Category: Pairing-based cryptography

Boneh–Franklin scheme
The Boneh–Franklin scheme is an identity-based encryption system proposed by Dan Boneh and Matthew K. Franklin in 2001. This article refers to the protocol version called BasicIdent. It is an applicat
Sakai–Kasahara scheme
The Sakai–Kasahara scheme, also known as the Sakai–Kasahara key encryption algorithm (SAKKE), is an identity-based encryption (IBE) system proposed by Ryuichi Sakai and Masao Kasahara in 2003. Alongsi
Decision Linear assumption
The Decision Linear (DLIN) assumption is a computational hardness assumption used in elliptic curve cryptography. In particular, the DLIN assumption is useful in settings where the decisional Diffie–H
Tate pairing
In mathematics, Tate pairing is any of several closely related bilinear pairings involving elliptic curves or abelian varieties, usually over local or finite fields, based on the Tate duality pairings
Weil pairing
In mathematics, the Weil pairing is a pairing (bilinear form, though with multiplicative notation) on the points of order dividing n of an elliptic curve E, taking values in nth roots of unity. More g
Sub-group hiding
The sub-group hiding assumption is a computational hardness assumption used in elliptic curve cryptography and pairing-based cryptography. It was first introduced in to build a 2-DNF homomorphic encry
Pairing-based cryptography
Pairing-based cryptography is the use of a pairing between elements of two cryptographic groups to a third group with a mapping to construct or analyze cryptographic systems.
BLS digital signature
A BLS digital signature— also known as Boneh–Lynn–Shacham (BLS)—is a cryptographic signature scheme which allows a user to verify that a signer is authentic. The scheme uses a bilinear pairing for ver
In mathematics, a pairing is an R-bilinear map from the Cartesian product of two R-modules, where the underlying ring R is commutative.
XDH assumption
The external Diffie–Hellman (XDH) assumption is a computational hardness assumption used in elliptic curve cryptography. The XDH assumption holds that there exist certain subgroups of elliptic curves