Morse theory | Homological algebra

Perverse sheaf

The mathematical term perverse sheaves refers to a certain abelian category associated to a topological space X, which may be a real or complex manifold, or a more general topologically stratified space, usually singular. This concept was introduced in the thesis of Zoghman Mebkhout, gaining more popularity after the (independent) work of Joseph Bernstein, Alexander Beilinson, and Pierre Deligne (1982) as a formalisation of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, which related the topology of singular spaces (intersection homology of Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson) and the algebraic theory of differential equations (microlocal calculus and holonomic D-modules of Joseph Bernstein, Masaki Kashiwara and Takahiro Kawai). It was clear from the outset that perverse sheaves are fundamental mathematical objects at the crossroads of algebraic geometry, topology, analysis and differential equations. They also play an important role in number theory, algebra, and representation theory. The properties characterizing perverse sheaves already appeared in the 75's paper of Kashiwara on the constructibility of solutions of holonomic D-modules. (Wikipedia).

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Using foil to Multiply Two Binomials - Math Tutorial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

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Ex 2: Subtracting Signed Fractions

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How do we multiply polynomials

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From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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How to Use the Foil Face to Multiply Binomials

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Distributive Property

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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How to Use FOIL to Multiply Binomials - Polynomial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

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Will Sawin - Bounding the stalks of perverse sheaves in characteristic p via the (...)

The sheaf-function dictionary shows that many natural functions on the F_q-points of a variety over F_q can be obtained from l-adic sheaves on that variety. To obtain upper bounds on these functions, it is necessary to obtain upper bounds on the dimension of the stalks of these sheaves. In

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Geordie Williamson: Langlands and Bezrukavnikov II Lecture 21

SMRI Seminar Series: 'Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence' Geordie Williamson (University of Sydney) Abstract: The second part of the course focuses on affine Hecke algebras and their categorifications. Last year I discussed the local Langlands correspondence in bro

From playlist Geordie Williamson: Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence

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Automorphic sheaves for GL(n) - Dennis Gaitsgory

Automorphic Forms Dennis Gaitsgory Institute for Advanced Study April 5, 2001 Concepts, Techniques, Applications and Influence April 4, 2001 - April 7, 2001 Support for this conference was provided by the National Science Foundation Conference Page:

From playlist Mathematics

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How To Multiply Using Foil - Math Tutorial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions - Mikhail Kapranov

Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Conference Topic: Perverse schobers and semi-orthogonal decompositions Speaker: Mikhail Kapranov Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Study Date: September 14, 2018 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Robert Cass: Perverse mod p sheaves on the affine Grassmannian

28 September 2021 Abstract: The geometric Satake equivalence relates representations of a reductive group to perverse sheaves on an affine Grassmannian. Depending on the intended application, there are several versions of this equivalence for different sheaf theories and versions of the a

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Vincent Lafforgue - 2/3 Paramètres de Langlands et cohomologie des champs de G-chtoucas

Pour tout groupe réductif G sur un corps de fonctions, on utilise la cohomologie des champs de G-chtoucas à pattes multiples pour démontrer la correspondance de Langlands pour G dans le sens "automorphe vers Galois''. On obtient en fait une décomposition canonique des formes automorphes cu

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DT curve counting for CY3's and birational transformations - John Calabrese

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From playlist Mathematics

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Davesh Maulik - Stable Pairs and Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants 3/5

In the first part of the course, I will give an overview of Donaldson-Thomas theory for Calabi-Yau threefold geometries, and its cohomological refinement. In the second part, I will explain a conjectural ansatz (from joint work with Y. Toda) for defining Gopakumar-Vafa invariants via modul

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Geordie Williamson: Langlands and Bezrukavnikov II Lecture 12

SMRI Seminar Series: 'Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence' Geordie Williamson (University of Sydney) Abstract: The second part of the course focuses on affine Hecke algebras and their categorifications. Last year I discussed the local Langlands correspondence in bro

From playlist Geordie Williamson: Langlands correspondence and Bezrukavnikov’s equivalence

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Easiest Way To Multiply Two Binomials Using Foil - Math Tutorial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Learn How To Multiply Two Binomials Using Foil and Foil Face - Math Tutorial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Multiplying Two Binomials - Math Tutorial

👉 Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Winter School JTP: Perverse sheaves and schobers on Riemann surfaces, Tobias Dyckerhoff

Reporting on joint work in progress with M. Kapranov, V. Schechtman, and Y. Soibelman, I will explain how to describe the derived constructible category of a stratified Riemann surface as representations of the so-called paracyclic category of the surface. This allows for geometric depicti

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