Category: Homological algebra

Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology
In algebraic geometry, Monsky–Washnitzer cohomology is a p-adic cohomology theory defined for non-singular affine varieties over fields of positive characteristic p introduced by Paul Monsky and Gerar
Filtered algebra
In mathematics, a filtered algebra is a generalization of the notion of a graded algebra. Examples appear in many branches of mathematics, especially in homological algebra and representation theory.
Gelfand–Fuks cohomology
In mathematics, Gelfand–Fuks cohomology, introduced in, is a cohomology theory for Lie algebras of smooth vector fields. It differs from the Lie algebra cohomology of Chevalley-Eilenberg in that its c
Lie algebra cohomology
In mathematics, Lie algebra cohomology is a cohomology theory for Lie algebras. It was first introduced in 1929 by Élie Cartan to study the topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces by relating co
Differential graded category
In mathematics, especially homological algebra, a differential graded category, often shortened to dg-category or DG category, is a category whose morphism sets are endowed with the additional structu
De Rham–Weil theorem
In algebraic topology, the De Rham–Weil theorem allows computation of sheaf cohomology using an acyclic resolution of the sheaf in question. Let be a sheaf on a topological space and a resolution of b
In homological algebra, a δ-functor between two abelian categories A and B is a collection of functors from A to B together with a collection of morphisms that satisfy properties generalising those of
Zig-zag lemma
In mathematics, particularly homological algebra, the zig-zag lemma asserts the existence of a particular long exact sequence in the homology groups of certain chain complexes. The result is valid in
Exact sequence
An exact sequence is a sequence of morphisms between objects (for example, groups, rings, modules, and, more generally, objects of an abelian category) such that the image of one morphism equals the k
Differential graded algebra
In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra and topology, a differential graded algebra is a graded associative algebra with an added chain complex structure that respects the algebra structure.
Hodge structure
In mathematics, a Hodge structure, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is an algebraic structure at the level of linear algebra, similar to the one that Hodge theory gives to the cohomology groups of a smooth
Tensor product of modules
In mathematics, the tensor product of modules is a construction that allows arguments about bilinear maps (e.g. multiplication) to be carried out in terms of linear maps. The module construction is an
List of homological algebra topics
This is a list of homological algebra topics, by Wikipedia page.
Commutative diagram
In mathematics, and especially in category theory, a commutative diagram is a diagram such that all directed paths in the diagram with the same start and endpoints lead to the same result. It is said
Affine representation
In mathematics, an affine representation of a topological Lie group G on an affine space A is a continuous (smooth) group homomorphism from G to the automorphism group of A, the affine group Aff(A). S
Hilbert's syzygy theorem
In mathematics, Hilbert's syzygy theorem is one of the three fundamental theorems about polynomial rings over fields, first proved by David Hilbert in 1890, which were introduced for solving important
Linear relation
In linear algebra, a linear relation, or simply relation, between elements of a vector space or a module is a linear equation that has these elements as a solution. More precisely, if are elements of
Motive (algebraic geometry)
In algebraic geometry, motives (or sometimes motifs, following French usage) is a theory proposed by Alexander Grothendieck in the 1960s to unify the vast array of similarly behaved cohomology theorie
Homological conjectures in commutative algebra
In mathematics, homological conjectures have been a focus of research activity in commutative algebra since the early 1960s. They concern a number of interrelated (sometimes surprisingly so) conjectur
Cartan pair
In the mathematical fields of Lie theory and algebraic topology, the notion of Cartan pair is a technical condition on the relationship between a reductive Lie algebra and a subalgebra reductive in .
Ext functor
In mathematics, the Ext functors are the derived functors of the Hom functor. Along with the Tor functor, Ext is one of the core concepts of homological algebra, in which ideas from algebraic topology
Transgression map
In algebraic topology, a transgression map is a way to transfer cohomology classes.It occurs, for example in the inflation-restriction exact sequence in group cohomology, and in integration in fibers.
