Linear algebra

Defective matrix

In linear algebra, a defective matrix is a square matrix that does not have a complete basis of eigenvectors, and is therefore not diagonalizable. In particular, an n × n matrix is defective if and only if it does not have n linearly independent eigenvectors. A complete basis is formed by augmenting the eigenvectors with generalized eigenvectors, which are necessary for solving defective systems of ordinary differential equations and other problems. An n × n defective matrix always has fewer than n distinct eigenvalues, since distinct eigenvalues always have linearly independent eigenvectors. In particular, a defective matrix has one or more eigenvalues λ with algebraic multiplicity m > 1 (that is, they are multiple roots of the characteristic polynomial), but fewer than m linearly independent eigenvectors associated with λ. If the algebraic multiplicity of λ exceeds its geometric multiplicity (that is, the number of linearly independent eigenvectors associated with λ), then λ is said to be a defective eigenvalue. However, every eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity m always has m linearly independent generalized eigenvectors. A Hermitian matrix (or the special case of a real symmetric matrix) or a unitary matrix is never defective; more generally, a normal matrix (which includes Hermitian and unitary as special cases) is never defective. (Wikipedia).

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Linear Algebra 16h6: Generalized Eigenvectors - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 3 Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

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Linear Algebra 16h4: Defective Matrices - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

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Linear Algebra 11f: An Example of an Incompatible Matrix Product - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

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What is a Matrix?

What is a matrix? Free ebook

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Column space of a matrix

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2 Construction of a Matrix-YouTube

This video shows you how a matrix is constructed from a set of linear equations. It helps you understand where the various elements in a matrix comes from.

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Null space of a matrix example

In today's lecture I work through an example to show you a well-known pitfall when it comes to the null space of a matrix. In the example I show you how to create the special cases and how to use them to represent the null space. There is also a quick look at the NullSpace function in Ma

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Matrix addition

How do we add matrices. A matrix is an abstract object that exists in its own right, and in this sense, it is similar to a natural number, or a complex number, or even a polynomial. Each element in a matrix has an address by way of the row in which it is and the column in which it is. Y

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The Confusion Matrix : Data Science Basics

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Ilka Brunner - Truncated Affine Rozansky-Witten Models as Extended TQFTs

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Null Space and Column Space of a Matrix

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Similarity Transformation and Diagonalization

In this video we investigate similarity transformations in the context of linear algebra. We show how the similarity transformation can be used to transform a square matrix into another square matrix that shares properties with the original matrix. In particular, the determinant, eigenva

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Nexus Trimester - Sidharth Jaggi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

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