Regression diagnostics | Validity (statistics)

Regression validation

In statistics, regression validation is the process of deciding whether the numerical results quantifying hypothesized relationships between variables, obtained from regression analysis, are acceptable as descriptions of the data. The validation process can involve analyzing the goodness of fit of the regression, analyzing whether the regression residuals are random, and checking whether the model's predictive performance deteriorates substantially when applied to data that were not used in model estimation. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Regression Analysis

This video introduced analysis and discusses how to determine if a given regression equation is a good model using r and r^2.

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Linear regression

Linear regression is used to compare sets or pairs of numerical data points. We use it to find a correlation between variables.

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Can You Validate These Emails?

Email Validation is a procedure that verifies if an email address is deliverable and valid. Can you validate these emails?

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An Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

Tutorial introducing the idea of linear regression analysis and the least square method. Typically used in a statistics class. Playlist on Linear Regression Like us on: Created by David Lon

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Regression Trees, Clearly Explained!!!

Regression Trees are one of the fundamental machine learning techniques that more complicated methods, like Gradient Boost, are based on. They are useful for times when there isn't an obviously linear relationship between what you want to predict, and the things you are using to make the p

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Regression: Model Selection and Validation, Part 1

Data Science for Biologists Regression: Model Selection and Validation Part 1 Course Website: Instructors: Nathan Kutz: Bing Brunton: Steve Brunton:

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Frank Noé: "Intro to Machine Learning (Part 1/2)"

Watch part 2/2 here: Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning Tutorials 2019 "Intro to Machine Learning (Part 1/2)" Frank Noé, Freie Universität Berlin Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA September 5, 2019 For more information:

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Deep Learning Lecture 1.2 - Intro Shallow ML

Deep Learning Lecture Intro: - Shallow ML - Learning Problem - Linear Least Squares - Hyperparameter Selection

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Frank Noé: "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (Part 1/2)

Watch part 2/2 here: Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles Tutorials 2020 "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (Part 1/2) Frank Noé - Freie Universität Berlin Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, U

From playlist Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities for Autonomous Vehicles 2020

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Statistical Learning: 6.R.4 Ridge Regression and Lasso

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing You are able to take Statistical Learning as an online course on EdX, and you are able to choose a verified path and get a certificate for its completion:

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Regularization Part 1: Ridge (L2) Regression

Ridge Regression is a neat little way to ensure you don't overfit your training data - essentially, you are desensitizing your model to the training data. It can also help you solve unsolvable equations, and if that isn't bad to the bone, I don't know what is. This StatQuest follows up on

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Applied ML 2020 - 10 - Calibration, Imbalanced data

Class materials at

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Selecting the best model in scikit-learn using cross-validation

In this video, we'll learn about K-fold cross-validation and how it can be used for selecting optimal tuning parameters, choosing between models, and selecting features. We'll compare cross-validation with the train/test split procedure, and we'll also discuss some variations of cross-vali

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Representations)

In this video, we explore how to obtain finite-dimensional representations of the Koopman operator from data, using regression. This includes the use of sparse regression and neural networks, and highlights the importance of cross-validating.

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Applied Machine Learning 2019 - Lecture 09 - Gradient boosting; Calibration

Gradient boosting and "extreme" gradient boosting Calibration curves and calibrating classifiers with CalibratedClassifierCV. Class website with slides and more materials:

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Logistic regression | Statistical conclusion validity | Regression analysis | Mean squared prediction error | Statistics | Prediction interval | Resampling (statistics) | Statistical parameter | Validity (statistics) | All models are wrong | Scatter plot | F-test | Lack-of-fit sum of squares | Binary data | Goodness of fit | Histogram | Run chart | Durbin–Watson statistic | Statistical model specification | Anscombe's quartet | Normal probability plot | Coefficient of determination | Mean squared error | Statistical model validation