General Chemistry

  1. The Periodic Table
    1. History and Development
      1. Early classifications
        1. Triads
          1. Law of Octaves
          2. Mendeleev’s periodic table
            1. Organization principles
              1. Prediction of undiscovered elements
                1. Mendeleev's contributions to periodic law
                2. Modern periodic table
                  1. Arrangement by atomic number
                    1. Modifications over time
                      1. Contributions from scientists like Moseley
                    2. Periodic Law
                      1. Definition and significance
                        1. Role in predicting element properties
                        2. Groups and Periods
                          1. Definition of groups (columns)
                            1. Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals
                              1. Halogens and noble gases
                                1. Transition metals and inner transition metals
                                2. Definition of periods (rows)
                                  1. Significance of period progression
                                    1. Electron shell filling across periods
                                  2. Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids
                                    1. Characteristics of metals
                                      1. Conductivity, malleability, ductility
                                        1. Common examples and uses
                                        2. Characteristics of nonmetals
                                          1. Insulation, brittleness, chemical variations
                                            1. Examples and environmental roles
                                            2. Metalloids
                                              1. Properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals
                                                1. Examples and applications (e.g., semiconductors)
                                              2. Element Classification
                                                1. Main group elements
                                                  1. Physical and chemical properties
                                                  2. Transition metals
                                                    1. Unique properties like variable oxidation states
                                                      1. Important industrial and biological roles
                                                      2. Lanthanides and actinides
                                                        1. Application in technology and energy sources
                                                          1. Challenges in isolation and usage