Number theory | Matrices

Redheffer matrix

In mathematics, a Redheffer matrix, often denoted as studied by , is a square (0,1) matrix whose entries aij are 1 if i divides j or if j = 1; otherwise, aij = 0. It is useful in some contexts to express Dirichlet convolution, or convolved divisors sums, in terms of matrix products involving the transpose of the Redheffer matrix. (Wikipedia).

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SciShow Quiz Show: With the Brain Scoop's Emily Graslie!

Hank goes head-to-head with the Brain Scoop’s Emily Graslie to match wits about springs, hoaxes, and human evolution! Hosted By: Michael Aranda ---------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our

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Introduction to matrices

This clip gives an example of a real world example where a matrix is used. The clip is from the book "Immersive Linear Algebra" available at

From playlist Chapter 6 - The Matrix

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Lecture 5 (CEM) -- TMM Using Scattering Matrices

This lecture formulates a stable transfer matrix method based on scattering matrices. The scattering matrices adopted here are greatly improved from the literature and are consistent with convention. The lecture ends with some advanced topics like dispersion analysis, cascading and doubl

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What is a Matrix?

What is a matrix? Free ebook

From playlist Intro to Matrices

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The PROOF: e and pi are transcendental

Today’s video is dedicated to introducing you to two of the holy grails of mathematics, proofs that e and pi are transcendental numbers. For the longest time I was convinced that these proofs were simply out of reach of a self-contained episode of Mathologer, and I even said so in a video

From playlist Recent videos

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Understanding Matrices and Matrix Notation

In order to do linear algebra, we will have to know how to use matrices. So what's a matrix? It's just an array of numbers listed in a grid of particular dimensions that can represent the coefficients and constants from a system of linear equations. They're fun, I promise! Let's just start

From playlist Mathematics (All Of It)

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matrix choose a matrix

matrix choose a matrix. Calculating the number of matrix combinations of a matrix, using techniques from linear algebra like diagonalization, eigenvalues, eigenvectors. Special appearance by simultaneous diagonalizability and commuting matrices. In the end, I mention the general case using

From playlist Eigenvalues

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1.6 Arrays and matrices in R | statistical analysis and data science course Rstudio | Dimensional

In this chapter of the video series in the crash course in statistics and data science with R / Rstudio we will see the definition, utilization, and importance of arrays with R. Also, we discuss their extension from vectors to matrices. Part 1: Definition - What is an array? - Array or

From playlist R Tutorial | Rstudio

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Google and eigenvalues

Google and eigenvalues. We describe the Pagerank algorithm, which was one of the algorithms used by Google for their search engine. For this, we rank the websites using an importance vector vector and write the system as a Markov chain, using matrices. Then we diagonalize the matrix using

From playlist Eigenvalues

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 12. Introducing the Matrix

This computer science video is one of a series of lessons about linear algebra for computer scientists. This video introduces the concept of a matrix. A matrix is a rectangular or square, two dimensional array of numbers, symbols, or expressions. A matrix is also classed a second order

From playlist Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

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How to Quickly Create a Matrix in GeoGebra; How to Multiply 2 Matrices

Creating a matrix in GeoGebra is EASY. You need to use the LIST icons { }. In GeoGebra, a matrix is actually a sequence of lists within a single list. This video shows how.

From playlist Algebra 1: Dynamic Interactives!

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The Identity Matrix

This video introduces the identity matrix and illustrates the properties of the identity matrix.

From playlist Introduction to Matrices and Matrix Operations

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Lecture 01-03 Linear Algebra review

Machine Learning by Andrew Ng [Coursera] 0113 Matrices and vectors 0114 Addition and scalar multiplication 0115 Matrix-vector multiplication 0116 Matrix-matrix multiplication 0117 Matrix multiplication properties 0118 Inverse and transpose

From playlist Machine Learning by Professor Andrew Ng

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The Diagonalization of Matrices

This video explains the process of diagonalization of a matrix.

From playlist The Diagonalization of Matrices

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Part IV: Matrix Algebra, Lec 2 | MIT Calculus Revisited: Multivariable Calculus

Part IV: Matrix Algebra, Lecture 2: The "Game" of Matrices Instructor: Herbert Gross View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT Calculus Revisited: Multivariable Calculus

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Desmos Matrix Calc: Matrix Multiplication

This video explains how to us the Desmos Matrix Calculator to perform matrix multiplication. Not solved by hand

From playlist Introduction to Matrices and Matrix Operations

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Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues with Jon Krohn

Data scientist Jon Krohn introduces the linear algebra concepts of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues with a focus on Machine Learning and Python programming. This lesson is an excerpt from “Linear Algebra for Machine Learning LiveLessons” Purchase the entire video course at

From playlist Talks and Tutorials

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Matrix Operations Full Length

We start discussing how to label matrices and their elements. We then define Order of Matrices and Equal Matrices working an example at 5:49. I then discuss Adding Matrices at 9:40 and work through three examples. Properties of Adding Matrices are explained at 16:00 Scalar Multiplication

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Dipole Matrix Element Explained If you want to see more of these videos, or would like to say thanks for this one, the best way you can do that is by becoming a patron - see the link above :). And a huge thank you to all my existing patrons - you make these videos possible. In this video

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Using a Matrix Equation to Solve a System of Equations

This video shows how to solve a system of equations by using a matrix equation. The graphing calculator is integrated into the lesson.

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