Eilenberg–Ganea theorem
In mathematics, particularly in homological algebra and algebraic topology, the Eilenberg–Ganea theorem states for every finitely generated group G with certain conditions on its cohomological dimensi
In mathematics, a gerbe (/dʒɜːrb/; French: [ʒɛʁb]) is a construct in homological algebra and topology. Gerbes were introduced by Jean Giraud following ideas of Alexandre Grothendieck as a tool for non
Verdier duality
In mathematics, Verdier duality is a cohomological duality in algebraic topology that generalizes Poincaré duality for manifolds. Verdier duality was introduced in 1965 by Jean-Louis Verdier as an ana
Tor functor
In mathematics, the Tor functors are the derived functors of the tensor product of modules over a ring. Along with the Ext functor, Tor is one of the central concepts of homological algebra, in which
Homotopy category of chain complexes
In homological algebra in mathematics, the homotopy category K(A) of chain complexes in an additive category A is a framework for working with chain homotopies and homotopy equivalences. It lies inter
Grothendieck category
In mathematics, a Grothendieck category is a certain kind of abelian category, introduced in Alexander Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper of 1957 in order to develop the machinery of homological algebra for
Acyclic object
In mathematics, in the field of homological algebra, given an abelian category having enough injectives and an additive (covariant) functor , an acyclic object with respect to , or simply an -acyclic
Finiteness properties of groups
In mathematics, finiteness properties of a group are a collection of properties that allow the use of various algebraic and topological tools, for example group cohomology, to study the group. It is m
Resolution (algebra)
In mathematics, and more specifically in homological algebra, a resolution (or left resolution; dually a coresolution or right resolution) is an exact sequence of modules (or, more generally, of objec
In mathematics, derivators are a proposed frameworkpg 190-195 for homological algebra giving a foundation for both abelian and non-abelian homological algebra and various generalizations of it. They w
Gonality of an algebraic curve
In mathematics, the gonality of an algebraic curve C is defined as the lowest degree of a nonconstant rational map from C to the projective line. In more algebraic terms, if C is defined over the fiel
Hilbert–Poincaré series
In mathematics, and in particular in the field of algebra, a Hilbert–Poincaré series (also known under the name Hilbert series), named after David Hilbert and Henri Poincaré, is an adaptation of the n
Injective sheaf
In mathematics, injective sheaves of abelian groups are used to construct the resolutions needed to define sheaf cohomology (and other derived functors, such as sheaf Ext). There is a further group of
Weak dimension
In abstract algebra, the weak dimension of a nonzero right module M over a ring R is the largest number n such that the Tor group is nonzero for some left R-module N (or infinity if no largest such n
Cyclic homology
In noncommutative geometry and related branches of mathematics, cyclic homology and cyclic cohomology are certain (co)homology theories for associative algebras which generalize the de Rham (co)homolo
Projective object
In category theory, the notion of a projective object generalizes the notion of a projective module. Projective objects in abelian categories are used in homological algebra. The dual notion of a proj
Homological dimension
No description available.
Topological Hochschild homology
In mathematics, Topological Hochschild homology is a topological refinement of Hochschild homology which rectifies some technical issues with computations in characteristic . For instance, if we consi
Standard complex
In mathematics, the standard complex, also called standard resolution, bar resolution, bar complex, bar construction, is a way of constructing resolutions in homological algebra. It was first introduc
Weil conjectures
In mathematics, the Weil conjectures were highly influential proposals by André Weil. They led to a successful multi-decade program to prove them, in which many leading researchers developed the frame
Secondary calculus and cohomological physics
In mathematics, secondary calculus is a proposed expansion of classical differential calculus on manifolds, to the "space" of solutions of a (nonlinear) partial differential equation. It is a sophisti
Künneth theorem
In mathematics, especially in homological algebra and algebraic topology, a Künneth theorem, also called a Künneth formula, is a statement relating the homology of two objects to the homology of their
Homotopy associative algebra
In mathematics, an algebra such as has multiplication whose associativity is well-defined on the nose. This means for any real numbers we have . But, there are algebras which are not necessarily assoc
Abelian category
In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties. The motivating prototypical exampl
Direct limit of groups
In mathematics, a direct limit of groups is the direct limit of a direct system of groups. These are central objects of study in algebraic topology, especially stable homotopy theory and homological a
Eilenberg–Maclane spectrum
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, there is a distinguished class of spectra called Eilenberg–Maclane spectra for any Abelian group pg 134. Note, this construction can be generalized to
