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Kolmogorov complexity

In algorithmic information theory (a subfield of computer science and mathematics), the Kolmogorov complexity of an object, such as a piece of text, is the length of a shortest computer program (in a predetermined programming language) that produces the object as output. It is a measure of the computational resources needed to specify the object, and is also known as algorithmic complexity, Solomonoff–Kolmogorov–Chaitin complexity, program-size complexity, descriptive complexity, or algorithmic entropy. It is named after Andrey Kolmogorov, who first published on the subject in 1963 and is a generalization of classical information theory. The notion of Kolmogorov complexity can be used to state and prove impossibility results akin to Cantor's diagonal argument, Gödel's incompleteness theorem, and Turing's halting problem.In particular, no program P computing a lower bound for each text's Kolmogorov complexity can return a value essentially larger than P's own length (see section ); hence no single program can compute the exact Kolmogorov complexity for infinitely many texts. (Wikipedia).

Kolmogorov complexity
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Kolmogorov Complexity - Applied Cryptography

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Unpredictability - Applied Cryptography

This video is part of an online course, Applied Cryptography. Check out the course here:

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Amir Ali Ahmadi, Princeton University

January 31, Amir Ali Ahmadi, Princeton University Two Problems at the Interface of Optimization and Dynamical Systems We propose and/or analyze semidefinite programming-based algorithms for two problems at the interface of optimization and dynamical systems: In part (i), we study the po

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Russian Multiplication Algorithm - Intro to Algorithms

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Andreï Kolmogorov: un grand mathématicien au coeur d'un siècle tourmenté

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Nexus Trimester - Andrei Romashchenko (LIRMM)

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Order, disorder and entropy (Lecture - 01) by Daan Frenkel

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How Karatsuba's algorithm gave us new ways to multiply

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