Sparse matrices

Sparse matrix

In numerical analysis and scientific computing, a sparse matrix or sparse array is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero. There is no strict definition regarding the proportion of zero-value elements for a matrix to qualify as sparse but a common criterion is that the number of non-zero elements is roughly equal to the number of rows or columns. By contrast, if most of the elements are non-zero, the matrix is considered dense. The number of zero-valued elements divided by the total number of elements (e.g., m × n for an m × n matrix) is sometimes referred to as the sparsity of the matrix. Conceptually, sparsity corresponds to systems with few pairwise interactions. For example, consider a line of balls connected by springs from one to the next: this is a sparse system as only adjacent balls are coupled. By contrast, if the same line of balls were to have springs connecting each ball to all other balls, the system would correspond to a dense matrix. The concept of sparsity is useful in combinatorics and application areas such as network theory and numerical analysis, which typically have a low density of significant data or connections. Large sparse matrices often appear in scientific or engineering applications when solving partial differential equations. When storing and manipulating sparse matrices on a computer, it is beneficial and often necessary to use specialized algorithms and data structures that take advantage of the sparse structure of the matrix. Specialized computers have been made for sparse matrices, as they are common in the machine learning field. Operations using standard dense-matrix structures and algorithms are slow and inefficient when applied to large sparse matrices as processing and memory are wasted on the zeros. Sparse data is by nature more easily compressed and thus requires significantly less storage. Some very large sparse matrices are infeasible to manipulate using standard dense-matrix algorithms. (Wikipedia).

Sparse matrix
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Sparse matrices in sparse analysis - Anna Gilbert

Members' Seminar Topic: Sparse matrices in sparse analysis Speaker: Anna Gilbert Affiliation: University of Michigan; Member, School of Mathematics Date: October 28, 2019 For more video please visit

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What is a Matrix?

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Matrix addition

How do we add matrices. A matrix is an abstract object that exists in its own right, and in this sense, it is similar to a natural number, or a complex number, or even a polynomial. Each element in a matrix has an address by way of the row in which it is and the column in which it is. Y

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Elementary Matrices

This video defines elementary matrices and then provides several examples of determining if a given matrix is an elementary matrix. Site: Blog:

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Column space of a matrix

We have already looked at the column view of a matrix. In this video lecture I want to expand on this topic to show you that each matrix has a column space. If a matrix is part of a linear system then a linear combination of the columns creates a column space. The vector created by the

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The Identity Matrix

This video introduces the identity matrix and illustrates the properties of the identity matrix.

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Dimensions of a Matrix

This video explains how to determine the dimension of a matrix and why it is important to be able to identify the dimensions of a matrix. Site:

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Compressed Sensing and Dynamic Mode Decomposition

This video illustrates how to leverage compressed sensing to compute the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) from under-sampled or compressed data. From the Paper: Compressed Sensing and Dynamic Mode Decomposition. JCD 2(2):165—191, 2015. Steven L. Brunton, Joshua L. Proctor, Jonathan H.

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Testing Sparsity over Known and Unknown Bases by Arnab Bhattacharyya

Statistical Physics Methods in Machine Learning DATE:26 December 2017 to 30 December 2017 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru The theme of this Discussion Meeting is the analysis of distributed/networked algorithms in machine learning and theoretical computer science in the "th

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Chao Yang - Practical Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Sparse Matrices - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 27 January 2022. Chao Yang of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory presents "Practical Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Sparse Matrices" at IPAM's Quantum Numerical Linear Algebra Workshop. Abstract: Many standard linear algebra problems can be solved on a quantum computer

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Compressed Sensing: When It Works

This video provides conditions on when compressed sensing will work to reconstruct a full image from a random subsample of pixels. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow Chapter 3 from: "Data-Driven Science and Engineering

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Sonia Rueda 7/7/14 Part 1

Title: Sparse Resultant Formulas for Differential Polynomials

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Lecture 14 | Convex Optimization I (Stanford)

Professor Stephen Boyd, of the Stanford University Electrical Engineering department, gives a background lecture of numerical linear algebra for the course, Convex Optimization I (EE 364A). Convex Optimization I concentrates on recognizing and solving convex optimization problems that a

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 12. Introducing the Matrix

This computer science video is one of a series of lessons about linear algebra for computer scientists. This video introduces the concept of a matrix. A matrix is a rectangular or square, two dimensional array of numbers, symbols, or expressions. A matrix is also classed a second order

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Factorization-based Sparse Solvers and Preconditions, Lecture 3

Xiaoye Sherry Li's (from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) lecture number three on Factorization-based sparse solves and preconditioners

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NIPS 2011 Sparse Representation & Low-rank Approximation Workshop: Fast global convergence...

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5.2.10 An Introduction to Text Analytics - Video 6: Bag of Words in R

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