Markov processes

Discrete-time Markov chain

In probability, a discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) is a sequence of random variables, known as a stochastic process, in which the value of the next variable depends only on the value of the current variable, and not any variables in the past. For instance, a machine may have two states, A and E. When it is in state A, there is a 40% chance of it moving to state E and a 60% chance of it remaining in state A. When it is in state E, there is a 70% chance of it moving to A and a 30% chance of it staying in E. The sequence of states of the machine is a Markov chain. If we denote the chain by then is the state which the machine starts in and is the random variable describing its state after 10 transitions. The process continues forever, indexed by the natural numbers. An example of a stochastic process which is not a Markov chain is the model of a machine which has states A and E and moves to A from either state with 50% chance if it has ever visited A before, and 20% chance if it has never visited A before (leaving a 50% or 80% chance that the machine moves to E). This is because the behavior of the machine depends on the whole history—if the machine is in E, it may have a 50% or 20% chance of moving to A, depending on its past values. Hence, it does not have the Markov property. A Markov chain can be described by a stochastic matrix, which lists the probabilities of moving to each state from any individual state. From this matrix, the probability of being in a particular state n steps in the future can be calculated. A Markov chain's state space can be partitioned into communicating classes that describe which states are reachable from each other (in one transition or in many). Each state can be described as transient or recurrent, depending on the probability of the chain ever returning to that state. Markov chains can have properties including periodicity, reversibility and stationarity. A continuous-time Markov chain is like a discrete-time Markov chain, but it moves states continuously through time rather than as discrete time steps. Other stochastic processes can satisfy the Markov property, the property that past behavior does not affect the process, only the present state. (Wikipedia).

Discrete-time Markov chain
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(ML 14.3) Markov chains (discrete-time) (part 2)

Definition of a (discrete-time) Markov chain, and two simple examples (random walk on the integers, and a oversimplified weather model). Examples of generalizations to continuous-time and/or continuous-space. Motivation for the hidden Markov model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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(ML 14.2) Markov chains (discrete-time) (part 1)

Definition of a (discrete-time) Markov chain, and two simple examples (random walk on the integers, and a oversimplified weather model). Examples of generalizations to continuous-time and/or continuous-space. Motivation for the hidden Markov model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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L24.4 Discrete-Time Finite-State Markov Chains

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: Patrick Jaillet License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018

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(ML 18.4) Examples of Markov chains with various properties (part 1)

A very simple example of a Markov chain with two states, to illustrate the concepts of irreducibility, aperiodicity, and stationary distributions.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (8 of 38) What is a Stochastic Matrix?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a stochastic matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Intro to Markov Chains & Transition Diagrams

Markov Chains or Markov Processes are an extremely powerful tool from probability and statistics. They represent a statistical process that happens over and over again, where we try to predict the future state of a system. A markov process is one where the probability of the future ONLY de

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(ML 18.3) Stationary distributions, Irreducibility, and Aperiodicity

Definitions of the properties of Markov chains used in the Ergodic Theorem: time-homogeneous MC, stationary distribution of a MC, irreducible MC, aperiodic MC.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (10 of 38) Regular Markov Chain

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a regular Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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L25.3 Markov Chain Review

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: Patrick Jaillet License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018

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(ML 18.2) Ergodic theorem for Markov chains

Statement of the Ergodic Theorem for (discrete-time) Markov chains. This gives conditions under which the average over time converges to the expected value, and under which the marginal distributions converge to the stationary distribution.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Markov processes and applications by Hugo Touchette

PROGRAM : BANGALORE SCHOOL ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS - XII (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS : Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI, Bengaluru) DATE : 28 June 2021 to 09 July 2021 VENUE : Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the school will be conducted through online

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Max Fathi: Ricci curvature and functional inequalities for interacting particle systems

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Markov processes and applications-2 by Hugo Touchette

PROGRAM : BANGALORE SCHOOL ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS - XII (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS : Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI, Bengaluru) DATE : 28 June 2021 to 09 July 2021 VENUE : Online Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the school will be conducted through online

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Regenerative sequences and processes and MCMC by Krishna Athreya

Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent advances and future challenges DATE: 14 August 2017 to 13 October 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Large deviation theory made its way into statistical physics as a mathematical framework for studying equilibrium syst

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Localization schemes: A framework for proving mixing bounds for Markov chains - Ronen Eldan

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Localization schemes: A framework for proving mixing bounds for Markov chains Speaker: Ronen Eldan Affiliation: von Neumann Fellow, School of Mathematics Date: March 15, 2022 Two recent and seemingly-unrelated techniques for proving

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Brain Teasers: 10. Winning in a Markov chain

In this exercise we use the absorbing equations for Markov Chains, to solve a simple game between two players. The Zoom connection was not very stable, hence there are a few audio problems. Sorry.

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