Lie algebras

Glossary of Lie groups and Lie algebras

This is a glossary for the terminology applied in the mathematical theories of Lie groups and Lie algebras. For the topics in the representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, see Glossary of representation theory. Because of the lack of other options, the glossary also includes some generalizations such as quantum group. Notations: Throughout the glossary, denotes the inner product of a Euclidean space E and denotes the rescaled inner product (Wikipedia).

Glossary of Lie groups and Lie algebras
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Lie groups: Lie algebras

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We define the Lie algebra of a Lie group in two ways, and show that it satisfied the Jacobi identity. The we calculate the Lie algebras of a few Lie groups. For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie groups: Lie groups and Lie algebras

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We discuss the relation between Lie groups and Lie algebras, and give several examples showing how they behave differently. Lie algebras turn out to correspond more closely to the simply connected Lie groups. We then explain

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 13 - Continuous Groups defined

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 13 - Continuous Groups defined In this lecture we define a "continuous groups" and show the connection between the algebraic properties of a group with topological properties. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Lie groups: Introduction

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. We give an introductory survey of Lie groups theory by describing some examples of Lie groups in low dimensions. Some recommended books: Lie algebras and Lie groups by Serre (anything by Serre is well worth reading) Repre

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 16 - representations, connectedness, definition of Lie Group

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 16 - representations, connectedness, definition of Lie Group We cover a few concepts in this lecture: 1) we introduce the idea of a matrix representation using our super-simple example of a continuous group, 2) we discuss "connectedness" and explain tha

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 18- Group Generators

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 18- Generators This is an important lecture! We work through the calculus of *group generators* and walk step-by-step through the exploitation of analyticity. That is, we use the Taylor expansion of the continuous functions associated with a Lie group o

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 22 - Lie Group Generators

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 22 - Lie Group Generators A Lie group can always be considered as a group of transformations because any group can transform itself! In this lecture we replace the "geometric space" with the Lie group itself to create a new collection of generators. P

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Representations of finite groups of Lie type (Lecture 1) by Dipendra Prasad

PROGRAM : GROUP ALGEBRAS, REPRESENTATIONS AND COMPUTATION ORGANIZERS: Gurmeet Kaur Bakshi, Manoj Kumar and Pooja Singla DATE: 14 October 2019 to 23 October 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Determining explicit algebraic structures of semisimple group algebras is a fun

From playlist Group Algebras, Representations And Computation

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Introduction to Lie algebras

In this clip I casually give a roundup of some of my current interests and also recommend you some literature. Get into Lie algebras, Lie groups and algebraic groups. Do it now!

From playlist Algebra

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 25 - the commutator and the Lie Algebra

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 25 - the commutator In this lecture we discover how to represent an infinitesimal commutator of the Lie group using a member of the Lie algebra. We promote the vector space spawned by the group generators to an algebra. Please consider supporting this

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 3 - Classical Groups Part I

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 3 - Classical Groups Part I We introduce the idea of the classical matrix groups and their associated carrier spaces. Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon:

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Lie Groups for Deep Learning w/ Graph Neural Networks

Lie Groups encode the symmetry of systems. We examine actions of a Lie group on a vector space, given their algebraic, topological and analysis based connectome. Deep Learning algorithms for Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are non trivial, and to understand them Lie Groups are essential! A r

From playlist Learn Graph Neural Networks: code, examples and theory

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Bad Math Glossary, or Soviet Propaganda?

A review of "The Algebra Tutor, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, Volume 1". A textbook/workbook by Willie L. Thomas. It has a great propaganda-esque cover design, and a very finicky glossary to put it nicely. #mathbook #math 00:00 Rest of the Review 19:33 The Bad Glossary 23:00 End Buy a copy o

From playlist The Math Library

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Jean Michel BISMUT - Fokker-Planck Operators and the Center of the Enveloping Algebra

The heat equation method in index theory gives an explicit local formula for the index of a Dirac operator. Its Lagrangian counterpart involves supersymmetric path integrals. Similar methods can be developed to give a geometric formula for semi simple orbital integrals associated with the

From playlist Integrability, Anomalies and Quantum Field Theory

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 38 - Preparation for the concept of a Universal Covering Group

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 38 - Preparation for the Universal Covering Group concept In this lesson we examine another amazing connection between the algebraic properties of the Lie groups with topological properties. We will lay the foundation to understand how discrete invaria

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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Is the variety of singular tuples of matrices a null cone? - Viswambhara Makam

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Is the variety of singular tuples of matrices a null cone? - Speaker: Viswambhara Makam Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: February 25, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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David Zywina, Computing Sato-Tate and monodromy groups.

VaNTAGe seminar on May 5, 2020. License: CC-BY-NC-SA Closed captions provided by Jun Bo Lau.

From playlist The Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties

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Lie groups: Lie's theorem

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Lie groups. This lecture is about Lie's theorem, which implies that a complex solvable Lie algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of the upper triangular matrices. . For the other lectures in the course see

From playlist Lie groups

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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 39 - The Universal Covering Group

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 39 - The Universal Covering Group We are finally in position to understand the nature of the Universal Covering Group and its connection to all the Lie groups which share a single Lie algebra. This is a critical lecture! In this lecture we simply state

From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

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