Lie groups | Linear algebraic groups

Reductive group

In mathematics, a reductive group is a type of linear algebraic group over a field. One definition is that a connected linear algebraic group G over a perfect field is reductive if it has a representation with finite kernel which is a direct sum of irreducible representations. Reductive groups include some of the most important groups in mathematics, such as the general linear group GL(n) of invertible matrices, the special orthogonal group SO(n), and the symplectic group Sp(2n). Simple algebraic groups and (more generally) semisimple algebraic groups are reductive. Claude Chevalley showed that the classification of reductive groups is the same over any algebraically closed field. In particular, the simple algebraic groups are classified by Dynkin diagrams, as in the theory of compact Lie groups or complex semisimple Lie algebras. Reductive groups over an arbitrary field are harder to classify, but for many fields such as the real numbers R or a number field, the classification is well understood. The classification of finite simple groups says that most finite simple groups arise as the group G(k) of k-rational points of a simple algebraic group G over a finite field k, or as minor variants of that construction. Reductive groups have a rich representation theory in various contexts. First, one can study the representations of a reductive group G over a field k as an algebraic group, which are actions of G on k-vector spaces. But also, one can study the complex representations of the group G(k) when k is a finite field, or the infinite-dimensional unitary representations of a real reductive group, or the automorphic representations of an adelic algebraic group. The structure theory of reductive groups is used in all these areas. (Wikipedia).

Reductive group
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Definition of a group Lesson 24

In this video we take our first look at the definition of a group. It is basically a set of elements and the operation defined on them. If this set of elements and the operation defined on them obey the properties of closure and associativity, and if one of the elements is the identity el

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Quotient group example

Now that we know what a quotient group is, let's take a look at an example to cement our understanding of the concepts involved.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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What is a Group? | Abstract Algebra

Welcome to group theory! In today's lesson we'll be going over the definition of a group. We'll see the four group axioms in action with some examples, and some non-examples as well which violate the axioms and are thus not groups. In a fundamental way, groups are structures built from s

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group theory 31: Free groups

This lecture is part of an online math course on group theory. We review free abelian groups, then construct free (non-abelian) groups, and show that they are given by the set of reduced words, and as a bonus find that they are residually finite.

From playlist Group theory

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Group Theory for Physicists (Definitions with Examples)

In this video, we cover the most basic points that a physicist should know about group theory. Along the way, we'll give you lots of examples that illustrate each step. 00:00 Introduction 00:11 Definition of a Group 00:59 (1) Closure 01:34 (2) Associativity 02:02 (3) Identity Element 03:

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.5: Quotient groups

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.5: Quotient groups Like how a direct product can be thought of as a way to "multiply" two groups, a quotient is a way to "divide" a group by one of its subgroups. We start by defining this in terms of collapsing Cayley diagrams, until we get a conjecture abo

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Group Theory II Symmetry Groups

Why are groups so popular? Well, in part it is because of their ability to characterise symmetries. This makes them a powerful tool in physics, where symmetry underlies our whole understanding of the fundamental forces. In this introduction to group theory, I explain the symmetry group of

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Definition of a Group and Examples of Groups

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Definition of a Group and Examples of Groups

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.6: The formal definition of a group

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 1.6: The formal definition of a group At last, after five lectures of building up our intuition of groups and numerous examples, we are ready to present the formal definition of a group. We conclude by proving several basic properties that are not built into t

From playlist Visual Group Theory

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Pseudo-reductive groups by Brian Conrad

PROGRAM ZARISKI-DENSE SUBGROUPS AND NUMBER-THEORETIC TECHNIQUES IN LIE GROUPS AND GEOMETRY (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Gopal Prasad, Andrei Rapinchuk, B. Sury and Aleksy Tralle DATE: 30 July 2020 VENUE: Online Unfortunately, the program was cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation but it will

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Tamagawa Numbers of Linear Algebraic Groups over (...) - Rosengarten - Workshop 2 - CEB T2 2019

Zev Rosengarten (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) / 26.06.2019 Tamagawa Numbers of Linear Algebraic Groups over Function Fields In 1981, Sansuc obtained a formula for Tamagawa numbers of reductive groups over number fields, modulo some then unknown results on the arithmetic of simply con

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Talk by Emile Takahiro Okada (University of Oxford, UK)

The Wavefront Set of Spherical Arthur Representations

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Kęstutis Česnavičius - Grothendieck–Serre in the quasi-split unramified case

Correction: The affiliation of Lei Fu is Tsinghua University. The Grothendieck–Serre conjecture predicts that every generically trivial torsor under a reductive group scheme G over a regular local ring R is trivial. We settle it in the case when G is quasi-split and R is unramified. To ov

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Carbonyl Reductions - Mozingo, Wolff-Kischner & Clemmensen (IOC 37)

In this episode, I go through the reduction of carbonyls to CH2s using the Mozingo, Wolff-Kishner & Clemmensen reduction. I also go through the Corey-Seebach reaction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From playlist Organic Chemistry Lectures

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Hydroxyl-directed 1,3 Reductions of Ketones - Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanism

Three named reactions in organic chemistry that are highly diastereoselective reductions of beta-hydroxyketones. This video discussed the synthetic chemistry aspects and the appropriate transition states for these kinetically controlled reactions. #chemistry #organicchemistry #orgo #ochem

From playlist Organic Chemistry Mechanisms

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Elliptic Curves - Lecture 18a - Elliptic curves over local fields (the fundamental exact sequence)

This video is part of a graduate course on elliptic curves that I taught at UConn in Spring 2021. The course is an introduction to the theory of elliptic curves. More information about the course can be found at the course website:

From playlist An Introduction to the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

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Synthesis Workshop: Deuterium + Tritium Labeling with Sara Kopf and Florian Bourriquen (Episode 94)

In this Research Spotlight episode, Sara Kopf and Florian Bourriquen (Beller group) join us to take us through some recent developments in the field of deuterium and tritium labeling of organic molecules. Key paper: Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 6634-6718.

From playlist Research Spotlights

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Fabrizio Andreatta - A p-adic criterion for good reduction of curves

Séminaire Paris Pékin Tokyo / Mardi 14 octobre 2014 abstract : Given a curve over a dvr of mixed characteristic 0-p with smooth generic fiber and with semistable reduction, I will present a criterion for good reduction in terms of the (unipotent) p-adic étale fundamental group of its gene

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Symmetric Groups (Abstract Algebra)

Symmetric groups are some of the most essential types of finite groups. A symmetric group is the group of permutations on a set. The group of permutations on a set of n-elements is denoted S_n. Symmetric groups capture the history of abstract algebra, provide a wide range of examples in

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Elliptic Curves - Lecture 19a - Elliptic curves over local fields (more on torsion points)

This video is part of a graduate course on elliptic curves that I taught at UConn in Spring 2021. The course is an introduction to the theory of elliptic curves. More information about the course can be found at the course website:

From playlist An Introduction to the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

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