Category: Surfaces

Riemannian connection on a surface
In mathematics, the Riemannian connection on a surface or Riemannian 2-manifold refers to several intrinsic geometric structures discovered by Tullio Levi-Civita, Élie Cartan and Hermann Weyl in the e
In differential geometry, a nodoid is a surface of revolution with constant nonzero mean curvature obtained by rolling a hyperbola along a fixed line, tracing the focus, and revolving the resulting no
In geometry a conoid (from Greek κωνος 'cone', and -ειδης 'similar') is a ruled surface, whose rulings (lines) fulfill the additional conditions: (1) All rulings are parallel to a plane, the directrix
Surface gradient
In vector calculus, the surface gradient is a vector differential operator that is similar to the conventional gradient. The distinction is that the surface gradient takes effect along a surface. For
Plücker's conoid
In geometry, Plücker's conoid is a ruled surface named after the German mathematician Julius Plücker. It is also called a conical wedge or cylindroid; however, the latter name is ambiguous, as "cylind
Bagpipe theorem
In mathematics, the bagpipe theorem of Peter Nyikos describes the structure of the connected (but possibly non-paracompact) ω-bounded surfaces by showing that they are "bagpipes": the connected sum of
Third fundamental form
In differential geometry, the third fundamental form is a surface metric denoted by . Unlike the second fundamental form, it is independent of the surface normal.
An ellipsoid is a surface that may be obtained from a sphere by deforming it by means of directional scalings, or more generally, of an affine transformation. An ellipsoid is a quadric surface;  that
Polyhedral terrain
In computational geometry, a polyhedral terrain in three-dimensional Euclidean space is a polyhedral surface that intersects every line parallel to some particular line in a connected set (i.e., a poi
Translation surface (differential geometry)
In differential geometry a translation surface is a surface that is generated by translations: * For two space curves with a common point , the curve is shifted such that point is moving on . By this
The helicoid, also known as helical surface, after the plane and the catenoid, is the third minimal surface to be known.
Liouville surface
In the mathematical field of differential geometry a Liouville surface is a type of surface which in local coordinates may be written as a graph in R3 such that the first fundamental form is of the fo
Wallis's conical edge
In geometry, Wallis's conical edge is a ruled surface given by the parametric equations where a, b and c are constants. Wallis's conical edge is also a kind of right conoid. It is named after the Engl
Normal (geometry)
In geometry, a normal is an object such as a line, ray, or vector that is perpendicular to a given object. For example, the normal line to a plane curve at a given point is the (infinite) line perpend
Mean curvature
In mathematics, the mean curvature of a surface is an extrinsic measure of curvature that comes from differential geometry and that locally describes the curvature of an embedded surface in some ambie
An isosurface is a three-dimensional analog of an isoline. It is a surface that represents points of a constant value (e.g. pressure, temperature, velocity, density) within a volume of space; in other
A surface, as the term is most generally used, is the outermost or uppermost layer of a physical object or space. It is the portion or region of the object that can first be perceived by an observer u
Loch Ness monster surface
In mathematics, the Loch Ness monster is a surface with infinite genus but only one end. It appeared named this way already in a 1981 article by . The surface can be constructed by starting with a pla
Class A surface
In automotive design, a class A surface is any of a set of freeform surfaces of high efficiency and quality. Although, strictly, it is nothing more than saying the surfaces have curvature and tangency
Implicit surface
In mathematics, an implicit surface is a surface in Euclidean space defined by an equation An implicit surface is the set of zeros of a function of three variables. Implicit means that the equation is
A sphere (from Ancient Greek σφαῖρα (sphaîra) 'globe, ball') is a geometrical object that is a three-dimensional analogue to a two-dimensional circle. A sphere is the set of points that are all at the
Space-filling model
In chemistry, a space-filling model, also known as a calotte model, is a type of three-dimensional (3D) molecular model where the atoms are represented by spheres whose radii are proportional to the r
Theorema Egregium
Gauss's Theorema Egregium (Latin for "Remarkable Theorem") is a major result of differential geometry, proved by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1827, that concerns the curvature of surfaces. The theorem says
Conical surface
In geometry, a (general) conical surface is the unbounded surface formed by the union of all the straight lines that pass through a fixed point — the apex or vertex — and any point of some fixed space
In geometry, a superegg is a solid of revolution obtained by rotating an elongated superellipse with exponent greater than 2 around its longest axis. It is a special case of superellipsoid. Unlike an
Asymptotic curve
