Artificial immune systems

Artificial immune system

In artificial intelligence, artificial immune systems (AIS) are a class of computationally intelligent, rule-based machine learning systems inspired by the principles and processes of the vertebrate immune system. The algorithms are typically modeled after the immune system's characteristics of learning and memory for use in problem-solving. (Wikipedia).

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How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE

To preorder IMMUNE click here: –– It’s available in English and German and at online retailers it should be available in pretty much all countries too. Sources & further reading: The human immune sys

From playlist Medicine & Biology

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Artificial Immune Systems - Computerphile

Borrowing from biology and implementing in binary, AIS closely follows immunology and uses it in many areas, including system security. Dr. Julie Greensmith of the University of Nottingham introduces the subject. Crashes, Cosmic Rays and Kernel Panic: Emoji &

From playlist Artificial Immune Systems

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How does your immune system work? - Emma Bryce

Explore how your immune system’s vast network of cells, tissues, and organs coordinate your body’s defenses against bacteria, viruses and toxins. -- The immune system is a vast network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate your body’s defenses against any threats to your health.

From playlist New TED-Ed Originals

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The Immune System | Health | Biology | FuseSchool

The main role of the immune system is to prevent disease caused by infection. Infections can be caused by a wide variety of pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, parasites (such as malaria) and viruses (such as influenza and the common cold). The immune system comprises of a network of

From playlist BIOLOGY: Health

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Introduction to Immunology

As we know from our understanding of microbiology, pathogens are everywhere. So why don't we get sick all the time? And what are allergies, why do some people have them and others don't? And what are vaccines, how do those work? All of these questions can be answered by learning about the

From playlist Immunology

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Innate Immunity and Acquired immunity | Adaptive Immunity | Immune System | Don't Memorise

Did you know that our bodies know to fight off certain infections right since birth? Yes! There are certain invaders which can be fought off without prior encounters. It is known as Innate immunity. Our Immune system also adapts itself according to the environmental changes. And this type

From playlist Biology

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The Immune System: Innate Defenses and Adaptive Defenses

There are so many critters out there, bacteria and viruses that want to wreak havoc in our bodies. How do we defend ourselves against such tiny threats? The immune system! This is quite possibly the most profoundly remarkable aspect of the human body. It almost defies comprehension, the re

From playlist Anatomy & Physiology

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The Complement System: Classical, Lectin, and Alternative Pathways

We are learning about the features of innate immunity, and one that is often overlooked is the complement system. This is a very complicated ensemble of proteins circulating in the bloodstream that activate each other in a specific sequence that results in immune system engagement to kill

From playlist Immunology

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The Danger Theory - Computerphile

Artificial Immune Systems are taking on board cutting edge immunology research and creating algorithms that exploit it. Dr Julie Greensmith explains The Danger Theory. EXTRA BITS - Danger Theory Practical Demo: AIS & Negative Selection:

From playlist Artificial Immune Systems

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ID#14 Immunity

Year 12 HSC Biology Module 7 Infectious Disease Immunity Touching on passive and active immunity as well as vaccination.

From playlist Y12 Bio Mod 7 Infectious Disease

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ID#18 Vaccination

Year 12 HSC Biology Module 7 Infectious Disease Vaccination

From playlist Y12 Bio Mod 7 Infectious Disease

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Immune System

Science Help at Brightstorm! The structure and function of the immune system.

From playlist Biology

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Immunsystem - Schule für T-Zellen

Das Neunauge ist ein Sonderfall unter den Wirbeltieren, denn es besitzt keine Thymusdrüse. Dort lernen die T-Zellen des Immunsystems normalerweise Krankheitserreger zu erkennen. Thomas Böhm möchte wissen, wie das Neunauge trotzdem mit Bakterien und Viren fertig wird. Mit diesem Wissen könn

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The Best Guide to the Lymphatic System

This explains functions and structure.

From playlist Top Science

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HOW IT WORKS: The Lymphatic System

This animation explains the basics of the lymph nodes located in the face, legs, neck of the human body.

From playlist HOW IT WORKS

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What Are Vaccinations? | Health | Biology | FuseSchool

Vaccinations protect both humans and animals from a wide range of preventable and potentially serious illnesses. With vaccines, we take advantage of one of the most important aspects of the immune system: the ability to develop immunological memory. This means that once a person or animal

From playlist BIOLOGY: Health

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Immunotherapy: Boosting the immune system to fight cancer

The concept of 'teaching' the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells is over a century old, but the development of immunotherapeutic strategies for cancer was slow for many decades. However, much has been learned about the immune system in the meantime, and with the recent app

From playlist Medical Sciences

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Your body vs. implants - Kaitlyn Sadtler

Why do medical implants like insulin pumps and prosthetic knees need replacement? Explore how the immune system fights implants and how new devices are trying to help. -- Insulin pumps improve the lives of millions of people with diabetes around the world by monitoring blood sugar, deli

From playlist New TED-Ed Originals

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