Category: Mathematical fallacies

Division by infinity
In mathematics, division by infinity is division where the divisor (denominator) is infinity. In ordinary arithmetic, this does not have a well-defined meaning, since infinity is a mathematical concep
Mathematical fallacy
In mathematics, certain kinds of mistaken proof are often exhibited, and sometimes collected, as illustrations of a concept called mathematical fallacy. There is a distinction between a simple mistake
Conditional probability
In probability theory, conditional probability is a measure of the probability of an event occurring, given that another event (by assumption, presumption, assertion or evidence) has already occurred.
List of incomplete proofs
This page lists notable examples of incomplete published mathematical proofs. Most of these were accepted as correct for several years but later discovered to contain gaps. There are both examples whe
Freshman's dream
The freshman's dream is a name sometimes given to the erroneous equation , where is a real number (usually a positive integer greater than 1) and are nonzero real numbers. Beginning students commonly
Division by zero
In mathematics, division by zero is division where the divisor (denominator) is zero. Such a division can be formally expressed as , where a is the dividend (numerator). In ordinary arithmetic, the ex