Weak equivalence (homotopy theory)
In mathematics, a weak equivalence is a notion from homotopy theory that in some sense identifies objects that have the same "shape". This notion is formalized in the axiomatic definition of a model c
Triangulated category
In mathematics, a triangulated category is a category with the additional structure of a "translation functor" and a class of "exact triangles". Prominent examples are the derived category of an abeli
In the branch of mathematics called homological algebra, a t-structure is a way to axiomatize the properties of an abelian subcategory of a derived category. A t-structure on consists of two subcatego
Principal ideal theorem
In mathematics, the principal ideal theorem of class field theory, a branch of algebraic number theory, says that extending ideals gives a mapping on the class group of an algebraic number field to th
Deligne cohomology
In mathematics, Deligne cohomology is the hypercohomology of the Deligne complex of a complex manifold. It was introduced by Pierre Deligne in unpublished work in about 1972 as a cohomology theory for
Crystalline cohomology
In mathematics, crystalline cohomology is a Weil cohomology theory for schemes X over a base field k. Its values Hn(X/W) are modules over the ring W of Witt vectors over k. It was introduced by Alexan
Derived functor
In mathematics, certain functors may be derived to obtain other functors closely related to the original ones. This operation, while fairly abstract, unifies a number of constructions throughout mathe
Hochschild homology
In mathematics, Hochschild homology (and cohomology) is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Hochschild cohomology
Horseshoe lemma
In homological algebra, the horseshoe lemma, also called the simultaneous resolution theorem, is a statement relating resolutions of two objects and to resolutions ofextensions of by . It says that if
Universal coefficient theorem
In algebraic topology, universal coefficient theorems establish relationships between homology groups (or cohomology groups) with different coefficients. For instance, for every topological space X, i
Shapiro's lemma
In mathematics, especially in the areas of abstract algebra dealing with group cohomology or relative homological algebra, Shapiro's lemma, also known as the Eckmann–Shapiro lemma, relates extensions
AB5 category
In mathematics, Alexander Grothendieck in his "Tôhoku paper" introduced a sequence of axioms of various kinds of categories enriched over the symmetric monoidal category of abelian groups. Abelian cat
Acyclic model
In algebraic topology, a discipline within mathematics, the acyclic models theorem can be used to show that two homology theories are isomorphic. The theorem was developed by topologists Samuel Eilenb
Grothendieck group
In mathematics, the Grothendieck group, or group of differences, of a commutative monoid M is a certain abelian group. This abelian group is constructed from M in the most universal way, in the sense
Splitting lemma
In mathematics, and more specifically in homological algebra, the splitting lemma states that in any abelian category, the following statements are equivalent for a short exact sequence 1. * Left spl
Exact functor
In mathematics, particularly homological algebra, an exact functor is a functor that preserves short exact sequences. Exact functors are convenient for algebraic calculations because they can be direc
Nine lemma
In mathematics, the nine lemma (or 3×3 lemma) is a statement about commutative diagrams and exact sequences valid in the category of groups and any abelian category. It states: if the diagram to the r
Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper
The article "Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique" by Alexander Grothendieck, now often referred to as the Tôhoku paper, was published in 1957 in the Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. It has revolutio
Invariant basis number
In mathematics, more specifically in the field of ring theory, a ring has the invariant basis number (IBN) property if all finitely generated free left modules over R have a well-defined rank. In the
Factorization homology
In algebraic topology and category theory, factorization homology is a variant of topological chiral homology, motivated by an application to topological quantum field theory and cobordism hypothesis
Global dimension
In ring theory and homological algebra, the global dimension (or global homological dimension; sometimes just called homological dimension) of a ring A denoted gl dim A, is a non-negative integer or i
Banach algebra cohomology
In mathematics, Banach algebra cohomology of a Banach algebra with coefficients in a bimodule is a cohomology theory defined in a similar way to Hochschild cohomology of an abstract algebra, except th
Torsion (algebra)
In mathematics, specifically in ring theory, a torsion element is an element of a module that yields zero when multiplied by some non-zero-divisor of the ring. The torsion submodule of a module is the
Gluing axiom
In mathematics, the gluing axiom is introduced to define what a sheaf on a topological space must satisfy, given that it is a presheaf, which is by definition a contravariant functor to a category whi
Schur multiplier
In mathematical group theory, the Schur multiplier or Schur multiplicator is the second homology group of a group G. It was introduced by Issai Schur in his work on projective representations.
