Radio frequency propagation model

Ten-rays model

The ten-rays model is a mathematical model applied to the transmissions of radio signal in an urban area, to generate a model of ten rays typically four rays more are added to the six rays model, these are ( and bouncing on both sides of the wall); This incorporate paths from one to three reflections: specifically, there is the LOS (Line of sight), GR (ground reflected), SW (single-wall reflected), DW (double-wall reflected), TW (triple-wall reflected), WG (wall-ground reflected) and GW (ground-wall reflected paths). Where each one of the paths bounces on both sides of the wall. Experimentally, it has been demonstrated that the ten ray model simulates or can represent the propagation of signals through a dielectric canyon, in it which the rays that travel from a transmitter point to a receiver point bounce many times. As example for this model it is assume: a rectilinear free space with two walls, one upper and the other lower, from which two vertical bases are positioned at their ends, these are the transmitting and receiving antennas that it's locate in such a way that their heights don't surpass the limits of the top wall; Achieved this the structure acts as free space for its functioning similar to that of a dielectric canyon of signals propagation, since the rays transmitted from the transmitting antenna will collide each side of the upper and lower walls infinity of times (for this example up to 3 reflections) until reaching the receiving antenna. During the course of the rays for each reflection they suffer, part of the energy of the signal is dissipated in each reflection, normally after the third reflection of said ray its resulting component which is a retro-reflected ray is insignificant with a negligible energy. (Wikipedia).

Ten-rays model
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