In the differential geometry of surfaces, an asymptotic curve is a curve always tangent to an asymptotic direction of the surface (where they exist). It is sometimes called an asymptotic line, althoug
Pinched torus
In mathematics, and especially topology and differential geometry, a pinched torus (or croissant surface) is a kind of two-dimensional surface. It gets its name from its resemblance to a torus that ha
Liquid-impregnated surface
A slippery liquid-infused porous surface (SLIPS), liquid-impregnated surface (LIS), or multi-phase surface consists of two distinct layers. The first is a highly textured or porous substrate with feat
Genus g surface
In mathematics, a genus g surface (also known as a g-torus or g-holed torus) is a surface formed by the connected sum of g many tori: the interior of a disk is removed from each of g many tori and the
Willmore conjecture
In differential geometry, the Willmore conjecture is a lower bound on the Willmore energy of a torus. It is named after the English mathematician Tom Willmore, who conjectured it in 1965. A proof by F
Parabolic line
In differential geometry, a smooth surface in three dimensions has a parabolic point when the Gaussian curvature is zero. Typically such points lie on a curve called the parabolic linewhich separates
Surface of revolution
A surface of revolution is a surface in Euclidean space created by rotating a curve (the generatrix) around an axis of rotation. Examples of surfaces of revolution generated by a straight line are cyl
PDE surface
PDE surfaces are used in geometric modelling and computer graphics for creating smooth surfaces conforming to a given boundary configuration. PDE surfaces use partial differential equations to generat
Gauss map
In differential geometry, the Gauss map (named after Carl F. Gauss) maps a surface in Euclidean space R3 to the unit sphere S2. Namely, given a surface X lying in R3, the Gauss map is a continuous map
List of surfaces
This is a list of surfaces, by Wikipedia page. See also List of algebraic surfaces, List of curves, Riemann surface.
Roman surface
In mathematics, the Roman surface or Steiner surface is a self-intersecting mapping of the real projective plane into three-dimensional space, with an unusually high degree of symmetry. This mapping i
In geometry, a pseudosphere is a surface with constant negative Gaussian curvature. A pseudosphere of radius R is a surface in having curvature −1/R2 in each point. Its name comes from the analogy wit
Willmore energy
In differential geometry, the Willmore energy is a quantitative measure of how much a given surface deviates from a round sphere. Mathematically, the Willmore energy of a smooth closed surface embedde
A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base (frequently, though not necessarily, circular) to a point called the apex or vertex. A cone is formed by a set of li
In geometry, a torus (plural tori, colloquially donut or doughnut) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis that is coplanar with the circle.
Morin surface
The Morin surface is the half-way model of the sphere eversion discovered by Bernard Morin. It features fourfold rotational symmetry. If the original sphere to be everted has its outer surface colored
In geometry, a paraboloid is a quadric surface that has exactly one axis of symmetry and no center of symmetry. The term "paraboloid" is derived from parabola, which refers to a conic section that has
Boy's surface
In geometry, Boy's surface is an immersion of the real projective plane in 3-dimensional space found by Werner Boy in 1901. He discovered it on assignment from David Hilbert to prove that the projecti
Dupin's theorem
In differential geometry Dupin's theorem, named after the French mathematician Charles Dupin, is the statement: * The intersection curve of any pair of surfaces of different pencils of a threefold or
Monkey saddle
In mathematics, the monkey saddle is the surface defined by the equation or in cylindrical coordinates It belongs to the class of saddle surfaces, and its name derives from the observation that a sadd
Lateral surface
The lateral surface of an object is all of the sides of the object, excluding its base and top (when they exist). The lateral surface area is the area of the lateral surface. This is to be distinguish
Dini's surface
No description available.
In mathematics, orientability is a property of some topological spaces such as real vector spaces, Euclidean spaces, surfaces, and more generally manifolds that allows a consistent definition of "cloc
Bézier surface
Bézier surfaces are a species of mathematical spline used in computer graphics, computer-aided design, and finite element modeling. As with Bézier curves, a Bézier surface is defined by a set of contr
Freeform surface modelling
Freeform surface modelling is a technique for engineering freeform surfaces with a CAD or CAID system. The technology has encompassed two main fields. Either creating aesthetic surfaces (class A surfa
Developable surface
In mathematics, a developable surface (or torse: archaic) is a smooth surface with zero Gaussian curvature. That is, it is a surface that can be flattened onto a plane without distortion (i.e. it can
Catalan surface
In geometry, a Catalan surface, named after the Belgian mathematician Eugène Charles Catalan, is a ruled surface all of whose rulings are parallel to a fixed plane.
