Radio frequency propagation model

Six-rays model

The six-rays model is applied in an urban or indoor environment where a radio signal transmitted will encounter some objects that produce reflected, refracted or scattered copies of the transmitted signal. These are called multipath signal components, they are attenuated, delayed and shifted from the original signal (LOS) due to a finite number of reflectors with known location and dielectric properties, LOS and multipath signal are summed at the receiver. This model approach the propagation of electromagnetic waves by representing wavefront as simple particles. Thus reflection, refraction and scattering effects are approximated using simple geometric equation instead Maxwell's wave equations.[1] The simplest model is two-rays which predicts signal variation resulting from a ground reflection interfering with the loss path. This model is applicable in isolated areas with some reflectors, such as rural roads or hallway. The above two-rays approach can easily be extended to add as many rays as required. We may add rays bouncing off each side of a street in an urban corridor, leading to a six-rays model. The deduction of the six-rays model is presented below. (Wikipedia).

Six-rays model
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