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Linear relation

In linear algebra, a linear relation, or simply relation, between elements of a vector space or a module is a linear equation that has these elements as a solution. More precisely, if are elements of a (left) module M over a ring R (the case of a vector space over a field is a special case), a relation between is a sequence of elements of R such that The relations between form a module. One is generally interested in the case where is a generating set of a finitely generated module M, in which case the module of the relations is often called a syzygy module of M. The syzygy module depends on the choice of a generating set, but it is unique up to the direct sum with a free module. That is, if and are syzygy modules corresponding to two generating sets of the same module, then they are stably isomorphic, which means that there exist two free modules and such that and are isomorphic. Higher order syzygy modules are defined recursively: a first syzygy module of a module M is simply its syzygy module. For k > 1, a kth syzygy module of M is a syzygy module of a (k – 1)-th syzygy module. Hilbert's syzygy theorem states that, if is a polynomial ring in n indeterminates over a field, then every nth syzygy module is free. The case n = 0 is the fact that every finite dimensional vector space has a basis, and the case n = 1 is the fact that K[x] is a principal ideal domain and that every submodule of a finitely generated free K[x] module is also free. The construction of higher order syzygy modules is generalized as the definition of free resolutions, which allows restating Hilbert's syzygy theorem as a polynomial ring in n indeterminates over a field has global homological dimension n. If a and b are two elements of the commutative ring R, then (b, –a) is a relation that is said trivial. The module of trivial relations of an ideal is the submodule of the first syzygy module of the ideal that is generated by the trivial relations between the elements of a generating set of an ideal. The concept of trivial relations can be generalized to higher order syzygy modules, and this leads to the concept of the Koszul complex of an ideal, which provides information on the non-trivial relations between the generators of an ideal. (Wikipedia).

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How do you determine if you have a linear equation n this video series I show you how to determine if a relation is a linear relation. A linear relation is a relation where their are variables do not have negative or fractional, or exponents other than one. Variables must not be in the denominator of any rat

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How to determine if an equation is a linear relation

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What is the parent function of a linear graph

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What are parallel lines

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What is a linear equation

👉 Learn about graphing linear equations. A linear equation is an equation whose highest exponent on its variable(s) is 1. i.e. linear equations has no exponents on their variables. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line. To graph a linear equation, we identify two values (x-valu

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What are perpendicular lines

👉 Learn about graphing linear equations. A linear equation is an equation whose highest exponent on its variable(s) is 1. i.e. linear equations has no exponents on their variables. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line. To graph a linear equation, we identify two values (x-valu

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When do you know if a relations is in linear standard form

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What are the x and y intercepts of a linear equation

👉 Learn about graphing linear equations. A linear equation is an equation whose highest exponent on its variable(s) is 1. i.e. linear equations has no exponents on their variables. The graph of a linear equation is a straight line. To graph a linear equation, we identify two values (x-valu

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