Banach spaces

Schauder basis

In mathematics, a Schauder basis or countable basis is similar to the usual (Hamel) basis of a vector space; the difference is that Hamel bases use linear combinations that are finite sums, while for Schauder bases they may be infinite sums. This makes Schauder bases more suitable for the analysis of infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces including Banach spaces. Schauder bases were described by Juliusz Schauder in 1927, although such bases were discussed earlier. For example, the Haar basis was given in 1909, and Georg Faber discussed in 1910 a basis for continuous functions on an interval, sometimes called a Faber–Schauder system. (Wikipedia).

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Dual basis

Dual basis definition and proof that it's a basis In this video, given a basis beta of a vector space V, I define the dual basis beta* of V*, and show that it's indeed a basis. We'll see many more applications of this concept later on, but this video already shows that it's straightforwar

From playlist Dual Spaces

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Determine the Basis for a Set of Four Vectors in R3

This video explains how to determine the basis of a set of vectors in R3.

From playlist Linear Independence and Bases

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Chern Medal Lecture: Crystal bases and categorifications — Masaki Kashiwara — ICM2018

Crystal bases and categorifications Masaki Kashiwara Abstract: A crystal basis is a basis at q=0 of the half U−q (g) of a quantum group U q (g) . It lifts to a true basis in two ways: a lower global basis and an upper global basis. At q=1 , the upper global basis becomes a basis of th

From playlist Special / Prizes Lectures

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11.4.1 The Unit Basis Vectors, One More Time

11.4.1 The Unit Basis Vectors, One More Time

From playlist LAFF Week 11

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Some 20+ year old problems about Banach spaces and operators on them – W. Johnson – ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.17 Some 20+ year old problems about Banach spaces and operators on them William Johnson Abstract: In the last few years numerous 20+ year old problems in the geometry of Banach spaces were solved. Some are described herein. © Internatio

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Thomas Ransford: Constructive polynomial approximation in Banach spaces of holomorphic functions

Recording during the meeting "Interpolation in Spaces of Analytic Functions" the November 21, 2019 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audio

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Basis for a Set of Vectors

Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Basis for a Set of Vectors. In this video, I give the definition for a apos; basis apos; of a set of vectors. I think proceed to work an example that shows thr

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Multivariable Calculus | Unit Vectors

We define a unit vector, the unit basis vectors, and give some associated examples.

From playlist Vectors for Multivariable Calculus

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Bourgain–Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces and the scalar-plus-compact property – R. Haydon & S. Argyros – ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.16 Bourgain–Delbaen ℒ_∞-spaces, the scalar-plus-compact property and related problems Richard Haydon & Spiros Argyros Abstract: We outline a general method of constructing ℒ_∞-spaces, based on the ideas of Bourgain and Delbaen, showing how

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Estimate the Correlation Coefficient Given a Scatter Plot

This video explains how to estimate the correlation coefficient given a scatter plot.

From playlist Performing Linear Regression and Correlation

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E. Fricain - Systèmes représentant dans les espaces de Hilbert de fonctions analytiques

Dans les espaces de Banach de dimension infinie, la notion de base de Schauder est classique et bien étudi ée. Elle permet de représenter tout élément de l’espace comme une série des éléments de la base de Schauder. Si on omet l’unicité des coefficients dans

From playlist Rencontres du GDR AFHP 2019

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The dynamical Φ43Φ34 model: derivation of the renormalised equations - Martin Hairer

Martin Hairer University of Warwick March 5, 2014 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Félix Otto: The matching problem

The optimal transport between a random atomic measure described by the Poisson point process and the Lebesgue measure in d-dimensional space has received attention in diverse communities. Heuristics suggest that on large scales, the displacement potential, which is a solution of the highly

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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35 - Properties of bases (continued)

Algebra 1M - international Course no. 104016 Dr. Aviv Censor Technion - International school of engineering

From playlist Algebra 1M

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William B. Johnson: Ideals in L(L_p)

Abstract: I’ll discuss the Banach algebra structure of the spaces of bounded linear operators on ℓp and Lp := Lp(0,1). The main new results are 1. The only non trivial closed ideal in L(Lp), 1 ≤ p [is less than] ∞, that has a left approximate identity is the ideal of compact operators (joi

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Felix Otto: Singular quasi-linear stochastic PDEs IV

The lecture was held within the of the Hausdorff Junior Trimester Program: Randomness, PDEs and Nonlinear Fluctuations Abstract: We are interested in parabolic differential equations δ_tu-a(u)δ^2_xu = ξ with rough, typically random, forcing ξ, and a local non-linearity a(u) in the leading

From playlist Summer School "New Frontiers in Singular SPDEs and Scaling Limits"

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C. De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 4)

A celebrated theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are ar

From playlist Ecole d'été 2015 - Théorie géométrique de la mesure et calcul des variations : théorie et applications

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Lecture 21. Aligned bases theorem

Notes by Keith Conrad to follow along:

From playlist Abstract Algebra 2

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C. De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 5)

A celebrated theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are ar

From playlist Ecole d'été 2015 - Théorie géométrique de la mesure et calcul des variations : théorie et applications

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