Machine learning algorithms


Bioz is a search engine for life science experimentation. (Wikipedia).

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What are Biospheres?

With control over temperature, air quality and the threat of insect borne diseases - are artificial biospheres the future of human habitation on Earth? For more by The B1M subscribe now - Read the full story on this video, including images and useful links, here: http:

From playlist Awesome Construction Tech - The B1M

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Research Methods of Biopsychology

With some information regarding the organization of neurons and neural pathways, we are ready to start getting into some deeper topics. But before we do that, it will be useful to get a general sense of precisely how we learn about the things we will be discussing. The brain is complicated

From playlist Biopsychology

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Introduction to Biopsychology

Let's learn all about the human brain! It's the most complex and fascinating object in the known universe. It's the source of our consciousness, so we wouldn't be much without it. This course will assume prior knowledge from my biochemistry, biology, and anatomy & physiology courses, so ma

From playlist Biopsychology

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The Brain and Language

The way that humans communicate is very complex. We have an innate ability to understand and formulate language. As one might imagine, the accompanying brain activity is also quite complex, involving several different regions with very specific functions. Let's go in for a closer look! Wa

From playlist Biopsychology

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Bioethics | Biotechnology | Transgenic Organisms | GMO | Cloning | Don't Memorise

Ethical issues are always a silent part of each progressive system. So is the case with Biotechnology. There are several issues which pop up with the newer Experiments and when Organisms are used as Study models. All these issues are studied under the roof of Bioethics. Watch this video

From playlist Biology

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This sleek bionic hand improves over time

This smart bionic hand learns and gets better the more you use it. 🤓 🎥 @Esper Bionics #engineering

From playlist Radical Innovations

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The Structure and Physiology of the Human Brain

So we already learned all about the brain in the Anatomy & Physiology series, so if you missed that one, definitely check it out before moving forward with this playlist: But if you're up to speed, let's do a quick review, introduce a couple new

From playlist Biopsychology

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Biobots: The Scientists Building Robots Inspired By Nature's Design [4K] | The Age of Robots | Spark

Mankind has always looked at nature to solve problems, taking a cue from the solutions that biological systems have refined through natural selection. In this episode we look at a robotic plant that mimics the mechanics of plant roots, and dive underwater to see robots inspired by fish. -

From playlist Age of Robots

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Biostatistics Tutorial Full course for Beginners to Experts

Biostatistics are the development and application of statistical methods to a wide range of topics in biology. It encompasses the design of biological experiments, the collection and analysis of data from those experiments and the interpretation of the results. The following topics of #bi

From playlist Bio-Statistics

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Biomaterialien - Patentlösungen aus der Natur

Im Laufe der Evolution hat die Natur zahlreiche Biomaterialien mit den erstaunlichsten Fähigkeiten hervorgebracht. Peter Fratzl möchte die zugrunde liegenden Bauweisen im Detail verstehen und auf neue technische Anwendungen übertragen. Weiterführende Informationen: Biomaterialien - Hierar

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