Lie groups | Linear algebraic groups

Algebraic torus

In mathematics, an algebraic torus, where a one dimensional torus is typically denoted by , , or , is a type of commutative affine algebraic group commonly found in projective algebraic geometry and toric geometry. Higher dimensional algebraic tori can be modelled as a product of algebraic groups . These groups were named by analogy with the theory of tori in Lie group theory (see Cartan subgroup). For example, over the complex numbers the algebraic torus is isomorphic to the group scheme , which is the scheme theoretic analogue of the Lie group . In fact, any -action on a complex vector space can be pulled back to a -action from the inclusion as real manifolds. Tori are of fundamental importance in the theory of algebraic groups and Lie groups and in the study of the geometric objects associated to them such as symmetric spaces and buildings. (Wikipedia).

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Two-dimensional objects--the torus and genus | Algebraic Topology 5 | NJ Wildberger

This is the 5th lecture of this beginners course in Algebraic Topology. We introduce some other surfaces: the cylinder, the torus or doughnut, and the n-holed torus. We define the genus of a surface in terms of maximal number of disjoint curves that do not disconnect it. We discuss how the

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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Gluing a Torus

Gluing is a good method to construct new topological spaces from known ones. Here a rectangles is glued along the edges to form a torus. Often the fundamental group of the glued object can be calculated from the pieces (here a rectangles) and the glue (here two intersecting circles). Th

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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AlgTop5: Two-dimensional objects- the torus and genus

We introduce some surfaces: the cylinder, the torus or doughnut, and the n-holed torus. We define the genus of a surface in terms of maximal number of disjoint curves that do not disconnect it. We discuss how the plane covers the cylinder and the torus, and the associated group of translat

From playlist Algebraic Topology: a beginner's course - N J Wildberger

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Algebraic Expressions (Basics)

This video is about Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Algebraic Expressions and Properties

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What is... an elliptic curve?

In this talk, we will define elliptic curves and, more importantly, we will try to motivate why they are central to modern number theory. Elliptic curves are ubiquitous not only in number theory, but also in algebraic geometry, complex analysis, cryptography, physics, and beyond. They were

From playlist An Introduction to the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves

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Torus Magic

Buy at Torus Magic is a transformable torus. This torus object is constructed with many rings,and transforms flat,spherical etc. Also you can turn inside out the torus. Copyright (c) 2014,AkiraNishihara

From playlist 3D printed toys

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BAG1.2. Toric Varieties 2 - Affine Toric Varieties

Basic Algebraic Geometry: We define affine toric varieties. There are four ways to characterize ATVs and we note three here: as the Zariski closure of a torus in C^s; as the space for a torus group action; and as the variety of a toric ideal.

From playlist Basic Algebraic Geometry

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Coffee Cup Donut

To a topologist, a coffee cup and a donut are the same thing.

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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Applied topology 3: A punctured torus is homotopy equivalent to a figure eight

Applied topology 3: A punctured torus is homotopy equivalent to a figure eight Abstract: We give an impromptu explanation of why a punctured torus (i.e., a torus with a single point removed) is homotopy equivalent to a figure eight (i.e., two circles glued together at a single point). In

From playlist Applied Topology - Henry Adams - 2021

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Nonlinear algebra, Lecture 7: "Toric Varieties", by Mateusz Michalek

This is the seventh lecture in the IMPRS Ringvorlesung, the advanced graduate course at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.

From playlist IMPRS Ringvorlesung - Introduction to Nonlinear Algebra

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Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras – Paul Hacking & Sean Keel – ICM2018

Algebraic and Complex Geometry Invited Lecture 4.15 Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras Paul Hacking & Sean Keel Abstract: We explain our proof, joint with Mark Gross and Maxim Kontsevich, of conjectures of Fomin–Zelevinsky and Fock–Goncharov on canonical bases of cluster algebras. We i

From playlist Algebraic & Complex Geometry

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Parahoric Subgroups and Supercuspidal Representations of p-Adic groups - Dick Gross

Dick Gross Harvard University December 9, 2010 This is a report on some joint work with Mark Reeder and Jiu-Kang Yu. I will review the theory of parahoric subgroups and consider the induced representation of a one-dimensional character of the pro-unipotent radical. A surprising fact is th

From playlist Mathematics

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Dimers and Beauville Integrable systems by Terrence George

PROGRAM: COMBINATORIAL ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: TROPICAL AND REAL (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Arvind Ayyer (IISc, India), Madhusudan Manjunath (IITB, India) and Pranav Pandit (ICTS-TIFR, India) DATE: 27 June 2022 to 08 July 2022 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall and Online Algebraic geometry is the study

From playlist Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Tropical and Real (HYBRID)

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A Continuous Transformation of a Double Cover of the Complex Plane into a Torus

To learn more about Wolfram Technology Conference, please visit: Speaker: Dominic Milioto Wolfram developers and colleagues discussed the latest in innovative technologies for cloud computing, interactive deployment, mobile devices, a

From playlist Wolfram Technology Conference 2017

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Nonlinear algebra, Lecture 9: "Representation Theory", by Mateusz Michalek

This is the ninth lecture in the IMPRS Ringvorlesung, the advanced graduate course at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.

From playlist IMPRS Ringvorlesung - Introduction to Nonlinear Algebra

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algebraic geometry 22 Toric varieties

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It describes toric varieties as examples of abstract varieties. For more about these see the book "Introduction to toric varieties" by Fulton.

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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Dimers and Integrability - Richard Kenyon

Richard Kenyon Brown University March 29, 2013 This is joint work with A. B. Goncharov. To any convex integer polygon we associate a Poisson variety, which is essentially the moduli space of connections on line bundles on (certain) bipartite graphs on a torus. There is an underlying integr

From playlist Mathematics

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Entropy, Algebraic Integers and Moduli of Surfaces - Curtis McMullen

Curtis McMullen Harvard University December 7, 2010 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Topology of toric origami manifolds - Ana Pires

Ana Pires Member, School of Mathematics September 29, 2014 More videos on

From playlist Mathematics

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Homotopy animation

An interesting homotopy (in fact, an ambient isotopy) of two surfaces.

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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