Unitary representation theory

Unitary representation

In mathematics, a unitary representation of a group G is a linear representation π of G on a complex Hilbert space V such that π(g) is a unitary operator for every g ∈ G. The general theory is well-developed in case G is a locally compact (Hausdorff) topological group and the representations are strongly continuous. The theory has been widely applied in quantum mechanics since the 1920s, particularly influenced by Hermann Weyl's 1928 book Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik. One of the pioneers in constructing a general theory of unitary representations, for any group G rather than just for particular groups useful in applications, was George Mackey. (Wikipedia).

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RT2: Unitary Representations

Representation Theory: We explain unitarity and invariant inner products for representations of finite groups. Full reducibility of such representations is derived. Course materials, including problem sets and solutions, available at http://mathdoctorbob.org/UR-RepTheory.html

From playlist Representation Theory

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Representation theory: Introduction

This lecture is an introduction to representation theory of finite groups. We define linear and permutation representations, and give some examples for the icosahedral group. We then discuss the problem of writing a representation as a sum of smaller ones, which leads to the concept of irr

From playlist Representation theory

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Representations of Finite Groups | Definitions and simple examples.

We define the notion of a representation of a group on a finite dimensional complex vector space. We also explore one and two dimensional representations of the cyclic group Zn. Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/michaelpennmath?sub_confirmation=1 Personal Website: http://www.mich

From playlist Representations of Finite Groups

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RT1: Representation Theory Basics

Representation Theory: We present basic concepts about the representation theory of finite groups. Representations are defined, as are notions of invariant subspace, irreducibility and full reducibility. For a general finite group G, we suggest an analogue to the finite abelian case, whe

From playlist *** The Good Stuff ***

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RT4.1. Constructions from Linear Algebra (Expanded)

Representation Theory: We apply techniques from linear algebra to construct new representations from old ones. Constructions include direct sums, dual spaces, tensor products, and Hom spaces. Course materials, including problem sets and solutions, available at http://mathdoctorbob.org/U

From playlist Representation Theory

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RT6. Representations on Function Spaces

Representation Theory: We note how to transfer a group action of a group G on a set X to a group action on F(X), the functions on X. Because F(X) is a vector space, we obtain a representation of the group, and we can apply previous techniques. In particular, the group acts on itself in

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Representation theory: Induced representations

We define induced representations of finite groups in two ways as either left or right adjoints of the restriction functor. We calculate the character of an induced representation, and give an example of an induced representation of S3.

From playlist Representation theory

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Representations of Finite Groups | A few more common examples.

We present a few more common examples of representations of finite groups. These include cyclic groups, dihedral groups, the quaternions, and the symmetric group. Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/michaelpennmath?sub_confirmation=1 Personal Website: http://www.michael-penn.net R

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[BOURBAKI 2018] 13/01/2018 - 2/4 - Raphaël BEUZART-PLESSIS

Progrès récents sur les conjectures de Gan-Gross-Prasad [d'après Jacquet-Rallis, Waldspurger, W. Zhang, etc.] Les conjectures de Gan-Gross-Prasad ont deux aspects: localement elles décrivent de façon explicite certaines lois de branchements entre représentations de groupes de Lie réels ou

From playlist BOURBAKI - 2018

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Lucas Mason-Brown - Arthur's Conjectures and the Orbit Method for Real Reductive Groups

The most fundamental unsolved problem in the representation theory of Lie groups is the Problem of the Unitary Dual: given a reductive Lie group G, this problem asks for a parameterization of the set of irreducible unitary G-representations. There are two big "philosophies" for approaching

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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Lara Ismert: "Heisenberg Pairs on Hilbert C*-modules"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 "Heisenberg Pairs on Hilbert C*-modules" Lara Ismert - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Mathematics Abstract: Roughly speaking, a Heisenberg pair on a Hilbert space is a pair of self-adjoint operators (A,B) which satisfy the Heisenber

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Marko Tadic - Unitarizability in generalised rank three case for classical p-adic groups

J. Arthur has classified irreducible tempered representations of classical p-adic groups. C. Moeglin has singled out parameters of cuspidal representations among them. Further, she gave a simple formula forcuspidal reducibilities (in the generalised rank one). In our talk, we sh

From playlist Reductive groups and automorphic forms. Dedicated to the French school of automorphic forms and in memory of Roger Godement.

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RT8.1. Schur Orthogonality Relations

Representation Theory of Finite Groups: As a first step to Fourier analysis on finite groups, we state and prove the Schur Orthogonality Relations. With these relations, we may form an orthonormal basis of matrix coefficients for L^(G), the set of functions on G. We also define charac

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The local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for real unitary groups - Hang Xue

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Topic: The local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for real unitary groups Speaker: Hang Xue Affiliation: The University of Arizona Date: March 25, 2021 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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RT8.2. Finite Groups: Classification of Irreducibles

Representation Theory: Using the Schur orthogonality relations, we obtain an orthonormal basis of L^2(G) using matrix coefficients of irreducible representations. This shows the sum of squares of dimensions of irreducibles equals |G|. We also obtain an orthonormal basis of Class(G) usin

From playlist Representation Theory

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Cohomological Automorphic Representations on Unitary Groups - Rahul Dalal

Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar Topic: Applications of the Endoscopic Classification to Statistics of Cohomological Automorphic Representations on Unitary Groups Speaker: Rahul Dalal Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University Date: November 03, 2022 Consider the family of automorphic repre

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A Mathematical Introduction to 3d N = 4 Gauge Theories (Lecture 1) by Mathew Bullimore

PROGRAM : QUANTUM FIELDS, GEOMETRY AND REPRESENTATION THEORY 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS : Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pan

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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Alexey Bufetov: Representations of classical Lie groups: two growth regimes

Asymptotic representation theory deals with representations of groups of growing size. For classical Lie groups there are two distinguished regimes of growth. One of them is related to representations of infinite-dimensional groups, and the other appears in combinatorial and probabilistic

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Unitary Transformations

This video discusses unitary matrix transformations and how they relate to the geometry of the singular value decomposition (SVD). These lectures follow Chapter 1 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" by Brunton and Kutz Amazon: h

From playlist Data-Driven Science and Engineering

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