
List of named matrices

This article lists some important classes of matrices used in mathematics, science and engineering. A matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes) is a rectangular array of numbers called entries. Matrices have a long history of both study and application, leading to diverse ways of classifying matrices. A first group is matrices satisfying concrete conditions of the entries, including constant matrices. Important examples include the identity matrix given by and the zero matrix of dimension . For example: . Further ways of classifying matrices are according to their eigenvalues, or by imposing conditions on the product of the matrix with other matrices. Finally, many domains, both in mathematics and other sciences including physics and chemistry, have particular matrices that are applied chiefly in these areas. (Wikipedia).

List of named matrices
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Matrices: Leading Rows and leading Columns

What are leading rows and columns in a matrix? What are leading entries?

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Matrix Addition, Subtraction, and Scalar Multiplication

This video shows how to add, subtract and perform scalar multiplication with matrices.

From playlist Introduction to Matrices and Matrix Operations

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What is a Matrix?

What is a matrix? Free ebook

From playlist Intro to Matrices

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Dimensions of a Matrix

This video explains how to determine the dimension of a matrix and why it is important to be able to identify the dimensions of a matrix. Site:

From playlist Introduction to Matrices and Matrix Operations

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The Identity Matrix

This video introduces the identity matrix and illustrates the properties of the identity matrix.

From playlist Introduction to Matrices and Matrix Operations

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Identity Matrix | Unit Matrix | Don't Memorise

This video explains the concept of an Identity Matrix. Is it also called a Unit Matrix? ✅To learn more about, Matrices, enroll in our full course now:

From playlist Matrices

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Elementary Matrices

This video defines elementary matrices and then provides several examples of determining if a given matrix is an elementary matrix. Site: Blog:

From playlist Augmented Matrices

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Introduction to R: Matrices

In this lesson we learn about matrices: two-dimensional data structures in R with rows and columns. Matrices are a building block to learning about more complicated tabular data structures like data frames which are used extensively in data science. This is lesson 6 of a 30-part introduct

From playlist Introduction to R

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31. Eigenvectors of Circulant Matrices: Fourier Matrix

MIT 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, Spring 2018 Instructor: Gilbert Strang View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This lecture conti

From playlist MIT 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, Spring 2018

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What are the Types of Numbers? Real vs. Imaginary, Rational vs. Irrational

We've mentioned in passing some different ways to classify numbers, like rational, irrational, real, imaginary, integers, fractions, and more. If this is confusing, then take a look at this handy-dandy guide to the taxonomy of numbers! It turns out we can use a hierarchical scheme just lik

From playlist Algebra 1 & 2

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Complex, Hermitian, and Unitary Matrices

Remember when we talked about complex and imaginary numbers? All that a + bi stuff, it was a while ago. Well that can apply to matrices as well! We've been looking at real matrices thus far, but we can have imaginary or complex matrices if we have imaginary or complex terms as entries. Wha

From playlist Mathematics (All Of It)

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1.6 Arrays and matrices in R | statistical analysis and data science course Rstudio | Dimensional

In this chapter of the video series in the crash course in statistics and data science with R / Rstudio we will see the definition, utilization, and importance of arrays with R. Also, we discuss their extension from vectors to matrices. Part 1: Definition - What is an array? - Array or

From playlist R Tutorial | Rstudio

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Working with Matrices in Mathematica

This tutorial shows how to define and manipulate matrices in Mathematica. Some of the topics we cover in this video include: -Defining a matrix -Displaying/viewing a matrix (MatrixForm) -Matrix multiplication (both standard and elementwise) -Matrix powers -Extracting submatrices -Transpo

From playlist Working with Mathematica

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R - Introduction to R (1.2 Flip)

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Spring 2021 This video covers object types, get ready to learn about vectors, matrices, data frames, and more! These videos are part of a series for a flipped graduated statistics course. The videos are numbered to

From playlist Graduate Statistics Flipped

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Alexander HULPKE - Computational group theory, cohomology of groups and topological methods 2

The lecture series will give an introduction to the computer algebra system GAP, focussing on calculations involving cohomology. We will describe the mathematics underlying the algorithms, and how to use them within GAP. Alexander Hulpke's lectures will being with some general computation

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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The Square Lattice via group D4 and its hypergroups | Diffusion Symmetry 5 | N J Wildberger

Hypergroups are remarkable probabilistic/ algebraic objects that have a close connection to groups, but that allow a transformation of non-commutative problems into the commutative setting. This gives powerful new tools for harmonic analysis in situations ruled by symmetry. Bravais latti

From playlist Diffusion Symmetry: A bridge between mathematics and physics

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R Programming Introduction: Matrices (R intro-05)

[script is here] In R a matrix is an atomic vector with the dimension attribute. In this example, the correlation matrix is entered as a vector with sixteen elements: rho_v <-c(1.000, ...). Then the vector is translated into a mat

From playlist R Programming: Intro

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Pauli matrices vs. su(2) basis vs. quaternions

In this video we discuss Pauli matrices as base for hermitean 2x2 complex matrices, as relevant for modeling observables in quantum theory - but also for quantum mechanics, as demonstrated. You can find the text used in this video here:

From playlist Physics

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Matrices: Matrix Multiplication, Orders, Adding, Scalar Multiplication

Follow the basics and it's easy to multiply matrices. Start off easy with orders - rows and columns and from there you'll be adding, subtracting and multiplying matrices. To donate to the tecmath channel: To support tecmath on Patreon:

From playlist Matrices

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1.5 Matrices and operations in R | statistical analysis and data science course Rstudio | Algebra

In this chapter of the video series in the crash course in statistics and data science with R / Rstudio we will see the definition, utilization, and importance of matrices with R. Also, we discuss the different algebraic operations like sum, subtraction and multiplication, as well as inver

From playlist R Tutorial | Rstudio

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