Checksum algorithms | Broken hash functions


The MD5 message-digest algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 128-bit hash value. MD5 was designed by Ronald Rivest in 1991 to replace an earlier hash function MD4, and was specified in 1992 as RFC 1321. MD5 can be used as a checksum to verify data integrity against unintentional corruption. Historically it was widely used as a cryptographic hash function; however it has been found to suffer from extensive vulnerabilities. It remains suitable for other non-cryptographic purposes, for example for determining the partition for a particular key in a partitioned database, and may be preferred due to lower computational requirements than more recent Secure Hash Algorithms. (Wikipedia).

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Math 060 Linear Algebra 17 101714: Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations ct'd.

Matrix representations of linear transformations between vector spaces; example: differentiation of polynomials

From playlist Course 4: Linear Algebra

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工程师谈强化学习 Part 5 | 克服强化学习中的实际问题

查看本系列视频中的其他几个视频: Part 2 - 了解环境与奖励: Part 3 - 策略和学习算法: Part 4 - 行走机器人示例: Part 5 -克服强化学习中的实际问题: 在这段视频中,我将解决一些不太容易注意到的进入生产部署环节的强化学习问题,并尝试提供一些方法来缓和这些问题。即使没有直接的方法来解决你将面临的一些挑战,至少

From playlist 强化学习

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Math 060 Linear Algebra 18 102214: Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations (part 3)

Matrix representations of linear transformations between Euclidean spaces, using non-standard bases.

From playlist Course 4: Linear Algebra

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4C Properties of the Transpose

The properties of the transpose of a matrix.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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7E The Elementary Matrix

The elementary matrix.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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4B Transpose of a Matrix-YouTube

The transpose of a matrix.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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MD5 Algorithm | What Is MD5 Algorithm? | MD5 Algorithm Explained | Network Security | Simplilearn

🔥Advanced Executive Program In Cybersecurity: 🔥Caltech Cybersecurity Bootcamp(US Only):

From playlist Cyber Security Playlist [2023 Updated]🔥

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NOTACON 2: Recent Attacks Against Hash Functions

Speaker: Matthew Fanto In recent months, a large amount of research into the security of cryptographic hash functions has revealed serious flaws in every widely used hash function, including MD4, MD5, RIPEMD, HAVAL, SHA-0, and SHA-1. These flaws have far reaching consequences, as hash fun

From playlist Notacon 2

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C Programming: Cracking hashed passwords using brute-force

In this session we'll learn how to write a program that cracks an MD5 hash using a brute-force technique. We'll also learn how to debug the program and manage the memory it uses with the valgrind tool.

From playlist C Programming, Fall 2022

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工程师谈强化学习 Part 3 | 策略和学习算法

查看本系列视频中的其他几个视频: Part 2 - 了解环境与奖励: Part 3 - 策略和学习算法: Part 4 - 行走机器人示例: Part 5 -克服强化学习中的实际问题: 在本视频中,我们将介绍基于智能体的算法函数。我们将探讨为什么要用神经网络来表示函数,为什么要建立两个神经网络,以及它们在强大的称为“执行器一评价器”的系列方

From playlist 强化学习

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CERIAS Security: Recent Attacks on MD5 2/6

Clip 2/6 Speaker: John Black · University of Colorado at Boulder Cryptology is typically defined as cryptography (the construction of cryptographic algorithms) and cryptanalysis (attacks on these algorithms). Both are important, but the latter is more fun. Cryptographic hash functions

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2006

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Black Hat USA 2010: Cryptographic Agility: Defending Against the Sneakers Scenario 2/5

Speaker: Bryan Sullivan In the movie Sneakers, a brilliant young mathematician invents a device that defeats a public-key encryption algorithm. An interesting fiction, but what if this happened in real life? All of your applications using that algorithm would need to be changed as quickly

From playlist BH USA 2010 - WHERE DATA LIVES

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Black Hat USA 2010: Cryptographic Agility: Defending Against the Sneakers Scenario 3/5

Speaker: Bryan Sullivan In the movie Sneakers, a brilliant young mathematician invents a device that defeats a public-key encryption algorithm. An interesting fiction, but what if this happened in real life? All of your applications using that algorithm would need to be changed as quickly

From playlist BH USA 2010 - WHERE DATA LIVES

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7C Inverse of a Matrix Example 4-YouTube

Example of matrix inversion.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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CERIAS Security: Recent Attacks on MD5 3/6

Clip 3/6 Speaker: John Black · University of Colorado at Boulder Cryptology is typically defined as cryptography (the construction of cryptographic algorithms) and cryptanalysis (attacks on these algorithms). Both are important, but the latter is more fun. Cryptographic hash functions

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2006

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Brucon 2009: All Your Packets Are Belong to Us - Attacking Backbone Technologies 2/7

Clip 2/7 Speakers: Daniel Mende and Roger Klose Abstract: The year 2008 has seen some severe attacks on infrastructure protocols (SNMP, DNS, BGP). We will continue down that road and discuss potential and real vulnerabilities in backbone technologies used in today's carrier space (e.g.

From playlist Brucon 2009

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CERIAS Security: Recent Attacks on MD5 5/6

Clip 5/6 Speaker: John Black · University of Colorado at Boulder Cryptology is typically defined as cryptography (the construction of cryptographic algorithms) and cryptanalysis (attacks on these algorithms). Both are important, but the latter is more fun. Cryptographic hash functions

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2006

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工程师谈强化学习 Part 2 | 了解环境与奖励

查看本系列视频中的其他几个视频: Part 2 - 了解环境与奖励: Part 3 - 策略和学习算法: Part 4 - 行走机器人示例: Part 5 -克服强化学习中的实际问题: 在这个视频中,我们将通过探索强化学习的工作流来进一步了解强化学习的基本知识。我们将探讨什么是环境,以及通过模拟仿真环境来实现训练的一些优势。我们也将探讨我们

From playlist 强化学习

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