Permutation groups

Multiply transitive group action

A group acts 2-transitively on a set if it acts transitively on the set of distinct ordered pairs . That is, assuming (without a real loss of generality) that acts on the left of , for each pair of pairs with and , there exists a such that . The group action is sharply 2-transitive if such is unique. A 2-transitive group is a group such that there exists a group action that's 2-transitive and faithful. Similarly we can define sharply 2-transitive group. Equivalently, and , since the induced action on the distinct set of pairs is . The definition works in general with k replacing 2. Such multiply transitive permutation groups can be defined for any natural number k. Specifically, a permutation group G acting on n points is k-transitive if, given two sets of points a1, ... ak and b1, ... bk with the property that all the ai are distinct and all the bi are distinct, there is a group element g in G which maps ai to bi for each i between 1 and k. The Mathieu groups are important examples. (Wikipedia).

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Multiplying Whole Numbers

This video explains how to multiply using whole numbers.

From playlist Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers

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How to multiply a two digit whole number by a three digit whole number

👉 You will learn how to multiply integers from one digit to multiple digits. When multiplying it is important to understand that multiplication is just repeated addition. However with multi-digit numbers we will follow a step by step process to find the product of the two numbers. 👏SUB

From playlist Integer Operations

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Operations with functions all four of them

👉 Learn how to apply operations to functions such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing to two functions. To add/subtract/multiply or divide two functions, we algebraically add/subtract/multiply or add the rules (contents) of the two functions. We will then simplify the sum, d

From playlist Add Subtract Multiply Divide Functions

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Multiplying Double Digits - free math help - math tutoring

👉 You will learn how to multiply integers from one digit to multiple digits. When multiplying it is important to understand that multiplication is just repeated addition. However with multi-digit numbers we will follow a step by step process to find the product of the two numbers. 👏SUB

From playlist Integer Operations

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Multiplying single digits - free math help - online tutor

👉 You will learn how to multiply integers from one digit to multiple digits. When multiplying it is important to understand that multiplication is just repeated addition. However with multi-digit numbers we will follow a step by step process to find the product of the two numbers. 👏SUB

From playlist Integer Operations

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Exam Review Multiply two functions

👉 Learn how to multiply two functions. We will explore the multiplication of linear, quadratic, rational, and radical functions. To multiply two functions, we simply algebraically multiply the rules (contents) of the two functions. We will then simplify the product and determine the domai

From playlist How to Multiply Functions

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How to multiply two two digit whole numbers together

👉 You will learn how to multiply integers from one digit to multiple digits. When multiplying it is important to understand that multiplication is just repeated addition. However with multi-digit numbers we will follow a step by step process to find the product of the two numbers. 👏SUB

From playlist Integer Operations

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Every wondered how to multiply functions

👉 Learn how to multiply two functions. We will explore the multiplication of linear, quadratic, rational, and radical functions. To multiply two functions, we simply algebraically multiply the rules (contents) of the two functions. We will then simplify the product and determine the domai

From playlist Add Subtract Multiply Divide Functions

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A Group Theoretic Description | The Geometry of SL(2,Z), Section 2.1

Expressing the complex upper half plane as a quotient of topological (in fact, Lie) groups. Twitter: Topological Groups (0:00) A Lemma on Stabilization (7:19) Connecting Geometry and Algebra (9:55)

From playlist The Geometry of SL(2,Z)

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Prerequisites I: Groups, Representations & Equivariance - Maurice Weiler

Video recording of the First Italian Summer School on Geometric Deep Learning, which took place in July 2022 in Pescara. Slides:

From playlist First Italian School on Geometric Deep Learning - Pescara 2022

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GAP - 2 by Alexander Hulpke

DATE & TIME 05 November 2016 to 14 November 2016 VENUE Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Computational techniques are of great help in dealing with substantial, otherwise intractable examples, possibly leading to further structural insights and the detection of patterns in many abstra

From playlist Group Theory and Computational Methods

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Ara Sedrakyan - Three dimensional Ising model as a non-critical string theory

I will discuss the sign factor problem in the 3D gauge Ising model, present the corresponding fermionic model on random surfaces, which leads to the formulation of non-critical fermionic string theory on the basis of induced Dirac action. I will demonstrate how the sign factor model is lin

From playlist 100…(102!) Years of the Ising Model

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Example of Group: GL(2, R) (3 of 3)

Abstract Algebra: Let G=GL(2, R) be the group of real invertible 2x2 matrices. We consider two group actions for the group GL(2, R) on itself. We interpret the results in terms of linear algebra and change of basis. We also explain how conjugacy classes of G relate to the diagonalizati

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group theory 4: Lagrange's theorem

This is lecture 4 of an online course on mathematical group theory. It introduces Lagrange's theorem that the order of a subgroup divides the order of a group, and uses it to show that all groups of prime order are cyclic, and to prove Fermat's theorem and Euler's theorem.

From playlist Group theory

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The Poisson boundary: a qualitative theory (Lecture 2) by Vadim Kaimanovich

Program Probabilistic Methods in Negative Curvature ORGANIZERS: Riddhipratim Basu, Anish Ghosh and Mahan Mj DATE: 11 March 2019 to 22 March 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore The focal area of the program lies at the juncture of three areas: Probability theory o

From playlist Probabilistic Methods in Negative Curvature - 2019

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Sergio Zamora (1/20/23): The lower semi-continuity of \pi_1 and nilpotent structures in persistence

When a sequence of compact geodesic spaces X_i converges to a compact geodesic space X, under minimal assumptions there are surjective morphisms $\pi_1(X_i) \to \pi_1(X)$ for i large enough. In particular, a limit of simply connected spaces is simply connected. This is clearly not true for

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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Operations with functions

👉 Learn how to apply operations to functions such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing to two functions. To add/subtract/multiply or divide two functions, we algebraically add/subtract/multiply or add the rules (contents) of the two functions. We will then simplify the sum, d

From playlist Add Subtract Multiply Divide Functions

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Operations with functions

👉 Learn how to apply operations to functions such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing to two functions. To add/subtract/multiply or divide two functions, we algebraically add/subtract/multiply or add the rules (contents) of the two functions. We will then simplify the sum, d

From playlist Add Subtract Multiply Divide Functions

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Vanessa Miemietz: A categorified double centraliser theorem and applications to Soergel bimodules

I will explain how notions from classical representation theory, including a double centraliser theorem, lift to finitary 2-representation theory, and how this helps in classifying simple 2-representations of Soergel bimodules of finite Coxeter type in characteristic zero.

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