Earth’s surface
No description available.
Line of greatest slope
In topography, the line of greatest slope is a curve following the steepest slope. In mountain biking and skiing, the line of greatest slope is sometimes called the fall line.
Seifert surface
In mathematics, a Seifert surface (named after German mathematician Herbert Seifert) is an orientable surface whose boundary is a given knot or link. Such surfaces can be used to study the properties
A cylinder (from Greek: κύλινδρος, romanized: kulindros, lit. 'roller', 'tumbler') has traditionally been a three-dimensional solid, one of the most basic of curvilinear geometric shapes. In elementar
Surface (topology)
In the part of mathematics referred to as topology, a surface is a two-dimensional manifold. Some surfaces arise as the boundaries of three-dimensional solids; for example, the sphere is the boundary
Gabriel's horn
Gabriel's horn (also called Torricelli's trumpet) is a particular geometric figure that has infinite surface area but finite volume. The name refers to the Christian tradition that (albeit not strictl
Filling area conjecture
In differential geometry, Mikhail Gromov's filling area conjecture asserts that the hemisphere has minimum area among the orientable surfaces that fill a closed curve of given length without introduci
Sine-Gordon equation
The sine-Gordon equation is a nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equation in 1 + 1 dimensions involving the d'Alembert operator and the sine of the unknown function. It was originally introduce
In geometry and computer graphics, a supertoroid or supertorus is usually understood to be a family of doughnut-like surfaces (technically, a topological torus) whose shape is defined by mathematical
Spring (mathematics)
In geometry, a spring is a surface in the shape of a coiled tube, generated by sweeping a circle about the path of a helix.
A homoeoid is a shell (a bounded region) bounded by two concentric, similar ellipses (in 2D) or ellipsoids (in 3D).When the thickness of the shell becomes negligible, it is called a thin homoeoid. The
Surface triangulation
Triangulation of a surface means * a net of triangles, which covers a given surface partly or totally, or * the procedure of generating the points and triangles of such a net of triangles.
Prüfer manifold
In mathematics, the Prüfer manifold or Prüfer surface is a 2-dimensional Hausdorff real analytic manifold that is not paracompact. It was introduced by and named after Heinz Prüfer.
Nadirashvili surface
In differential geometry, a Nadirashvili surface is an immersed complete bounded minimal surface in R3 with negative curvature. The first example of such a surface was constructed by in . This simulta
Gaussian surface
A Gaussian surface is a closed surface in three-dimensional space through which the flux of a vector field is calculated; usually the gravitational field, electric field, or magnetic field. It is an a
Surface integral
In mathematics, particularly multivariable calculus, a surface integral is a generalization of multiple integrals to integration over surfaces. It can be thought of as the double integral analogue of
Whitney umbrella
In geometry, the Whitney umbrella (or Whitney's umbrella, named after American mathematician Hassler Whitney, and sometimes called a Cayley umbrella) is a specific self-intersecting ruled surface plac
Bézier triangle
A Bézier triangle is a special type of Bézier surface that is created by (linear, quadratic, cubic or higher degree) interpolation of control points.
Bäcklund transform
In mathematics, Bäcklund transforms or Bäcklund transformations (named after the Swedish mathematician Albert Victor Bäcklund) relate partial differential equations and their solutions. They are an im
Surface (mathematics)
In mathematics, a surface is a mathematical model of the common concept of a surface. It is a generalization of a plane, but, unlike a plane, it may be curved; this is analogous to a curve generalizin
Generalized helicoid
In geometry, a generalized helicoid is a surface in Euclidean space generated by rotating and simultaneously displacing a curve, the profile curve, along a line, its axis. Any point of the given curve
Dupin indicatrix
In differential geometry, the Dupin indicatrix is a method for characterising the local shape of a surface. Draw a plane parallel to the tangent plane and a small distance away from it. Consider the i
The superformula is a generalization of the superellipse and was proposed by Johan Gielis around 2000. Gielis suggested that the formula can be used to describe many complex shapes and curves that are
In geometry, a hypersurface is a generalization of the concepts of hyperplane, plane curve, and surface. A hypersurface is a manifold or an algebraic variety of dimension n − 1, which is embedded in a
Normal plane (geometry)
A normal plane is any plane containing the normal vector of a surface at a particular point. The normal plane also refers to the plane that is perpendicular to the tangent vector of a space curve; (th
Archard equation
The Archard wear equation is a simple model used to describe sliding wear and is based on the theory of asperity contact. The Archard equation was developed much later than Reye's hypothesis (sometime
Dyck's surface
No description available.
