Statistical ratios | Conditional probability | Mathematical fallacies

Conditional probability

In probability theory, conditional probability is a measure of the probability of an event occurring, given that another event (by assumption, presumption, assertion or evidence) has already occurred. This particular method relies on event B occurring with some sort of relationship with another event A. In this event, the event B can be analyzed by a conditional probability with respect to A. If the event of interest is A and the event B is known or assumed to have occurred, "the conditional probability of A given B", or "the probability of A under the condition B", is usually written as P(A|B) or occasionally PB(A). This can also be understood as the fraction of probability B that intersects with A: . For example, the probability that any given person has a cough on any given day may be only 5%. But if we know or assume that the person is sick, then they are much more likely to be coughing. For example, the conditional probability that someone unwell (sick) is coughing might be 75%, in which case we would have that P(Cough) = 5% and P(Cough|Sick) = 75 %. Although there is a relationship between A and B in this example, such a relationship or dependence between A and B is not necessary, nor do they have to occur simultaneously. P(A|B) may or may not be equal to P(A) (the unconditional probability of A). If P(A|B) = P(A), then events A and B are said to be independent: in such a case, knowledge about either event does not alter the likelihood of each other. P(A|B) (the conditional probability of A given B) typically differs from P(B|A). For example, if a person has dengue fever, the person might have a 90% chance of being tested as positive for the disease. In this case, what is being measured is that if event B (having dengue) has occurred, the probability of A (tested as positive) given that B occurred is 90%, simply writing P(A|B) = 90%. Alternatively, if a person is tested as positive for dengue fever, they may have only a 15% chance of actually having this rare disease due to high false positive rates. In this case, the probability of the event B (having dengue) given that the event A (testing positive) has occurred is 15% or P(B|A) = 15%. It should be apparent now that falsely equating the two probabilities can lead to various errors of reasoning, which is commonly seen through base rate fallacies. While conditional probabilities can provide extremely useful information, limited information is often supplied or at hand. Therefore, it can be useful to reverse or convert a conditional probability using Bayes' theorem: . Another option is to display conditional probabilities in conditional probability table to illuminate the relationship between events. (Wikipedia).

Conditional probability
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Finding the conditional probability from a tree diagram

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

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How to find the conditional probability from a tree diagram

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Learn to find the or probability from a tree diagram

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Using a tree diagram to find the conditional probability

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Finding the conditional probability from a two way frequency table

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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How to find the probability of consecutive events

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Using a contingency table to find the conditional probability

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Determining the conditional probability from a contingency table

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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How to find the conditional probability from a contingency table

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Excel Statistical Analysis 19: Conditional Probability 5 Examples

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Intro to Conditional Probability | Probability Theory

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L09.2 Conditioning A Continuous Random Variable on an Event

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L07.2 Conditional PMFs

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

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L10.2 Conditional PDFs

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L06.4 Conditional PMFs & Expectations Given an Event

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(New Version Available) Conditional Probability

New Version: Fixes an error at 7:00: This video explains how to determine conditional probability.

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