Tate cohomology group
In mathematics, Tate cohomology groups are a slightly modified form of the usual cohomology groups of a finite group that combine homology and cohomology groups into one sequence. They were introduced
Homological algebra
Homological algebra is the branch of mathematics that studies homology in a general algebraic setting. It is a relatively young discipline, whose origins can be traced to investigations in combinatori
In homological algebra, a branch of mathematics, a quasi-isomorphism or quism is a morphism A → B of chain complexes (respectively, cochain complexes) such that the induced morphisms of homology group
Giraud subcategory
In mathematics, Giraud subcategories form an important class of subcategories of Grothendieck categories. They are named after Jean Giraud.
Group cohomology
In mathematics (more specifically, in homological algebra), group cohomology is a set of mathematical tools used to study groups using cohomology theory, a technique from algebraic topology. Analogous
Section (category theory)
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a section is a right inverse of some morphism. Dually, a retraction is a left inverse of some morphism.In other words, if and are morphisms whose compositi
Localizing subcategory
In mathematics, Serre and localizing subcategories form important classes of subcategories of an abelian category. Localizing subcategories are certain Serre subcategories. They are strongly linked to
Chiral homology
In mathematics, chiral homology, introduced by Alexander Beilinson and Vladimir Drinfeld, is, in their words, "a “quantum” version of (the algebra of functions on) the space of global horizontal secti
Topological half-exact functor
In mathematics, a topological half-exact functor F is a functor from a fixed topological category (for example CW complexes or pointed spaces) to an abelian category (most frequently in applications,
In mathematics, a diffiety (/dəˈfaɪəˌtiː/) is a geometrical object which plays the same role in the modern theory of partial differential equations that algebraic varieties play for algebraic equation
Six operations
In mathematics, Grothendieck's six operations, named after Alexander Grothendieck, is a formalism in homological algebra, also known as the six-functor formalism. It originally sprang from the relatio
Matrix factorization (algebra)
In homological algebra, a branch of mathematics, a matrix factorization is a tool used to study infinitely long resolutions, generally over commutative rings.
Projective module
In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the class of projective modules enlarges the class of free modules (that is, modules with basis vectors) over a ring, by keeping some of the main properties of
Abelian 2-group
In mathematics, an Abelian 2-group is a higher dimensional analogue of an Abelian group, in the sense of higher algebra, which were originally introduced by Alexander Grothendieck while studying abstr
In algebra, Exalcomm is a functor classifying the extensions of a commutative algebra by a module. More precisely, the elements of Exalcommk(R,M) are isomorphism classes of commutative k-algebras E wi
Mixed Hodge module
In mathematics, mixed Hodge modules are the culmination of Hodge theory, mixed Hodge structures, intersection cohomology, and the decomposition theorem yielding a coherent framework for discussing var
Galois cohomology
In mathematics, Galois cohomology is the study of the group cohomology of Galois modules, that is, the application of homological algebra to modules for Galois groups. A Galois group G associated to a
Cohomological dimension
In abstract algebra, cohomological dimension is an invariant of a group which measures the homological complexity of its representations. It has important applications in geometric group theory, topol
Flat module
In algebra, a flat module over a ring R is an R-module M such that taking the tensor product over R with M preserves exact sequences. A module is faithfully flat if taking the tensor product with a se
In homological algebra, the hyperhomology or hypercohomology is a generalization of (co)homology functors which takes as input not objects in an abelian category but instead chain complexes of objects
Exact category
In mathematics, an exact category is a concept of category theory due to Daniel Quillen which is designed to encapsulate the properties of short exact sequences in abelian categories without requiring
Mapping cone (homological algebra)
In homological algebra, the mapping cone is a construction on a map of chain complexes inspired by the analogous construction in topology. In the theory of triangulated categories it is a kind of comb
Cohomology of algebras
No description available.
Projective cover
In the branch of abstract mathematics called category theory, a projective cover of an object X is in a sense the best approximation of X by a projective object P. Projective covers are the dual of in
Cartan–Eilenberg resolution
In homological algebra, the Cartan–Eilenberg resolution is in a sense, a resolution of a chain complex. It can be used to construct . It is named in honor of Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg.
