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Inorganic Chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Role of Metals in Biology
Metal Ions in Enzyme Catalysis
Catalytic mechanisms involving metal ions
Lewis acid-base catalysis
Redox-active centers
Substrate orientation and charge stabilization
Specific metal ions in enzymatic functions
Zinc: carbonic anhydrase, alcohol dehydrogenase
Iron: catalase, cytochromes P450
Copper: superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin
Manganese: photosystem II, arginase
Magnesium: DNA polymerase, kinases
Metalloproteins and Metalloenzymes
Oxygen transport and storage
Hemoglobin: iron's role in oxygen binding and release
Myoglobin: structure and function in muscle cells
Electron transfer proteins
Cytochromes: electron carriers in cellular respiration
Plastocyanin: copper-containing electron transfer protein in photosynthesis
Other important metalloenzymes
Nitrogenase: mechanism of nitrogen fixation in bacteria, role of molybdenum and iron
Hydrogenases: catalytic sites and mechanism of hydrogen production
Blue copper proteins: electron transfer in biological systems
Metal Ion Transport and Storage
Mechanisms of Metal Ion Transport
Active and passive transport across cell membranes
Transport proteins and channels
Ionophores: small molecules facilitating ion transport
ATPases: active transporters (e.g., Na+/K+ pump)
Specific transporters for metals (e.g., ZnT and ZIP family for zinc)
Storage and Homeostasis
Structure of ferritin and iron storage mechanism
Role in regulating cellular iron levels
Protein structure and iron-binding domains
Mechanism of iron transport in the bloodstream
Receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin-bound iron
Small cysteine-rich proteins
Binding and detoxification of heavy metals like cadmium and mercury
Medical Applications
Metal-based Drugs
Anticancer agents
Cisplatin and its mode of action on DNA
Novel platinum compounds in chemotherapy
Gold compounds in rheumatoid arthritis treatment
Mechanism of action of auranofin
Lithium in mood disorders
Lithium's role in neurotransmitter regulation and signaling pathways
Imaging Agents
MRI contrast agents
Gadolinium complexes and their use in enhancing magnetic resonance imaging
Mechanisms of relaxation and signal enhancement
Technetium-based imaging agents: applications in diagnostic nuclear medicine
Applications of radioisotopes in positron emission tomography (PET)
5. Organometallic Chemistry
First Page
7. Solid State Chemistry