Markov models | Markov processes

Absorbing Markov chain

In the mathematical theory of probability, an absorbing Markov chain is a Markov chain in which every state can reach an absorbing state. An absorbing state is a state that, once entered, cannot be left. Like general Markov chains, there can be continuous-time absorbing Markov chains with an infinite state space. However, this article concentrates on the discrete-time discrete-state-space case. (Wikipedia).

Absorbing Markov chain
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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains: Method 2 (35 of 38) Finding the Stable State & Transition Matrices

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the standard form of the absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Markov Chains - Part 7 - Absorbing Markov Chains and Absorbing States

Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Markov Chains - Part 7 - Absorbing Markov Chains and Absorbing States. In this video, I introduce the idea of an absorbing state and an absorbing Markov ch

From playlist All Videos - Part 1

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (22 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chains - Example 2

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the stable transition matrix in an absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (20 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chains - Definition 2

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will define the absorbing Markov in a nxn matrix and 3x3 matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (27 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chain: Stable Matrix=? Ex. 2

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the stable transition matrix (4x4) in an absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (21 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chains - Example 1

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the stable distribution matrix in an absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (23 of 38) Absorbing and Non-Absorbing Markov Chain

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the difference between an absorbing and non-absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (19 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chains - Definition 1

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will define the absorbing Markov chain using examples and graphically. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains: Method 2 (33 of 38) What is an Absorbing Markov Chain

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the method 2 transition matrix for an absorbing Markov chain. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains (28 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chain: Stable Distribution Matrix=?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the stable distribution matrix after finding stable transition matrix. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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Markov Chains - Part 8 - Standard Form for Absorbing Markov Chains

Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Markov Chains - Part 8 - Standard Form for Absorbing Markov Chains. Ok, so really we are finding standard form for the TRANSITION matrix associated with a Mark

From playlist All Videos - Part 1

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Brain Teasers: 10. Winning in a Markov chain

In this exercise we use the absorbing equations for Markov Chains, to solve a simple game between two players. The Zoom connection was not very stable, hence there are a few audio problems. Sorry.

From playlist Brain Teasers and Quant Interviews

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Prob & Stats - Markov Chains: Method 2 (37 of 38) Absorbing Markov Chain: Changing to Standard Form

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the standard form of absorbing Markov chains when there are 2 absorbing states. Next video in the Markov Chains series:

From playlist iLecturesOnline: Probability & Stats 3: Markov Chains & Stochastic Processes

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