Vector bundles | Algebraic varieties

Canonical bundle

In mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety of dimension over a field is the line bundle , which is the nth exterior power of the cotangent bundle Ω on V. Over the complex numbers, it is the determinant bundle of holomorphic n-forms on V.This is the dualising object for Serre duality on V. It may equally well be considered as an invertible sheaf. The canonical class is the divisor class of a Cartier divisor K on V giving rise to the canonical bundle — it is an equivalence class for linear equivalence on V, and any divisor in it may be called a canonical divisor. An anticanonical divisor is any divisor −K with K canonical. The anticanonical bundle is the corresponding inverse bundle ω−1. When the anticanonical bundle of V is ample, V is called a Fano variety. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Fiber Bundles part 1: Definitions

We give the definition of a fiber bundle with fiber F, trivializations and transition maps. This is a really basic stuff that we use a lot. Here are the topics this sets up: *Associated Bundles/Principal Bundles *Reductions of Structure Groups *Steenrod's Theorem *Torsor structure on arith

From playlist Fiber bundles

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The TRUTH about TENSORS, Part 9: Vector Bundles

In this video we define vector bundles in full abstraction, of which tangent bundles are a special case.

From playlist The TRUTH about TENSORS

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 12: Fiber Bundles - Formal Description

This is a long lesson, but it is not full of rigorous proofs, it is just a formal definition. Please let me know where the exposition is unclear. I din't quite get through the idea of the structure group of a fiber bundle fully, but I introduced it. The examples in the next lesson will h

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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The TRUTH about TENSORS, Part 10: Frames

What do the octonions have to do with spheres? Skip to the end of the video to find out!

From playlist The TRUTH about TENSORS

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Introduction to Fiber Bundles Part 3: Associated Bundles and Amalgamated Products

This is an incomplete introduction here. The basic idea is that the associated principal bundle knows all. This should be obvious since all bundles with G-structure are classified by H^1(X,G) --- it turns out you can recover your original bundle from a principal bundle by taking "amalgamat

From playlist Fiber bundles

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What is a Tensor? Lesson 11: The metric tensor

What is a Tensor 11: The Metric Tensor

From playlist What is a Tensor?

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Introduction to Fiber Bundles Part 4: Torsor Interlude

Torsors and Principal Homogeneous Spaces. What is the difference?

From playlist Fiber bundles

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Schemes 48: The canonical sheaf

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course on schemes, based on chapter II of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. In this lecture we define the canonical sheaf, giev a survey of some applications (Riemann-Roch theorem, Serre duality, canonical embeddings, Kodaira dimensio

From playlist Algebraic geometry II: Schemes

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Caucher Birkar's Fields Medal Laudatio — Christopher Hacon — ICM2018

The work of Caucher Birkar Christopher Hacon ICM 2018 - International Congress of Mathematicians ©     Os direitos sobre todo o material deste canal pertencem ao Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, sendo vedada a utilização total ou parcial do conteúdo sem autorização

From playlist Special / Prizes Lectures

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Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Vladimiro Benedetti: Orbital degeneracy loci

Abstract: I will present a joint work with Sara Angela Filippini, Laurent Manivel and Fabio Tanturri (arXiv: 1704.01436). We introduce a new class of varieties, called orbital degeneracy loci. The idea is to use any orbit closure in a representation of an algebraic group to generalise the

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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R. Lazarsfeld: The Equations Defining Projective Varieties part 4

The lecture was held within the framework of the Junior Hausdorff Trimester Program Algebraic Geometry. (6.-22.1.2014)

From playlist HIM Lectures: Junior Trimester Program "Algebraic Geometry"

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Steven Bradlow - Exotic components of surface group representation varieties

Steven Bradlow Exotic components of surface group representation varieties, and their Higgs bundle avatars Moduli spaces of Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface correspond to representation varieties for the surface fundamental group. For representations into complex semisimple Lie groups,

From playlist Maryland Analysis and Geometry Atelier

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Nigel Hitchin "Higgs bundles, past and present" [2012]

2012 FIELDS MEDAL SYMPOSIUM Thursday, October 18 Geometric Langlands Program and Mathematical Physics Nigel Hitchin, Oxford University Higgs bundles, past and present The talk will be an overview of the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, or equivalently solutions to the so-called Hitchin eq

From playlist Number Theory

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Differential geometry of the Torelli map (Lecture 5) by Alessandro Ghigi and Paola Frediani

DISCUSSION MEETING TOPICS IN HODGE THEORY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Indranil Biswas (TIFR, Mumbai, India) and Mahan Mj (TIFR, Mumbai, India) DATE: 20 February 2023 to 25 February 2023 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall and Online This is a followup discussion meeting on complex and algebraic ge

From playlist Topics in Hodge Theory - 2023

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Projectivity of the moduli space of KSBA stable pairs and applications - Zsolt Patakfalvi

Zsolt Patakfalvi Princeton University February 24, 2015 KSBA (Kollár-Shepherd-Barron-Alexeev) stable pairs are higher dimensional generalizations of (weighted) stable pointed curves. I will present a joint work in progress with Sándor Kovács on proving the projectivity of this moduli spac

From playlist Mathematics

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Positivity and algebraic integrability of holomorphic foliations – Carolina Araujo – ICM2018

Algebraic and Complex Geometry Invited Lecture 4.7 Positivity and algebraic integrability of holomorphic foliations Carolina Araujo Abstract: The theory of holomorphic foliations has its origins in the study of differential equations on the complex plane, and has turned into a powerful t

From playlist Algebraic & Complex Geometry

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