: - Gini index: - Entropy and informat

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Fundamental Machine Learning Algorithms - Decision Trees

The code is accessible at

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Decision Trees (1)

Decision tree basics

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Data Science - Part V - Decision Trees & Random Forests

For downloadable versions of these lectures, please go to the following link: This lecture provides an overview of decision tree machine learning algorithms and random forest ensemble techniq

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Python for Data Analysis: Decision Trees

This video covers the basics of decision trees and how to make decision trees for classification in Python. Subscribe: ► This is lesson 29 of a 30-part introduction to the Python programming language for data analysis and predictive m

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Introduction to R: Decision Trees

This lesson covers the basics of decision trees in R. This is lesson 29 of a 30-part introduction to the R programming language for data analysis and predictive modeling. Link to the code notebook below: Intro to R: Decision Trees

From playlist Introduction to R

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Python for Data Analysis: Random Forests

This video covers the basics of random forests and how to make random forest models for classification in Python. Subscribe: ► This is lesson 30 of a 30-part introduction to the Python programming language for data analysis and predic

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20 Data Analytics: Decision Tree

Lecture on decision tree-based machine learning with workflows in R and Python and linkages to bagging, boosting and random forest.

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Automating Annotation Process Using Rule-Based Algorithm

Install NLP Libraries Register for Healthcare NLP Summit 2023: Watch all NLP Summit 2022 sessions: Presented by Priya Shaji, Data Scientist at MEMORIAL SLOAN

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14 Machine Learning: Decision Tree

Lecture on machine learning prediction with decision trees. A simple, intuitive prerequisite for more powerful ensemble tree methods. Follow along with the demonstration in Python:

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Introduction to R: Random Forests

This lesson covers the basics of random forests in R. This is lesson 30 of a 30-part introduction to the R programming language for data analysis and predictive modeling. Link to the code notebook below: Intro to R: Random Forests

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Random Forests : Data Science Concepts

How do random forests work? Decision trees video: Decision tree pruning video: Overfitting video:

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Decision Tree 7: continuous, multi-class, regression

Full lecture: Decision trees are interpretable, they can handle real-valued attributes (by finding appropriate thresholds), and handle multi-class classification and regression with minimal changes.

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