Étale cohomology
In mathematics, the étale cohomology groups of an algebraic variety or scheme are algebraic analogues of the usual cohomology groups with finite coefficients of a topological space, introduced by Grot
Injective module
In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, an injective module is a module Q that shares certain desirable properties with the Z-module Q of all rational number
Koszul complex
In mathematics, the Koszul complex was first introduced to define a cohomology theory for Lie algebras, by Jean-Louis Koszul (see Lie algebra cohomology). It turned out to be a useful general construc
Adams resolution
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, there is a resolution analogous to free resolutions of spectra yielding a tool for constructing the Adams spectral sequence. Essentially, the idea is t
Bass number
In mathematics, the ith Bass number of a module M over a local ring R with residue field k is the k-dimension of . More generally the Bass number of a module M over a ring R at a prime ideal p is the
Monad (linear algebra)
In linear and homological algebra, a monad is a 3-term complex A → B → C of objects in some abelian category whose middle term B is projective and whose first map A → B is injective and whose second m
Sheaf cohomology
In mathematics, sheaf cohomology is the application of homological algebra to analyze the global sections of a sheaf on a topological space. Broadly speaking, sheaf cohomology describes the obstructio
Mixed Hodge structure
In algebraic geometry, a mixed Hodge structure is an algebraic structure containing information about the cohomology of general algebraic varieties. It is a generalization of a Hodge structure, which
Short five lemma
In mathematics, especially homological algebra and other applications of abelian category theory, the short five lemma is a special case of the five lemma.It states that for the following commutative
Eilenberg–Zilber theorem
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic topology, the Eilenberg–Zilber theorem is an important result in establishing the link between the homology groups of a product space and those of the spaces
Semiorthogonal decomposition
In mathematics, a semiorthogonal decomposition is a way to divide a triangulated category into simpler pieces. One way to produce a semiorthogonal decomposition is from an exceptional collection, a sp
Severi–Brauer variety
In mathematics, a Severi–Brauer variety over a field K is an algebraic variety V which becomes isomorphic to a projective space over an algebraic closure of K. The varieties are associated to central
Bockstein homomorphism
In homological algebra, the Bockstein homomorphism, introduced by Meyer Bockstein , is a connecting homomorphism associated with a short exact sequence of abelian groups, when they are introduced as c
Chain complex
In mathematics, a chain complex is an algebraic structure that consists of a sequence of abelian groups (or modules) and a sequence of homomorphisms between consecutive groups such that the image of e
Five lemma
In mathematics, especially homological algebra and other applications of abelian category theory, the five lemma is an important and widely used lemma about commutative diagrams.The five lemma is not
Perverse sheaf
The mathematical term perverse sheaves refers to a certain abelian category associated to a topological space X, which may be a real or complex manifold, or a more general topologically stratified spa
Schanuel's lemma
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as module theory, Schanuel's lemma, named after Stephen Schanuel, allows one to compare how far modules depart from being projective. It is usef
Snake lemma
The snake lemma is a tool used in mathematics, particularly homological algebra, to construct long exact sequences. The snake lemma is valid in every abelian category and is a crucial tool in homologi
Double complex
In mathematics, specifically Homological algebra, a double complex is a generalization of a chain complex where instead of having a -grading, the objects in the bicomplex have a -grading. The most gen
Projective representation
In the field of representation theory in mathematics, a projective representation of a group G on a vector space V over a field F is a group homomorphism from G to the projective linear group where GL
Derived category
In mathematics, the derived category D(A) of an abelian category A is a construction of homological algebra introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of derived functors defin
Godement resolution
The Godement resolution of a sheaf is a construction in homological algebra that allows one to view global, cohomological information about the sheaf in terms of local information coming from its stal
Koszul–Tate resolution
In mathematics, a Koszul–Tate resolution or Koszul–Tate complex of the quotient ring R/M is a projective resolution of it as an R-module which also has a structure of a dg-algebra over R, where R is a
Dual Steenrod algebra
In algebraic topology, through an algebraic operation (dualization), there is an associated commutative algebra from the noncommutative Steenrod algebras called the dual Steenrod algebra. This dual al
Inflation-restriction exact sequence
In mathematics, the inflation-restriction exact sequence is an exact sequence occurring in group cohomology and is a special case of the five-term exact sequence arising from the study of spectral seq