Exponential family distributions | Discrete distributions | Categorical data

Categorical distribution

In probability theory and statistics, a categorical distribution (also called a generalized Bernoulli distribution, multinoulli distribution) is a discrete probability distribution that describes the possible results of a random variable that can take on one of K possible categories, with the probability of each category separately specified. There is no innate underlying ordering of these outcomes, but numerical labels are often attached for convenience in describing the distribution, (e.g. 1 to K). The K-dimensional categorical distribution is the most general distribution over a K-way event; any other discrete distribution over a size-K sample space is a special case. The parameters specifying the probabilities of each possible outcome are constrained only by the fact that each must be in the range 0 to 1, and all must sum to 1. The categorical distribution is the generalization of the Bernoulli distribution for a categorical random variable, i.e. for a discrete variable with more than two possible outcomes, such as the roll of a die. On the other hand, the categorical distribution is a special case of the multinomial distribution, in that it gives the probabilities of potential outcomes of a single drawing rather than multiple drawings. (Wikipedia).

Categorical distribution
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The Normal Distribution (1 of 3: Introductory definition)

More resources available at www.misterwootube.com

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Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #06: Frequency Distributions & Column Charts, Categorical Variables

Download files: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/210Excel2013/Ch02/Excel2013StatisticsChapter02.xlsx This video covers how to create Frequency Distributions and Appropriate Charts for Categorical Data using Formulas, PivotTables, Column Charts, Bar Charts and Pie Charts: 1. (

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Basic Excel Business Analytics #15: Count Transactions by Web Site Report & Chart

Download files: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/348/348/AllFilesBI348Analytics.htm Video about: Frequency Distributions, Relative Frequency Distribution and Percent Frequency Distribution & Column Chart for Categorical Data Learn: 1) (00:17) Introduction to Frequency Distri

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Statistics: Introduction to the Shape of a Distribution of a Variable

This video introduces some of the more common shapes of distributions http://mathispower4u.com

From playlist Statistics: Describing Data

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(ML 7.8) Dirichlet-Categorical model (part 2)

The Dirichlet distribution is a conjugate prior for the Categorical distribution (i.e. a PMF a finite set). We derive the posterior distribution and the (posterior) predictive distribution under this model.

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(ML 7.7) Dirichlet-Categorical model (part 1)

The Dirichlet distribution is a conjugate prior for the Categorical distribution (i.e. a PMF a finite set). We derive the posterior distribution and the (posterior) predictive distribution under this model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Categorical Displays: Bar Graph, Pareto Chart, Pie Chart, and Pictogram

This lesson provide an overview of ways to display categorical or qualitative data using bar graphs, Pareto charts, pie charts, and pictograms. Site: http://mathispower4u.com

From playlist Statistics: Describing Data

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Excel Statistical Analysis 05: Frequency Distributions & Visualizations for Categorical Data

Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/Ch02-ESA.xlsm Learn about creating Frequency Distributions & Column and Bar Chart Visualizations for Categorical Data. See an Epic Summary of EVERYTHING you need to know about Column and Bar Charts. Topics: 1. (00:00) 2. (00:22) Download Ex

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What is a probability distribution?

An introduction to probability distributions - both discrete and continuous - via simple examples. If you are interested in seeing more of the material, arranged into a playlist, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFDbGp5YzjqXQ4oE4w9GVWdiokWB9gEpm For more information

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Multinomial and Poisson Distributions (4c)

Video Lecture from the course INST 414: Advanced Data Science at UMD's iSchool. (I stupidly wore a greenish shirt in front of a green screen.) Full course information here: http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jbg/teaching/INST_414/

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Tom Leinster : The categorical origins of entropy

Recording during the thematic meeting : "Geometrical and Topological Structures of Information" the August 29, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent

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Live CEOing Ep 307: CategoricalDistribution Review in Wolfram Language

Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about CategoricalDistribution Review in the Wolfram Language.

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Contingency Tables & Conditional Proportions

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STAT 200 Lesson 11 Lecture

0:55 - Review #1: Frequency tables 1:27 - Review #2: Two-way contingency tables 2:24 - Review #3: Probability distribution plots 3:26 - Review #4: Conditional probabilities 5:14 - Review #5: Independence 6:08 - Lesson 11 learning objectives 6:38 - 1. Construct a chi-square probability dist

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undergraduate machine learning 23: Dirichlet and categorical distributions

Dirichlet and Categorical models. Application to twitter sentiment prediction with Naive Bayes. The slides are available here: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~nando/340-2012/lectures.php This course was taught in 2012 at UBC by Nando de Freitas

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The Multinomial Distribution : Data Science Basics

How the Bernoulli and Binomial distributions are part of something bigger. My Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=49277905 Icon Resources : Fish icons created by Freepik - Flaticon https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/fish Sea life icons created by smalllikeart - Flaticon https://w

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STAT 200 Lesson 2 Lecture Video

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Distributions - Statistical Inference

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