Machine learning algorithms | Data mining

Multiple kernel learning

Multiple kernel learning refers to a set of machine learning methods that use a predefined set of kernels and learn an optimal linear or non-linear combination of kernels as part of the algorithm. Reasons to use multiple kernel learning include a) the ability to select for an optimal kernel and parameters from a larger set of kernels, reducing bias due to kernel selection while allowing for more automated machine learning methods, and b) combining data from different sources (e.g. sound and images from a video) that have different notions of similarity and thus require different kernels. Instead of creating a new kernel, multiple kernel algorithms can be used to combine kernels already established for each individual data source. Multiple kernel learning approaches have been used in many applications, such as event recognition in video, object recognition in images, and biomedical data fusion. (Wikipedia).

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Machine Learning

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Introduction to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Learn what multi-agent reinforcement learning is and some of the challenges it faces and overcomes. You will also learn what an agent is and how multi-agent systems can be both cooperative and adversarial. Be walked through a grid world example to highlight some of the benefits of both de

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Kernels Introduction - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.29

In this machine learning tutorial, we introduce the concept of Kernels. Kernels can be used with the Support Vector Machine in order to take a new perspective and hopefully allow us to translate into further dimensions in order to find a linearly separable case. https://pythonprogramming

From playlist Machine Learning with Python

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Why Kernels - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.30

Once we've determined that we can use Kernels, the next question is of course why would we bother using kernels when we can use some other function to transform our data into more dimensions. The point of using Kernels is to be able to perform a calculation (inner product in this case) in

From playlist Machine Learning with Python

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Transformer (Attention is all you need)

understanding Transformer with its key concepts (attention, multi head attention, positional encoding, residual connection label smoothing) with example. all machine learning youtube videos from me,

From playlist Machine Learning

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what is linear and non linear in machine learning, deep learning

what is linear and non linear in machine learning and deep learning? you will have clear understanding after watching this video. all machine learning youtube videos from me,

From playlist Machine Learning

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Types of Machine Learning 1

This lecture gives an overview of the main categories of machine learning, including supervised, un-supervised, and semi-supervised techniques, depending on the availability of expert labels. We also discuss the different methods to handle discrete versus continuous labels. Book websit

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Lesson 04_10 Multiple dispatch

When functions are created, a whole family actual exist, each called up for use based on the type of the values that are passed as ordered arguments.

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Convolution as spectral multiplication

This video lesson is part of a complete course on neuroscience time series analyses. The full course includes - over 47 hours of video instruction - lots and lots of MATLAB exercises and problem sets - access to a dedicated Q&A forum. You can find out more here: https://www.udemy.

From playlist NEW ANTS #3) Time-frequency analysis

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Depthwise Separable Convolution - A FASTER CONVOLUTION!

In this video, I talk about depthwise Separable Convolution - A faster method of convolution with less computation power & parameters. We mathematically prove how it is faster, and discuss applications where it is used in modern research. If you liked that video, hit that like button. If

From playlist Deep Learning Research Papers

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Lecture 23 | The Fourier Transforms and its Applications

Lecture by Professor Brad Osgood for the Electrical Engineering course, The Fourier Transforms and its Applications (EE 261). Professor Osgood lectures on linear systems, focusing on linear time and variance systems. The Fourier transform is a tool for solving physical problems. In thi

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Introduction to Neural Re-Ranking

In this lecture we look at the workflow (including training and evaluation) of neural re-ranking models and some basic neural re-ranking architectures. Slides & transcripts are available at: đź“– Check out Youtube's CC - we added our high qua

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Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition (Research Paper Explained)

#involution #computervision #attention Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have dominated computer vision for almost a decade by applying two fundamental principles: Spatial agnosticism and channel-specific computations. Involution aims to invert these principles and presents a spatial-s

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17b Machine Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks

Accessible lecture on convolutional neural networks. The Python demonstrations are here: - operators demo - - CNN demo - I hope this is helpful, Michael Pyrcz (@GeostatsGuy)

From playlist Machine Learning

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Is Memorization Compatible with Learning? by Sasha Rakhlin

Program Advances in Applied Probability II (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Vivek S Borkar (IIT Bombay, India), Sandeep Juneja (TIFR Mumbai, India), Kavita Ramanan (Brown University, Rhode Island), Devavrat Shah (MIT, US) and Piyush Srivastava (TIFR Mumbai, India) DATE: 04 January 2021 to 08 Januar

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23. Convolutional Neural Networks

Vanilla neural networks are powerful, but convolutional neural networks are truly revolutionary! Instead of constructing features by hand, a convolutional neural network can extract features on its own! It does this through convolutional layers and then reduces dimensions for faster comput

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What can and can't neural networks do: Joel Gibson

Machine Learning for the Working Mathematician: Week Two 3 March 2022 Joel Gibson, What can and can't neural networks do: Universal approximation theorem and convolutional neural networks Seminar series homepage (includes Zoom link):

From playlist Machine Learning for the Working Mathematician

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Convolution via frequency domain multiplication

Is time-domain convolution too slow? (Yes it is.) Learn how to do lightning-fast convolution in the frequency domain. This will also help you understand that wavelet convolution is really just filtering. The video uses files you can download from

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Mathematics for Machine Learning - Multivariate Calculus - Full Online Specialism

Welcome to the “Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus” course, offered by Imperial College London. This video is an online specialisation in Mathematics for Machine Learning (m4ml) hosted by Coursera. For more information on the course and to access the full experience

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