Accelerator neutrino experiments

T2K experiment

T2K ("Tokai to Kamioka") is a particle physics experiment studying the oscillations of the accelerator neutrinos. The experiment is conducted in Japan by the international cooperation of about 500 physicists and engineers with over 60 research institutions from several countries from Europe, Asia and North America and it is a recognized CERN experiment (RE13). T2K collected data within its first phase of operation from 2010 till 2021. The second phase of data taking is expected to start in 2023 and last until commencement of the successor of T2K – in 2027. T2K was the first experiment which observed the appearance of electron neutrinos in a muon neutrino beam. It also provided the world best measurement of oscillation parameter θ23 and a hint of a significant matter-antimatter asymmetry in neutrino oscillations. The measurement of the neutrino-antineutrino oscillation asymmetry may bring us closer to the explanation of the existence of our matter-dominated Universe. The intense beam of muon neutrinos is produced in the J-PARC facility (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in Tokai on the east coast of Japan. The beam is directed towards the Super-Kamiokande far detector located 295 kilometres (183 mi) away in the city of Hida, Gifu prefecture. The properties and composition of the neutrino flux are first measured by a system of near detectors located 280 metres (920 ft) from the beam production place at the J-PARC site, and then again in the Super-Kamiokande detector. Comparison of the content of different neutrino flavours in these two locations allows measurement of the oscillations probability on the way between near and far detectors. Super-Kamiokande is able to detect interactions of both, muon and electron neutrinos, and thus measure the disappearance of muon neutrino flux, as well as electron neutrino appearance in the beam. (Wikipedia).

T2K experiment
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A Gentle Introduction to the One Sample t Test (10-2)

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From playlist WK10 One Sample t Tests - Online Statistics for the Flipped Classroom

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A Gentle Introduction to the Independent Samples t Test (11-2)

The independent samples t test compares one sample mean to another sample mean. It is widely used in statistics and will help us understand other statistical tests that we will learn later, such as ANOVA. The Independent Samples t Test, sometimes called “t for two,” is a parametric procedu

From playlist WK11 Independent Sample t Tests and Paired t Tests - Online Statistics for the Flipped Classroom

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How to Compare Two Samples Using t Tests (11-1)

The most basic and most popular inferential statistic – especially for beginning statistics students – is the t test. The t test is wonderful because it allows us to compare two samples. This opens up a world of possibility for our research. Researchers often want to compare two (or more)

From playlist WK11 Independent Sample t Tests and Paired t Tests - Online Statistics for the Flipped Classroom

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Learning the One Sample t Test by Hand with Excel (10-3)

To really understand the fundamentals of statistics, it is helpful to calculate a one-sample t test by hand using formulas. To make the calculations easier, we use Excel for the math. We will use the five steps of hypothesis testing and Student's t table, to learn the test. This example us

From playlist WK10 One Sample t Tests - Online Statistics for the Flipped Classroom

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A Gentle Introduction to Paired Samples t Test (11-6)

The paired samples t test uses repeated measures in which the same subjects are used in all treatment conditions. This is typical of a “before and after” design. Another way to use a paired samples t test is with matched pairs. It tests whether the average difference between two measureme

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The Ghostly Particles That May Have Unbalanced the Universe

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JASP 0.10 Tutorial: One Sample T-test (Episode 6)

In this JASP tutorial, I go through a One-Sample t-test example, discussing and explaining each option you can use to fully explore the test. The data presented here is mine and is unpublished. I am using it for demonstration purposes only. Proper credit should be given if used elsewhere.

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How do we detect neutrinos? | Even Bananas 04

Hold on to your hats! Today we’re talking about how to see the invisible – that’s right, it’s detector time. First up, the bizarre story of the world’s first neutrino detector: Project Poltergeist. Then, MicroBooNE scientist Katrina Miller shows us the materials used to build modern detect

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Your Daily Equation #20: 1,000,000,001 - 1,000,000,000 = 1

Episode 20 #YourDailyEquation: When matter meets antimatter, the particles annihilate. So, in our evolving universe why is there any matter left over? Today Brian Greene discusses the recent news of neutrino asymmetry found in the T2K experiment taking place in Japan. For an in-depth di

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5 Mysteries About The Universe We Haven't Solved

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Future Directions in Experimental High Energy Physics by Naba K Mondal

Candles of Darkness DATE :05 June TIME2017 to 09 June 2017 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore DARK MATTER AND THE SEARCH FOR PHYSICS BEYOND THE STANDARD MODEL "Darkness is your candle. Your boundaries are your quest."- Jalal-ud-din Rumi of Balkh (1207 - 1273) High energy Phys

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How to Do a One Sample t Test in SPSS (10-4)

The one sample t-test compares the mean of a sample that you select to a population mean. We will do the one sample t-test in SPSS. Along the way, we refer to the five steps of hypothesis testing and Student's t table to learn how to interpret the findings. This example uses fictitious dat

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Even Bananas: The Mystery Particle

Welcome to Fermilab's newest video series, Even Bananas! Join Fermilab scientist Dr. Kirsty Duffy as we explore the tiniest, most fundamental particles in our universe. We are kicking off this series with a mystery. Follow along and try to solve it! Fermilab physics 101: https://www.fnal

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t Test Write Up of a Hypothesis Test of an Unknown Population Mean

How to perform and write up a hypothesis test [t test] of an unknown population mean [In accordance with AP Statistics requirements]

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L8.4 Neutrino Physics: Experimental Study

MIT 8.701 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Fall 2020 Instructor: Markus Klute View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: There are numerous sources for neutrinos which allo

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Horizons in Accelerators, Particle/Nuclear Physics and Laboratory-based Quantum Sensors for HEP/NP-2

PROGRAM HORIZONS IN ACCELERATORS, PARTICLE/NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND LABORATORY-BASED QUANTUM SENSORS FOR HEP/NP (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Swapan Chattopadhyay (FNAL, Batavia, USA & IISc, India) and Rohini Godbole (IISc, India) DATE: 14 November 2022 to 17 November 2022 VENUE: Chandrasekhar Audit

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How to Do a One Sample t Test in JASP (10-8)

The One Sample t-Test is a parametric procedure that tests whether a sample mean is statistically significantly different than a population mean or other known value. We will open a CSV dataset in JASP, check the assumptions of the test, conduct the one sample t-test, interpret the finding

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Why Do Neutrinos Have Mass? A Small Question with Huge Consequences

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Testing and Online Experimentation

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Space Particles Are Flying Through You Right Now!

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