Conditional probability | Statistical theory

Conditional expectation

In probability theory, the conditional expectation, conditional expected value, or conditional mean of a random variable is its expected value – the value it would take “on average” over an arbitrarily large number of occurrences – given that a certain set of "conditions" is known to occur. If the random variable can take on only a finite number of values, the “conditions” are that the variable can only take on a subset of those values. More formally, in the case when the random variable is defined over a discrete probability space, the "conditions" are a partition of this probability space. Depending on the context, the conditional expectation can be either a random variable or a function. The random variable is denoted analogously to conditional probability. The function form is either denoted or a separate function symbol such as is introduced with the meaning . (Wikipedia).

Conditional expectation
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Write a statement in conditional form and determine the truth ex 2

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

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Using a contingency table to find the conditional probability

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Determining the truth of a conditional statement

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

From playlist Conditional Statements

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How to determine the truth table from a statement and determine its validity

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

From playlist Conditional Statements

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Using a tree diagram to find the conditional probability

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Finding the conditional probability from a tree diagram

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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CCSS What are truth tables and how can we create them for conditional statements

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

From playlist Conditional Statements

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How to determine the truth of a statement using a truth table

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

From playlist Conditional Statements

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How to determine the truth of a statement using a truth table

👉 Learn how to determine the truth or false of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an if-then statement connecting a hypothesis (p) and the conclusion (q). If the hypothesis of a statement is represented by p and the conclusion is represented by q, then the conditional stat

From playlist Conditional Statements

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12. Iterated Expectations

MIT 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2010 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.041SC Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2013

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6. Discrete Random Variables II

MIT 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2010 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT 6.041SC Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2013

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Plamen Turkedjiev: Least squares regression Monte Carlo for approximating BSDES and semilinear PDES

Abstract: In this lecture, we shall discuss the key steps involved in the use of least squares regression for approximating the solution to BSDEs. This includes how to obtain explicit error estimates, and how these error estimates can be used to tune the parameters of the numerical scheme

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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L17.6 LLMS for Inferring the Parameter of a Coin

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018

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Expected shortfall (ES, FRM T5-02)

In this video, I'm going to show you exactly how we calculate expected shortfall under basic historical simulation. Expected shortfall is both desirable and timely. It's desirable because it is coherent, satisfies all four conditions of coherence, including subadditivity, whereas var does

From playlist Market Risk (FRM Topic 5)

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L16.3 LMS Estimation of One Random Variable Based on Another

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018

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L13.6 The Conditional Variance

MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018 View the complete course: Instructor: John Tsitsiklis License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability, Spring 2018

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5 4 Stochastic integral Part 2

BEM1105x Course Playlist - Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2020 California Institute of Technology

From playlist BEM1105x Course - Prof. Jakša Cvitanić

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How to find the conditional probability from a tree diagram

👉 Learn how to find the conditional probability of an event. Probability is the chance of an event occurring or not occurring. The probability of an event is given by the number of outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes. Conditional probability is the chance of an event occurring

From playlist Probability

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Reduced form Setting undr Model Uncertainty w/ Nonlinear Affine Intensities - Prof Francesca Biagini

Abstract In this talk we present a market model including financial assets and life insurance liabilities within a reduced-form framework under model uncertainty by following [1]. In particular we extend this framework to include mortality intensities following an affine process unde

From playlist Uncertainty and Risk

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