General Chemistry

  1. Chemical Reactions
    1. Types of Chemical Reactions
      1. Synthesis Reactions
        1. General form and characteristics
          1. Common examples in industry and nature
            1. Energy changes during synthesis reactions
            2. Decomposition Reactions
              1. General form and characteristics
                1. Examples of thermal decomposition
                  1. Role of catalysts in decomposition
                  2. Single Replacement Reactions
                    1. General form and characteristics
                      1. Activity series of metals
                        1. Predicting products in single replacement reactions
                        2. Double Replacement Reactions
                          1. General form and characteristics
                            1. Solubility rules for predicting products
                              1. Precipitation reactions and formation of gases
                              2. Combustion Reactions
                                1. General form and characteristics
                                  1. Complete vs. incomplete combustion
                                    1. Environmental impact of combustion reactions
                                  2. Reaction Kinetics
                                    1. Rate of Reaction
                                      1. Definition and methods to measure reaction rates
                                        1. Application of rate laws
                                        2. Factors Affecting Reaction Rates
                                          1. Temperature and its effect on reaction rates
                                            1. Concentration effects and rate laws
                                              1. Surface area and its influence on solid-state reactions
                                                1. Catalysts and how they alter reaction rates
                                                2. Activation Energy
                                                  1. Energy profile diagrams
                                                    1. Arrhenius equation and its applications
                                                  2. Equilibrium
                                                    1. Dynamic Equilibrium
                                                      1. Definition and characteristics
                                                        1. Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous equilibrium
                                                        2. Le Chatelier's Principle
                                                          1. Predicting changes in equilibrium position due to pressure, concentration, temperature changes
                                                          2. Equilibrium Constants
                                                            1. Understanding Kc and Kp
                                                              1. Calculations involving equilibrium concentrations
                                                                1. The reaction quotient and predicting direction of shift
                                                              2. Energy Changes in Reactions
                                                                1. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
                                                                  1. Understanding enthalpy changes
                                                                    1. Practical examples in everyday life
                                                                    2. Energy Diagrams
                                                                      1. Interpretation of reaction pathways
                                                                        1. Identifying transition states and intermediates
                                                                      2. Applications and Implications of Chemical Reactions
                                                                        1. Industrial Chemical Reactions
                                                                          1. Importance in manufacturing and synthesis
                                                                            1. Example processes like Haber process, Contact process
                                                                            2. Environmental Impact
                                                                              1. Reactions contributing to pollution and waste
                                                                                1. Green chemistry initiatives to mitigate impacts
                                                                              2. Balancing Chemical Equations
                                                                                1. Law of Conservation of Mass
                                                                                  1. Fundamental principles for balancing reactions
                                                                                  2. Steps for Balancing Equations
                                                                                    1. Techniques and tips for handling complex equations
                                                                                      1. Role of stoichiometry in reactions
                                                                                    2. Redox Reactions
                                                                                      1. Oxidation and Reduction
                                                                                        1. Definitions, examples, and identifying redox pairs
                                                                                          1. Practical applications in daily life and industry
                                                                                          2. Balancing Redox Equations
                                                                                            1. Methods for balancing in acidic and basic solutions
                                                                                              1. Use of oxidation numbers in balancing
                                                                                            2. Enthalpy, Entropy, and Free Energy in Reactions
                                                                                              1. Thermodynamic Favorability
                                                                                                1. Role of Gibbs free energy in chemical reactions
                                                                                                  1. Predicting spontaneity of reactions