Cantor tree surface
In dynamical systems, the Cantor tree is an infinite-genus surface homeomorphic to a sphere with a Cantor set removed. The blooming Cantor tree is a Cantor tree with an infinite number of handles adde
Biharmonic Bézier surface
A biharmonic Bézier surface is a smooth polynomial surface which conforms to the biharmonic equation and has the same formulations as a Bézier surface. This formulation for Bézier surfaces was develop
Dupin cyclide
In mathematics, a Dupin cyclide or cyclide of Dupin is any geometric inversion of a standard torus, cylinder or double cone. In particular, these latter are themselves examples of Dupin cyclides. They
Umbilical point
In the differential geometry of surfaces in three dimensions, umbilics or umbilical points are points on a surface that are locally spherical. At such points the normal curvatures in all directions ar
In geometry, a focaloid is a shell bounded by two concentric, confocal ellipses (in 2D) or ellipsoids (in 3D). When the thickness of the shell becomes negligible, it is called a thin focaloid.
Hybrid electric double layer
The Hybrid electric double layer (Hybrid EDL) is a model to describe the formation of electric double layer considering the contribution of electron transfer at liquid-solid interface, which is firstl
Real projective plane
In mathematics, the real projective plane is an example of a compact non-orientable two-dimensional manifold; in other words, a one-sided surface. It cannot be embedded in standard three-dimensional s
In geometry, a bicone or dicone (from Latin: bi-, and Greek: di-, both meaning "two") is the three-dimensional surface of revolution of a rhombus around one of its axes of symmetry. Equivalently, a bi
Lorentz surface
In mathematics, a Lorentz surface is a two-dimensional oriented smooth manifold with a conformal equivalence class of Lorentzian metrics. It is the analogue of a Riemann surface in indefinite signatur
Smooth projective plane
In geometry, smooth projective planes are special projective planes. The most prominent example of a smooth projective plane is the real projective plane . Its geometric operations of joining two dist
Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization
In mathematics, the Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization of minimal surfaces is a classical piece of differential geometry. Alfred Enneper and Karl Weierstrass studied minimal surfaces as far back as
Dyck's theorem
No description available.
Principal curvature
In differential geometry, the two principal curvatures at a given point of a surface are the maximum and minimum values of the curvature as expressed by the eigenvalues of the shape operator at that p
Zoll surface
In mathematics, particularly in differential geometry, a Zoll surface, named after , is a surface homeomorphic to the 2-sphere, equipped with a Riemannian metric all of whose geodesics are closed and
Jacob's ladder surface
In mathematics, Jacob's ladder is a surface with infinite genus and two ends. It was named after Jacob's ladder by Étienne , Théorème A), because the surface can be constructed as the boundary of a la
Gaussian curvature
In differential geometry, the Gaussian curvature or Gauss curvature Κ of a surface at a point is the product of the principal curvatures, κ1 and κ2, at the given point: The Gaussian radius of curvatur
First fundamental form
In differential geometry, the first fundamental form is the inner product on the tangent space of a surface in three-dimensional Euclidean space which is induced canonically from the dot product of R3
Translation surface
In mathematics a translation surface is a surface obtained from identifying the sides of a polygon in the Euclidean plane by translations. An equivalent definition is a Riemann surface together with a
A spheroid, also known as an ellipsoid of revolution or rotational ellipsoid, is a quadric surface obtained by rotating an ellipse about one of its principal axes; in other words, an ellipsoid with tw
Tribovoltaic effect
The tribovoltaic effect is the effect of generating of tribo-current at a sliding semiconductors interface (PN junction) or sliding semiconductor and metal interface (Schottky junction), which is firs
Planetary surface
A planetary surface is where the solid or liquid material of certain types of astronomical objects contacts the atmosphere or outer space. Planetary surfaces are found on solid objects of planetary ma
Möbius strip
In mathematics, a Möbius strip, Möbius band, or Möbius loop is a surface that can be formed by attaching the ends of a strip of paper together with a half-twist. As a mathematical object, it was disco
Nielsen–Thurston classification
In mathematics, Thurston's classification theorem characterizes homeomorphisms of a compact orientable surface. William Thurston's theorem completes the work initiated by Jakob Nielsen. Given a homeom
Klein bottle
In topology, a branch of mathematics, the Klein bottle (/ˈklaɪn/) is an example of a non-orientable surface; it is a two-dimensional manifold against which a system for determining a normal vector can
Focal surface
For a surface in three dimension the focal surface, surface of centers or evolute is formed by taking the centers of the , which are the tangential spheres whose radii are the reciprocals of one of th
In geometry, an unduloid, or onduloid, is a surface with constant nonzero mean curvature obtained as a surface of revolution of an elliptic catenary: that is, by rolling an ellipse along a fixed line,
Asperity (materials science)
In materials science, asperity, defined as "unevenness of surface, roughness, ruggedness" (from the Latin asper—"rough"), has implications (for example) in physics and seismology. Smooth surfaces, eve
Normal contact stiffness
Normal contact stiffness is a physical quantity related to the generalized force displacement behavior of rough surfaces in contact with a rigid body or a second similar rough surface. Rough surfaces
Genus (mathematics)
In mathematics, genus (plural genera) has a few different, but closely related, meanings. Intuitively, the genus is the number of "holes" of a surface. A sphere has genus 0, while a torus has genus 1.
