Statistical deviation and dispersion | Point estimation performance | Loss functions

Mean squared prediction error

In statistics the mean squared prediction error or mean squared error of the predictions of a smoothing or curve fitting procedure is the expected value of the squared difference between the fitted values implied by the predictive function and the values of the (unobservable) function g. It is an inverse measure of the explanatory power of and can be used in the process of cross-validation of an estimated model. If the smoothing or fitting procedure has projection matrix (i.e., hat matrix) L, which maps the observed values vector to predicted values vector via then The MSPE can be decomposed into two terms: the mean of squared biases of the fitted values and the mean of variances of the fitted values: Knowledge of g is required in order to calculate the MSPE exactly; otherwise, it can be estimated. (Wikipedia).

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Intro to standard error

Brief overview of the standard error. What it represents and how you would find it with a formula.

From playlist Basic Statistics (Descriptive Statistics)

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Statistics: Ch 7 Sample Variability (11 of 14) What is "The Standard Error of the Mean"?

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: What is “the standard error of the mean”? It is the standard deviation (of the sampling distribution) of the sample means. Previous


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Standard Error of the Estimate used in Regression Analysis (Mean Square Error)

An example of how to calculate the standard error of the estimate (Mean Square Error) used in simple linear regression analysis. This typically taught in statistics. Like us on: Link to Playlist on Regression Analysis

From playlist Linear Regression.

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Standard Error of the Mean: Let’s Talk About SEx (12-1)

The Standard error of the mean is the average variability between the sample mean and the population mean that is reasonable to expect simply by chance. It is to the Distribution of Sample Means what the standard deviation is to a single mean of a sample. As sample size increases, the stan

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Uncertainty propagation b: Sample estimates

(C) 2012-2013 David Liao ( CC-BY-SA Standard deviation vs. sample standard deviation Mean vs. sample mean Standard deviation of the mean vs. standard error of the mean Rule of thumb for thinking about whether error bars overlap

From playlist Probability, statistics, and stochastic processes

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How to calculate standard error for the sample mean

Standard error for the sample mean formula explained in simple steps.

From playlist Basic Statistics (Descriptive Statistics)

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Deep Learning Lecture 2.4 - Statistical Estimator Theory

Deep Learning Lecture - Estimator Theory 3: - Statistical Estimator Theory - Bias, Variance and Noise - Results for Linear Least Square Regression

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Linear Regression Made Easy! The Epic Full Story with all Details. Excel Statistical Analysis 50

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Basic Excel Business Analytics #47: SST = SSR + SSE & R Squared & Standard Error of Estimate

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Introduction to R: Linear Regression

This lesson covers the basics of linear regression in R. It includes a discussion of basic linear regression, polynomial regression and multiple linear regression as well as some assumptions and potential sources of problems when making linear regression models. This is lesson 27 of a 30-

From playlist Introduction to R

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2.2.3 An Introduction to Linear Regression - Video 2: One-variable Linear Regression

MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017 View the complete course: Instructor: Allison O'Hair Ashenfelter's linear regression model. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017

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Lecture 10/16 : Combining multiple neural networks to improve generalization

Neural Networks for Machine Learning by Geoffrey Hinton [Coursera 2013] 10A Why it helps to combine models 10B Mixtures of Experts 10C The idea of full Bayesian learning 10D Making full Bayesian learning practical 10E Dropout: an efficient way to combine neural nets

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Linear Regression - r and r-squared

I recently uploaded 200 videos that are much more concise with excellent graphics. Click the link in the upper right-hand corner of this video. It will take you to my youtube channel where videos are arranged in playlists. In this older video: Must see video that explains r and r-squared

From playlist Unit 3: Linear and Non-Linear Regression

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Ensembles (3): Gradient Boosting

Gradient boosting ensemble technique for regression

From playlist cs273a

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This video is brought to you by the Quantitative Analysis Institute at Wellesley College. The material is best viewed as part of the online resources that organize the content and include questions for checking understanding:

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