Design of experiments | Regression analysis


In statistics, multicollinearity (also collinearity) is a phenomenon in which one predictor variable in a multiple regression model can be linearly predicted from the others with a substantial degree of accuracy. In this situation, the coefficient estimates of the multiple regression may change erratically in response to small changes in the model or the data. Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power or reliability of the model as a whole, at least within the sample data set; it only affects calculations regarding individual predictors. That is, a multivariate regression model with collinear predictors can indicate how well the entire bundle of predictors predicts the outcome variable, but it may not give valid results about any individual predictor, or about which predictors are redundant with respect to others. Note that in statements of the assumptions underlying regression analyses such as ordinary least squares, the phrase "no multicollinearity" usually refers to the absence of perfect multicollinearity, which is an exact (non-stochastic) linear relation among the predictors. In such a case, the design matrix has less than full rank, and therefore the moment matrix cannot be inverted. Under these circumstances, for a general linear model , the ordinary least squares estimator does not exist. In any case, multicollinearity is a characteristic of the design matrix, not the underlying statistical model. Multicollinearity leads to non-identifiable parameters. (Wikipedia).

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Worldwide Calculus: Multi-Component Functions of a Single Variable

Lecture on 'Multi-Component Functions of a Single Variable' from 'Worldwide Multivariable Calculus'. For more lecture videos and $10 digital textbooks, visit

From playlist Worldwide Multivariable Calculus

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Multivariable Calculus: Cross Product

In this video we explore how to compute the cross product of two vectors using determinants.

From playlist Multivariable Calculus

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Multivariable Calculus | Differentiability

We give the definition of differentiability for a multivariable function and provide a few examples.

From playlist Multivariable Calculus

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11_3_6 Continuity and Differentiablility

Prerequisites for continuity. What criteria need to be fulfilled to call a multivariable function continuous.

From playlist Advanced Calculus / Multivariable Calculus

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Multivariable maxima and minima

A description of maxima and minima of multivariable functions, what they look like, and a little bit about how to find them.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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What is Multicollinearity? Extensive video + simulation!

See all my videos at 0:00 Introduction 2:16 Intuition 4:13 How does it affect our regression output? 6:55 Detection method I: Correlations 8:37 Detection method II: Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs) 11:50 Remedies 15:13 Justin's Simulation (COOL!) 22:17

From playlist Regression series (10 videos)

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Multicollinearity (Part B)

Regression Analysis by Dr. Soumen Maity,Department of Mathematics,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Kharagpur: Regression Analysis | Mathematics

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Multicollinearity (Part C)

Regression Analysis by Dr. Soumen Maity,Department of Mathematics,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Kharagpur: Regression Analysis | Mathematics

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Regression assumptions explained!

See all my videos at See the whole regression series here: 0:00 Introduction 8:08 Linearity (correct functional form) 14:10 Constant error variance (homoskedasticity) 19:18 Independent e

From playlist Regression series (10 videos)

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2.2.9 An Introduction to Linear Regression - Video 5: Understanding the Model

MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017 View the complete course: Instructor: Allison O'Hair Determining whether to keep all the variables in your final model. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses a

From playlist MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017

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2.2.11 An Introduction to Linear Regression - Video 6: Correlation and Multicollinearity

MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017 View the complete course: Instructor: Allison O'Hair Explores significant relationships between variables in the model. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses a

From playlist MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017

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(PP 6.1) Multivariate Gaussian - definition

Introduction to the multivariate Gaussian (or multivariate Normal) distribution.

From playlist Probability Theory

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Solving a multi-step equation by multiplying by the denominator

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist How to Solve Multi Step Equations with Variables on Both Sides

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Solving an equation with variables on both side and one solution

👉 Learn how to solve multi-step equations with variable on both sides of the equation. An equation is a statement stating that two values are equal. A multi-step equation is an equation which can be solved by applying multiple steps of operations to get to the solution. To solve a multi-s

From playlist Solve Multi-Step Equations......Help!

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Local linearity for a multivariable function

A visual representation of local linearity for a function with a 2d input and a 2d output, in preparation for learning about the Jacobian matrix.

From playlist Multivariable calculus

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Multicollinearity (Part A)

Regression Analysis by Dr. Soumen Maity,Department of Mathematics,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Kharagpur: Regression Analysis | Mathematics

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3.4.5 R3. Election Forecasting - Video 4: Logistic Regression Models

MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017 View the complete course: Instructor: John Silberholz Building a regression model considering multicollinearity within independent variables. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at

From playlist MIT 15.071 The Analytics Edge, Spring 2017

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11_2_1 The Geomtery of a Multivariable Function

Understanding the real-life 3D meaning of a multivariable function.

From playlist Advanced Calculus / Multivariable Calculus

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R - Moderation Analyses (Manual) Example

Lecturer: Dr. Erin M. Buchanan Missouri State University Fall 2016 This video covers how to perform a moderation analysis manually, to be able to apply for 3+ way interactions. Other videos on our channel cover how to do moderation with the QuantPsyc package. Data screening (outliers, ho

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