
Index ellipsoid

In crystal optics, the index ellipsoid (also known as the optical indicatrix or sometimes as the dielectric ellipsoid) is a geometric construction which concisely represents the refractive indices and associated polarizations of light, as functions of the orientation of the wavefront, in a doubly-refractive crystal (provided that the crystal does not exhibit optical rotation). When this ellipsoid is cut through its center by a plane parallel to the wavefront, the resulting intersection (called a central section or diametral section) is an ellipse whose major and minor semiaxes have lengths equal to the two refractive indices for that orientation of the wavefront, and have the directions of the respective polarizations as expressed by the electric displacement vector D. The principal semiaxes of the index ellipsoid are called the principal refractive indices. It follows from the sectioning procedure that each principal semiaxis of the ellipsoid is generally not the refractive index for propagation in the direction of that semiaxis, but rather the refractive index for wavefronts tangential to that direction, with the D vector parallel to that direction, propagating perpendicular to that direction. Thus the direction of propagation (normal to the wavefront) to which each principal refractive index applies is in the plane perpendicular to the associated principal semiaxis. (Wikipedia).

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How to draw an ellipse like a boss

via YouTube Capture

From playlist Random

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Write the equation of an ellipse with the given vertices & passes through a point

Learn how to write the equation of an ellipse from its properties. The equation of an ellipse comprises of three major properties of the ellipse: the major radius (a), the minor radius (b) and the center (h, k). The ellipse is vertical if the major radius in vertical and the ellipse is hor

From playlist Write the Equation of an Ellipse (Axis Length) #Conics

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Ex 1: Graph an Ellipse with Center at the Origin and Horizontal Major Axis

This video provides an example of how to graph the standard equation of an ellipse with the center at the origin and a horizontal major axis. Site: Blog:

From playlist Graphing and Writing Equations of Ellipses

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How to find the center, vertices and foci of an ellipse

Learn how to graph horizontal ellipse centered at the origin. A horizontal ellipse is an ellipse which major axis is horizontal. To graph a horizontal ellipse, we first identify some of the properties of the ellipse including the major radius (a) and the minor radius (b) and the center. Th

From playlist How to Graph Horizontal Ellipse (At Origin) #Conics

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How to determine the equation of an ellipse given the eccentricity and major axis

Learn how to write the equation of an ellipse from its properties. The equation of an ellipse comprises of three major properties of the ellipse: the major radius (a), the minor radius (b) and the center (h, k). The ellipse is vertical if the major radius in vertical and the ellipse is hor

From playlist Write the Equation of an Ellipse (Axis Length) #Conics

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How to determine the equation of an ellipse given the eccentricity and major axis

Learn how to write the equation of an ellipse from its properties. The equation of an ellipse comprises of three major properties of the ellipse: the major radius (a), the minor radius (b) and the center (h, k). The ellipse is vertical if the major radius in vertical and the ellipse is hor

From playlist Write the Equation of an Ellipse (Axis Length) #Conics

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Ex: Determine the Value of a Number on a Logarithmic Scale (Log Form)

This video explains how to determine the value of several numbers on a logarithmic scale scaled in logarithmic form.

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Lecture 3 (CEM) -- Electromagnetic Principles

This lecture steps the student through some random topics in electromagnetics that will be important in order to understand the upcoming numerical methods. It is not a review of electromagnetics, just select topics that will be important.

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How to write the equation of an ellipse given the center, vertex, and co vertex

Learn how to write the equation of an ellipse from its properties. The equation of an ellipse comprises of three major properties of the ellipse: the major radius (a), the minor radius (b) and the center (h, k). The ellipse is vertical if the major radius in vertical and the ellipse is hor

From playlist Write the Equation of an Ellipse (Axis Length) #Conics

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The stabilized symplectic embedding problem - Dusa McDuff [2017]

Name: Dusa McDuff Event: Workshop: Geometry of Manifolds Event URL: view webpage Title: The stabilized symplectic embedding problem Date: 2017-10-25 @4:00 PM Location: 103 Abstract: I will describe some of what is known about the question of when one open subset of Euclidean space embeds

From playlist Mathematics

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Singular plane curves and stable nonsqueezing phenomena - Kyler Siegel

Joint IAS/Princeton/Montreal/Paris/Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Zoominar Topic: Singular plane curves and stable nonsqueezing phenomena Speaker: Kyler Siegel Affiliation: University of Southern California Date: April 15, 2022 The existence of rational plane curves of a given degree with

From playlist Mathematics

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Resonance for Loop Homology on Spheres - Nancy Hingston

Nancy Hingston The College of New Jersey; Member, School of Mathemtics March 15, 2013 Fix a metric (Riemannian or Finsler) on a compact manifold M. The critical points of the length function on the free loop space LM of M are the closed geodesics on M. Filtration by the length function giv

From playlist Mathematics

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Infinite staircases of symplectic embeddings of ellipsoids into Hirzebruch surfaces - Morgan Weiler

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Topic: Infinite staircases of symplectic embeddings of ellipsoids into Hirzebruch surfaces Speaker: Morgan Weiler Affiliation: Rice University Date: June 4, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Examples related to Viterbo's conjectures - Michael Hutchings

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Topic: Examples related to Viterbo's conjectures Speaker: Michael Hutchings Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Date: October 23, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Infinite staircases and reflexive polygons - Ana Rita Pires

IAS/PU-Montreal-Paris-Tel-Aviv Symplectic Geometry Topic: Infinite staircases and reflexive polygons Speakers: Ana Rita Pires Affiliation: University of Edinburgh Date: July 3, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases - Ana Rita Pires

Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases Speaker: Ana Rita Pires Date: Friday, April 15 McDuff and Schlenk studied an embedding capacity function, which describes when a 4-dimensional ellipsoid can symplectically embed into a 4-ba

From playlist Mathematics

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Beyond ECH capacities - Michael Hutchings

Michael Hutchings University of California, Berkeley October 24, 2014 ECH (embedded contact homology) capacities give obstructions to symplectically embedding one four-dimensional symplectic manifold with boundary into another. These obstructions are known to be sharp when the domain is a

From playlist Mathematics

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Find the equation of an ellipse give foci and end points of major axis

Learn how to write the equation of an ellipse from its properties. The equation of an ellipse comprises of three major properties of the ellipse: the major radius (a), the minor radius (b) and the center (h, k). The ellipse is vertical if the major radius in vertical and the ellipse is hor

From playlist Write the Equation of an Ellipse (Axis Length) #Conics

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Cylindrical contact homology as a well-defined homology? - Joanna Nelson

Joanna Nelson Institute for Advanced Study; Member, School of Mathematics February 7, 2014 In this talk I will explain how the heuristic arguments sketched in literature since 1999 fail to define a homology theory. These issues will be made clear with concrete examples and we will explore

From playlist Mathematics

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