Seashell surface
In mathematics, a seashell surface is a surface made by a circle which spirals up the z-axis while decreasing its own radius and distance from the z-axis. Not all seashell surfaces describe actual sea
Index ellipsoid
In crystal optics, the index ellipsoid (also known as the optical indicatrix or sometimes as the dielectric ellipsoid) is a geometric construction which concisely represents the refractive indices and
Right conoid
In geometry, a right conoid is a ruled surface generated by a family of straight lines that all intersect perpendicularly to a fixed straight line, called the axis of the right conoid. Using a Cartesi
Breather surface
In differential geometry, a breather surface is a one-parameter family of mathematical surfaces which correspond to breather solutions of the sine-Gordon equation, a differential equation appearing in
Parametric surface
A parametric surface is a surface in the Euclidean space which is defined by a parametric equation with two parameters . Parametric representation is a very general way to specify a surface, as well a
Prismatic surface
A prismatic surface is a surface generated by all the lines that are parallel to a given line and intersect a broken line that is not in the same plane as the given line. The broken line is the of the
Arithmetic surface
In mathematics, an arithmetic surface over a Dedekind domain R with fraction field is a geometric object having one conventional dimension, and one other dimension provided by the infinitude of the pr
Bonnet theorem
In the mathematical field of differential geometry, more precisely, the theory of surfaces in Euclidean space, the Bonnet theorem states that the first and second fundamental forms determine a surface
Computer representation of surfaces
In technical applications of 3D computer graphics (CAx) such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, surfaces are one way of representing objects. The other ways are wireframe (line
Circular surface
In mathematics and, in particular, differential geometry a circular surface is the image of a map ƒ : I × S1 → R3, where I ⊂ R is an open interval and S1 is the unit circle, defined by where γ, u, v :
Ruled surface
In geometry, a surface S is ruled (also called a scroll) if through every point of S there is a straight line that lies on S. Examples include the plane, the lateral surface of a cylinder or cone, a c
Mylar balloon (geometry)
In geometry, a mylar balloon is a surface of revolution. While a sphere is the surface that encloses a maximal volume for a given surface area, the mylar balloon instead maximizes volume for a given g
Sheaf of planes
In mathematics, a sheaf of planes is the set of all planes that have the same common line. It may also be known as a fan of planes or a pencil of planes. When extending the concept of line to the line
Equipotential surface
No description available.
Gauss–Codazzi equations
In Riemannian geometry and pseudo-Riemannian geometry, the Gauss–Codazzi equations (also called the Gauss–Codazzi–Weingarten-Mainardi equations or Gauss–Peterson–Codazzi Formulas) are fundamental form
Klein surface
In mathematics, a Klein surface is a dianalytic manifold of complex dimension 1. Klein surfaces may have a boundary and need not be orientable. Klein surfaces generalize Riemann surfaces. While the la
In geometry, a hyperboloid of revolution, sometimes called a circular hyperboloid, is the surface generated by rotating a hyperbola around one of its principal axes. A hyperboloid is the surface obtai
Channel surface
In geometry and topology, a channel or canal surface is a surface formed as the envelope of a family of spheres whose centers lie on a space curve, its directrix. If the radii of the generating sphere
Ridge (differential geometry)
In differential geometry, a smooth surface in three dimensions has a ridge point when a line of curvature has a local maximum or minimum of principal curvature. The set of ridge points form curves on