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Schubert variety

In algebraic geometry, a Schubert variety is a certain subvariety of a Grassmannian, usually with singular points. Like a Grassmannian, it is a kind of moduli space, whose points correspond to certain kinds of subspaces V, specified using linear algebra, inside a fixed vector subspace W. Here W may be a vector space over an arbitrary field, though most commonly over the complex numbers. A typical example is the set X whose points correspond to those 2-dimensional subspaces V of a 4-dimensional vector space W, such that V non-trivially intersects a fixed (reference) 2-dimensional subspace W2: Over the real number field, this can be pictured in usual xyz-space as follows. Replacing subspaces with their corresponding projective spaces, and intersecting with an affine coordinate patch of , we obtain an open subset X° ⊂ X. This is isomorphic to the set of all lines L (not necessarily through the origin) which meet the x-axis. Each such line L corresponds to a point of X°, and continuously moving L in space (while keeping contact with the x-axis) corresponds to a curve in X°. Since there are three degrees of freedom in moving L (moving the point on the x-axis, rotating, and tilting), X is a three-dimensional real algebraic variety. However, when L is equal to the x-axis, it can be rotated or tilted around any point on the axis, and this excess of possible motions makes L a singular point of X. More generally, a Schubert variety is defined by specifying the minimal dimension of intersection between a k-dimensional V with each of the spaces in a fixed reference flag , where . (In the example above, this would mean requiring certain intersections of the line L with the x-axis and the xy-plane.) In even greater generality, given a semisimple algebraic group G with a Borel subgroup B and a standard parabolic subgroup P, it is known that the homogeneous space X = G/P, which is an example of a flag variety, consists of finitely many B-orbits that may be parametrized by certain elements of the Weyl group W. The closure of the B-orbit associated to an element w of the Weyl group is denoted by Xw and is called a Schubert variety in G/P. The classical case corresponds to G = SLn and P being the kth maximal parabolic subgroup of G. (Wikipedia).

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Credits: - 🖼️ Thumbnail: Picture designed and edited by Just Instrumental Music® team. - 📽️ Visuals: Video edited by Just Instrumental Music® team. - 🔊 Audio: Music edited by Just Instrumental Music® team. - 📷 Equipment: iPad Mini 2, MacBook Air - 🖥️ Post-production software: Sony Vegas

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Rigidity and Flexibility of Schubert classes - Colleen Robles

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