Permutation groups

List of transitive finite linear groups

In mathematics, especially in areas of abstract algebra and finite geometry, the list of transitive finite linear groups is an important classification of certain highly symmetric actions of finite groups on vector spaces. The solvable finite 2-transitive groups were classified by Bertram Huppert. The classification of finite simple groups made possible the complete classification of finite doubly transitive permutation groups. This is a result by . A finite 2-transitive group has a socle that is either a vector space over a finite field or a non-abelian primitive simple group; groups of the latter kind are almost simple groups and described elsewhere. This article provides a complete list of the finite 2-transitive groups whose socle is elementary abelian. Let be a prime, and a subgroup of the general linear group acting transitively on the nonzero vectors of the d-dimensional vector space over the finite field with p elements. (Wikipedia).

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Symmetric groups

In this video we construct a symmetric group from the set that contains the six permutations of a 3 element group under composition of mappings as our binary operation. The specifics topics in this video include: permutations, sets, groups, injective, surjective, bijective mappings, onto

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Symmetric Groups (Abstract Algebra)

Symmetric groups are some of the most essential types of finite groups. A symmetric group is the group of permutations on a set. The group of permutations on a set of n-elements is denoted S_n. Symmetric groups capture the history of abstract algebra, provide a wide range of examples in

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Abstract Algebra 1.5 : Examples of Groups

In this video, I introduce many important examples of groups. This includes the group of (rigid) motions, orthogonal group, special orthogonal group, the dihedral groups, and the "finite cyclic group" Z/nZ (or Z_n). Email : Code :

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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The Special Linear Group is a Subgroup of the General Linear Group Proof

The Special Linear Group is a Subgroup of the General Linear Group Proof

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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The General Linear Group, The Special Linear Group, The Group C^n with Componentwise Multiplication

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! The General Linear Group, The Special Linear Group, The Group C^n with Componentwise Multiplication

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Cyclic groups and finite groups

Jacob goes into detail on some particularly important finite groups, and explains how groups and subgroups can be generated by their elements, along with some important consequences.

From playlist Basics: Group Theory

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Every Group is a Quotient of a Free Group

First isomorphism theorem: An explanation of a proof that every finite group is a quotient of a free group. A similar proof also applies to infinite groups because we can consider a free group on an infinite number of elements! Group Theory playlist: https://

From playlist Group Theory

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AlgTopReview4: Free abelian groups and non-commutative groups

Free abelian groups play an important role in algebraic topology. These are groups modelled on the additive group of integers Z, and their theory is analogous to the theory of vector spaces. We state the Fundamental Theorem of Finitely Generated Commutative Groups, which says that any such

From playlist Algebraic Topology

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Hypergroup definition and five key examples | Diffusion Symmetry 4 | N J Wildberger

We state a precise definition of a finite commutative hypergroup, and then give five important classes of examples, 1) the class hypergroup of a finite (non-commutative) group G 2) the character hypergroup of a finite (non-commutative) group G 3) the hypergroup associated to a distance-tr

From playlist Diffusion Symmetry: A bridge between mathematics and physics

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Nicolás Matte Bon: Confined subgroups and high transitivity

A subgroup of a group is confined if the closure of its conjugacy class in the Chabauty space does not contain the trivial subgroup. Such subgroups arise naturally as stabilisers for non-free actions on compact spaces. I will explain a result establishing a relation between the confined su

From playlist Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations

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Vic Reiner, Lecture II - 11 February 2015

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture II Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open questions

From playlist Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory - 2015

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Groups in abstract algebra examples

In this tutorial I discuss two more examples of groups. The first contains four elements and they are the four fourth roots of 1. The second contains only three elements and they are the three cube roots of 1. Under the binary operation of multiplication, these sets are in fact groups.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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15 - Algorithmic aspects of the Galois theory in recent times

Orateur(s) : M. Singer Public : Tous Date : vendredi 28 octobre Lieu : Institut Henri Poincaré

From playlist Colloque Evariste Galois

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Tensorial Forms in Infinite Dimensions - Andrew Snowden

Workshop on Additive Combinatorics and Algebraic Connections Topic: Tensorial Forms in Infinite Dimensions Speaker: Andrew Snowden Affiliation: University of Michigan Date: October 26, 2022 Let V be a complex vector space and consider symmetric d-linear forms on V, i.e., linear maps Symd

From playlist Mathematics

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Reducible fibers and monodromy of polynomial maps - Danny Neftin

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Topic: Reducible fibers and monodromy of polynomial maps Speaker: Danny Neftin Date: October 28, 2021 For a polynomial f∈ℚ[x], Hilbert's irreducibility theorem asserts that the fiber f−1(a) is irreducible over ℚ for all values a∈ℚ out

From playlist Mathematics

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Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics

Abstract: Cubic surfaces in affine three space tend to have few integral points .However certain cubics such as x3+y3+z3=m, may have many such points but very little is known. We discuss these questions for Markoff type surfaces: x2+y2+z2−x⋅y⋅z=m for which a (nonlinear) descent allows for

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Lemanczyk/Ferenczi

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Thin groups as monodromy groups, Part I - Jordan Ellenberg (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Thin groups as monodromy groups Jordan Ellenberg University of Wisconsin – Madison We discuss various algebro-geometric contexts in which thin groups appear as monodromy groups attached to families of varieties over curves.

From playlist Number Theory

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Representation theory: Introduction

This lecture is an introduction to representation theory of finite groups. We define linear and permutation representations, and give some examples for the icosahedral group. We then discuss the problem of writing a representation as a sum of smaller ones, which leads to the concept of irr

From playlist Representation theory

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Fraisse Limits and Tensor Spaces - Nate Harman

Special Year Learning Seminar Topic: Fraisse Limits and Tensor Spaces Speaker: Nate Harman Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Date: October 19, 2022 In model theory Fraisse limits are certain highly homogeneous countable structures -- examples include the rational numbers as

From playlist Mathematics

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Simple Groups - Abstract Algebra

Simple groups are the building blocks of finite groups. After decades of hard work, mathematicians have finally classified all finite simple groups. Today we talk about why simple groups are so important, and then cover the four main classes of simple groups: cyclic groups of prime order

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Elementary abelian group | Vector space | Finite field | Near-field (mathematics) | Isomorphism | Group of Lie type | General linear group | Representation (mathematics) | Finite geometry | Simple group | Finite group | Socle (mathematics) | Classification of finite simple groups | Mathematics | Octonion | Normal subgroup | Quadratic form | Abstract algebra | Orthogonal group | Symplectic group | Solvable group