Mathematical logic | Mathematical proofs | Methods of proof

Proof of impossibility

In mathematics, a proof of impossibility is a proof that demonstrates that a particular problem cannot be solved as described in the claim, or that a particular set of problems cannot be solved in general. Such a case is also known as a negative proof, proof of an impossibility theorem, or negative result. Proofs of impossibility often put to rest decades or centuries of work attempting to find a solution. Proving that something is impossible is usually much harder than the opposite task, as it is often necessary to develop a theory. Impossibility theorems are usually expressible as negative existential propositions or universal propositions in logic (see universal quantification for more). The irrationality of the square root of 2 is one of the oldest proofs of impossibility. It shows that it is impossible to express the square root of 2 as the ratio of two integers. Another proof of impossibility was the 1882 proof of Ferdinand von Lindemann, which showed that the ancient problem of squaring the circle cannot be solved because the number π is transcendental (i.e., non-algebraic) and only a subset of the algebraic numbers can be constructed by compass and straightedge. Two other classical problems—trisecting the general angle and doubling the cube—were also proved impossible in the 19th century. A problem that arose in the 16th century was that of creating a general formula using radicals expressing the solution of any polynomial equation of fixed degree k, where k ≥ 5. In the 1820s, the Abel–Ruffini theorem (also known as Abel's impossibility theorem) showed this to be impossible, using concepts such as solvable groups from Galois theory—a new subfield of abstract algebra. Among the most important proofs of impossibility found in the 20th century were those related to undecidability, which showed that there are problems that cannot be solved in general by any algorithm at all, with the most famous one being the halting problem. Gödel's incompleteness theorems are other examples that uncover some fundamental limitations in the provability of formal systems. In computational complexity theory, techniques like relativization (see oracle machine) provide "weak" proofs of impossibility, excluding certain proof techniques. Other techniques, such as proofs of completeness for a complexity class, provide evidence for the difficulty of problems by showing them to be just as hard to solve as other known problems that have proved intractable. (Wikipedia).

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The Quotient Rule: Proof

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Proof: a³ - a is always divisible by 6 (2 of 2: Proof by exhaustion)

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How to Prove a Function is Injective(one-to-one) Using the Definition

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Introduction to Proof by Counter Example

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Introduction to Proof by Contradiction: sqrt(2) is irrational

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Existence Proofs

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1=2 Proof

►MY COURSE Prove It Like A Mathematician! (Intro To Math Proofs) ►WEBSITE ►BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER I

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Euler's and Fermat's last theorems, the Simpsons and CDC6600

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The Charm in Proving Something is Impossible: a Complexity Theoretic View by Nutan Limaye

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