Representation theory of Lie groups

Kirillov character formula

In mathematics, for a Lie group , the Kirillov orbit method gives a heuristic method in representation theory. It connects the Fourier transforms of coadjoint orbits, which lie in the dual space of the Lie algebra of G, to the infinitesimal characters of the irreducible representations. The method got its name after the Russian mathematician Alexandre Kirillov. At its simplest, it states that a character of a Lie group may be given by the Fourier transform of the Dirac delta function supported on the coadjoint orbits, weighted by the square-root of the Jacobian of the exponential map, denoted by . It does not apply to all Lie groups, but works for a number of classes of connected Lie groups, including nilpotent, some semisimple groups, and compact groups. The Kirillov orbit method has led to a number of important developments in Lie theory, including the Duflo isomorphism and the . (Wikipedia).

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Kirchhoff Formula

I derive the celebrated Kirchhoff Formula, which gives the solution of the wave equation in 3 dimension, enjoy! Euler-Poisson-Darboux Equation: Partial Differential Equations playlist: Su

From playlist Partial Differential Equations

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Quintic Equation From Chebyshev Polynomial

Quintic Equation From Chebyshev Polynomial. We will see an introduction to Chebyshev Polynomial, which is a polynomial in terms of cosine. And then we will use this polynomial to create a solvable quintic equation. This kind of polynomial equation from trigonometric identities is very clas

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The present status of the DRESDYN project by Frank Stefani

GdR Dynamo 2015 PROGRAM LINK: DATES : 01 Jun, 2015 - 12 Jun, 2015 VENUE : ICTS-TIFR, IISc campus, Bangalore DESCRIPTION : Dynamo or self-induced magnetic field generation in nature and laboratory is a very important area of research in physics, astrop

From playlist GdR Dynamo 2015

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The Euler Mascheroni Constant

I define one of the most important constants in mathematics, the Euler-Mascheroni constant. It intuitively measures how far off the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n is from ln(n). In this video, I show that the constant must exist. It is an open problem to figure out if the constant is

From playlist Series

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Dimitri Zvonkine - On two ELSV formulas

The ELSV formula (discovered by Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro and Vainshtein) is an equality between two numbers. The first one is a Hurwitz number that can be defined as the number of factorizations of a given permutation into transpositions. The second is the integral of a characteristic class

From playlist 4th Itzykson Colloquium - Moduli Spaces and Quantum Curves

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Euler's Formula for the Quaternions

In this video, we will derive Euler's formula using a quaternion power, instead of a complex power, which will allow us to calculate quaternion exponentials such as e^(i+j+k). If you like quaternions, this is a pretty neat formula and a simple generalization of Euler's formula for complex

From playlist Math

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Lucas Mason-Brown - Arthur's Conjectures and the Orbit Method for Real Reductive Groups

The most fundamental unsolved problem in the representation theory of Lie groups is the Problem of the Unitary Dual: given a reductive Lie group G, this problem asks for a parameterization of the set of irreducible unitary G-representations. There are two big "philosophies" for approaching

From playlist 2022 Summer School on the Langlands program

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On the Mod p Cohomology for GL_2 (I) by Haoran Wang

Program Recent developments around p-adic modular forms (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee (IISER Pune, India) and Denis Benois (University of Bordeaux, France) DATE: 30 November 2020 to 04 December 2020 VENUE: Online This is a follow up of the conference organized last year arou

From playlist Recent Developments Around P-adic Modular Forms (Online)

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Euler's formulas, Rodrigues' formula

In this video I proof various generalizations of Euler's formula, including Rodrigues' formula and explain their 3 dimensional readings. Here's the text used in this video:

From playlist Algebra

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Friedrich Wagemann: Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebra

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Ex: Solve a Bernoulli Differential Equation Using Separation of Variables

This video explains how to solve a Bernoulli differential equation.

From playlist Bernoulli Differential Equations

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Ex: Solve a Bernoulli Differential Equation Using an Integrating Factor

This video explains how to solve a Bernoulli differential equation.

From playlist Bernoulli Differential Equations

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A classic trig identity! Featuring Chebyshev polynomials.

We derive a classic trigonometric identity. We make use of Chebyshev polynomials during our calculations. Please Subscribe: Personal Website: Randolph College Math:

From playlist Trigonometric Identities

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Emmy Noether: breathtaking mathematics - Georgia Benkart

Celebrating Emmy Noether Topic: Emmy Noether: breathtaking mathematics Speaker: Georgia Benkart Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Madison Date: Friday, May 6 By the mid 1920s, Emmy Noether had made fundamental contributions to commutative algebra and to the theory of invariants.

From playlist Celebrating Emmy Noether

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Coadjoint Orbits and Liouville Bulk Dual by Gautam Mandal

11 January 2017 to 13 January 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru String theory has come a long way, from its origin in 1970's as a possible model of strong interactions, to the present day where it sheds light not only on the original problem of strong interactions, but

From playlist String Theory: Past and Present

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Symplectic Structures and Dynamics on Vortex Membranes - Boris Khesin

Boris Khesin University of Toronto; Member, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study January 25, 2012 We present a Hamiltonian framework for higher-dimensional vortex filaments (or membranes) and vortex sheets as singular 2-forms with support of codimensions 2 and 1, respectivel

From playlist Mathematics

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Code Panoptic Image Segmentation w/ Vision Transformer & Mask2Former - A PyTorch tutorial

Key innovation is to have a Transformer decoder come up with a set of binary masks and classes in a parallel way. This was then improved in the MaskFormer paper, which showed that the "binary mask classification" paradigm also works really well for semantic segmentation. Mask2Former exten

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Recollections of I.M. Gelfand [2013]

RECOLLECTIONS Thursday, August 29 3:30PM – 5:45PM Gelfand Recollections session (room 34-101; to be continued at the conference banquet) Gelfand Centennial Conference: A View of 21st Century Mathematics MIT, Room 34-101, August 28 - September 2, 2013

From playlist Mathematics

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Solve a Bernoulli Differential Equation Initial Value Problem

This video provides an example of how to solve an Bernoulli Differential Equations Initial Value Problem. The solution is verified graphically. Library:

From playlist Bernoulli Differential Equations

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Support (mathematics) | Group representation | Lie group | Jacobian matrix and determinant | Fourier transform | Bessel function | Maximal torus | Exponential map (Lie theory) | Nilpotent | Root system | Infinitesimal character | Representation theory | Connected space | Mathematics | Dirac delta function | Dual space | Duflo isomorphism | Lie algebra | Compact group | Measure (mathematics) | Irreducible representation