Topological methods of algebraic geometry | Vector bundles | Complex manifolds | Algebraic geometry | Sheaf theory | Cohomology theories

Coherent sheaf cohomology

In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, coherent sheaf cohomology is a technique for producing functions with specified properties. Many geometric questions can be formulated as questions about the existence of sections of line bundles or of more general coherent sheaves; such sections can be viewed as generalized functions. Cohomology provides computable tools for producing sections, or explaining why they do not exist. It also provides invariants to distinguish one algebraic variety from another. Much of algebraic geometry and complex analytic geometry is formulated in terms of coherent sheaves and their cohomology. (Wikipedia).

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Schemes 31: Coherent sheaves

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. We define coherent modules over rings and coherent sheaves, and then discuss when the amps f* and f_* preserve coherence or quasicoherence.

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Schemes 34: Coherent sheaves on projective space

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. This lecture discusses some of Serre's theorems about coherent sheaves on projective space. In particular we describe how coherent sheaves are related to finit

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Dennis Gaitsgory - 4/4 Singular support of coherent sheaves

Singular support is an invariant that can be attached to a coherent sheaf on a derived scheme which is quasi-smooth (a.k.a. derived locally complete intersection). This invariant measures how far a given coherent sheaf is from being perfect. We will explain how the subtle difference betwee

From playlist Dennis Gaitsgory - Singular support of coherent sheaves

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Dennis Gaitsgory - 3/4 Singular support of coherent sheaves

Singular support is an invariant that can be attached to a coherent sheaf on a derived scheme which is quasi-smooth (a.k.a. derived locally complete intersection). This invariant measures how far a given coherent sheaf is from being perfect. We will explain how the subtle difference betwee

From playlist Dennis Gaitsgory - Singular support of coherent sheaves

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Dennis Gaitsgory - 1/4 Singular support of coherent sheaves

Singular support is an invariant that can be attached to a coherent sheaf on a derived scheme which is quasi-smooth (a.k.a. derived locally complete intersection). This invariant measures how far a given coherent sheaf is from being perfect. We will explain how the subtle difference betwee

From playlist Dennis Gaitsgory - Singular support of coherent sheaves

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Dennis Gaitsgory - 2/4 Singular support of coherent sheaves

Singular support is an invariant that can be attached to a coherent sheaf on a derived scheme which is quasi-smooth (a.k.a. derived locally complete intersection). This invariant measures how far a given coherent sheaf is from being perfect. We will explain how the subtle difference betwee

From playlist Dennis Gaitsgory - Singular support of coherent sheaves

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Microlocal theory of sheaves and link with symplectic geometry III - Stephane Guillermou

Stephane Guillermou University Grenoble May 10, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Microlocal theory of sheaves and link with symplectic geometry II - Stephane Guillermou

Stephane Guillermou University Grenoble May 10, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Étale cohomology - September 8, 2020

Pushforwards, sheaves on the etale site, sheafification, stalks, the category of sheaves is abelian

From playlist Étale cohomology and the Weil conjectures

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Étale cohomology 9/15/2020

Čech cohomology part II, Čech-to-derived spectral sequence, Mayer-Vietoris, étale cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves, the Artin-Schreier exact sequence and the étale cohomology of F_p in characteristic p.

From playlist Étale cohomology and the Weil conjectures

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Grothendieck-Serre Duality by Suresh Nayak

PROGRAM DUALITIES IN TOPOLOGY AND ALGEBRA (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Samik Basu (ISI Kolkata, India), Anita Naolekar (ISI Bangalore, India) and Rekha Santhanam (IIT Mumbai, India) DATE & TIME: 01 February 2021 to 13 February 2021 VENUE: Online Duality phenomena are ubiquitous in mathematics

From playlist Dualities in Topology and Algebra (Online)

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From Cohomology to Derived Functors by Suresh Nayak

PROGRAM DUALITIES IN TOPOLOGY AND ALGEBRA (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Samik Basu (ISI Kolkata, India), Anita Naolekar (ISI Bangalore, India) and Rekha Santhanam (IIT Mumbai, India) DATE & TIME: 01 February 2021 to 13 February 2021 VENUE: Online Duality phenomena are ubiquitous in mathematics

From playlist Dualities in Topology and Algebra (Online)

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George Boxer: Construction of torsion Galois representations

Find other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies,

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Coherent (phi, Gamma)-modules and cohomology of local systems by Kiran Kedlaya

PERFECTOID SPACES ORGANIZERS : Debargha Banerjee, Denis Benois, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri and Narasimha Kumar Cheraku DATE & TIME : 09 September 2019 to 20 September 2019 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Scientific committee: Jacques Tilouine (University of Paris, France) Eknat

From playlist Perfectoid Spaces 2019

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Derived de Rham Cohomology - Bhargav Bhatt

Bhargav Bhatt University of Michigan; Member, School of Mathematics September 25, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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On Floer cohomology and non-archimedian geometry - Mohammed Abouzaid

Mohammed Abouzaid Columbia University February 14, 2014 Ideas of Kontsevich-Soibelman and Fukaya indicate that there is a natural rigid analytic space (the mirror) associated to a symplectic manifold equipped with a Lagrangian torus fibration. I will explain a construction which associates

From playlist Mathematics

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Étale cohomology - 10/6/2020

Extension by zero, compactly supported cohomology, beginning of proper base change

From playlist Étale cohomology and the Weil conjectures

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Schemes 27: Quasicoherent sheaves

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. We show how to turn a module over a ring into a sheaf of modules over its spectrum. A quasicoherent sheaf of modules of one which looks locally like one constr

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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