Category: Hilbert space

Singular trace
In mathematics, a singular trace is a trace on a space of linear operators of a separable Hilbert space that vanisheson operators of finite rank. Singular traces are a feature of infinite-dimensional
Kirszbraun theorem
In mathematics, specifically real analysis and functional analysis, the Kirszbraun theorem states that if U is a subset of some Hilbert space H1, and H2 is another Hilbert space, and is a Lipschitz-co
Weak trace-class operator
In mathematics, a weak trace class operator is a compact operator on a separable Hilbert space H with singular values the same order as the harmonic sequence.When the dimension of H is infinite, the i
Kuiper's theorem
In mathematics, Kuiper's theorem (after Nicolaas Kuiper) is a result on the topology of operators on an infinite-dimensional, complex Hilbert space H. It states that the space GL(H) of invertible boun
Self-adjoint operator
In mathematics, a self-adjoint operator on an infinite-dimensional complex vector space V with inner product (equivalently, a Hermitian operator in the finite-dimensional case) is a linear map A (from
Energetic space
In mathematics, more precisely in functional analysis, an energetic space is, intuitively, a subspace of a given real Hilbert space equipped with a new "energetic" inner product. The motivation for th
Solèr's theorem
In mathematics, Solèr's theorem is a result concerning certain infinite-dimensional vector spaces. It states that any orthomodular form that has an infinite orthonormal sequence is a Hilbert space ove
Strongly monotone operator
In functional analysis, a set-valued mapping where X is a real Hilbert space is said to be strongly monotone if This is analogous to the notion of strictly increasing for scalar-valued functions of on
Tree kernel
In machine learning, tree kernels are the application of the more general concept of positive-definite kernel to tree structures. They find applications in natural language processing, where they can
Cotlar–Stein lemma
In mathematics, in the field of functional analysis, the Cotlar–Stein almost orthogonality lemma is named after mathematicians Mischa Cotlarand Elias Stein. It may be used to obtain information on the
Crinkled arc
In mathematics, and in particular the study of Hilbert spaces, a crinkled arc is a type of continuous curve. The concept is usually credited to Paul Halmos. Specifically, consider where is a Hilbert s
Coorbit theory
In mathematics, coorbit theory was developed by Hans Georg Feichtinger and Karlheinz Gröchenig around 1990. It provides theory for atomic decomposition of a range of Banach spaces of distributions. Am
Positive-definite kernel
In operator theory, a branch of mathematics, a positive-definite kernel is a generalization of a positive-definite function or a positive-definite matrix. It was first introduced by James Mercer in th
Projective Hilbert space
In mathematics and the foundations of quantum mechanics, the projective Hilbert space of a complex Hilbert space is the set of equivalence classes of non-zero vectors in , for the relation on given by
Representer theorem
For computer science, in statistical learning theory, a representer theorem is any of several related results stating that a minimizer of a regularized empirical risk functional defined over a reprodu
Redheffer star product
In mathematics, the Redheffer star product is a binary operation on linear operators that arises in connection to solving coupled systems of linear equations. It was introduced by Raymond Redheffer in
Scattering theory
In mathematics and physics, scattering theory is a framework for studying and understanding the scattering of waves and particles. Wave scattering corresponds to the collision and scattering of a wave
Hadamard space
In geometry, an Hadamard space, named after Jacques Hadamard, is a non-linear generalization of a Hilbert space. In the literature they are also equivalently defined as complete CAT(0) spaces. A Hadam
Gleason's theorem
In mathematical physics, Gleason's theorem shows that the rule one uses to calculate probabilities in quantum physics, the Born rule, can be derived from the usual mathematical representation of measu
Commutator subspace
In mathematics, the commutator subspace of a two-sided ideal of bounded linear operators on a separable Hilbert space is the linear subspace spanned by commutators of operators in the ideal with bound
Wigner's theorem
Wigner's theorem, proved by Eugene Wigner in 1931, is a cornerstone of the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics. The theorem specifies how physical symmetries such as rotations, translations,
Euler–Maclaurin formula
In mathematics, the Euler–Maclaurin formula is a formula for the difference between an integral and a closely related sum. It can be used to approximate integrals by finite sums, or conversely to eval
Céa's lemma
Céa's lemma is a lemma in mathematics. Introduced by Jean Céa in his Ph.D. dissertation, it is an important tool for proving error estimates for the finite element method applied to elliptic partial d
Liouville space
In the mathematical physics of quantum mechanics, Liouville space, also known as line space, is the space of operators on Hilbert space. Liouville space is itself a Hilbert space under the Hilbert-Sch
Topological tensor product
In mathematics, there are usually many different ways to construct a topological tensor product of two topological vector spaces. For Hilbert spaces or nuclear spaces there is a simple well-behaved th
Bessel's inequality
In mathematics, especially functional analysis, Bessel's inequality is a statement about the coefficients of an element in a Hilbert space with respect to an orthonormal sequence. The inequality was d
Moment problem
In mathematics, a moment problem arises as the result of trying to invert the mapping that takes a measure μ to the sequences of moments More generally, one may consider for an arbitrary sequence of f
Jacobi operator
A Jacobi operator, also known as Jacobi matrix, is a symmetric linear operator acting on sequences which is given by an infinite tridiagonal matrix. It is commonly used to specify systems of orthonorm
Infinite-dimensional vector function
An infinite-dimensional vector function is a function whose values lie in an infinite-dimensional topological vector space, such as a Hilbert space or a Banach space. Such functions are applied in mos
Compact operator on Hilbert space
In the mathematical discipline of functional analysis, the concept of a compact operator on Hilbert space is an extension of the concept of a matrix acting on a finite-dimensional vector space; in Hil
Hilbert space
In mathematics, Hilbert spaces (named after David Hilbert) allow generalizing the methods of linear algebra and calculus from (finite-dimensional) Euclidean vector spaces to spaces that may be infinit
A symmetric, informationally complete, positive operator-valued measure (SIC-POVM) is a special case of a generalized measurement on a Hilbert space, used in the field of quantum mechanics. A measurem
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space
In functional analysis (a branch of mathematics), a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) is a Hilbert space of functions in which point evaluation is a continuous linear functional. Roughly speakin
State space (physics)
In physics, a state space is an abstract space in which different "positions" represent, not literal locations, but rather states of some physical system. This makes it a type of phase space. Specific
Calkin correspondence
In mathematics, the Calkin correspondence, named after mathematician John Williams Calkin, is a bijective correspondence between two-sided ideals of bounded linear operators of a separable infinite-di
Weak convergence (Hilbert space)
In mathematics, weak convergence in a Hilbert space is convergence of a sequence of points in the weak topology.
Morse–Palais lemma
In mathematics, the Morse–Palais lemma is a result in the calculus of variations and theory of Hilbert spaces. Roughly speaking, it states that a smooth enough function near a critical point can be ex
Category of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces
In mathematics, the category FdHilb has all finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces for objects and the linear transformations between them as morphisms.
Dixmier trace
In mathematics, the Dixmier trace, introduced by Jacques Dixmier, is a non-normal trace on a space of linear operators on a Hilbert space larger than the space of trace class operators. Dixmier traces
Rigged Hilbert space
In mathematics, a rigged Hilbert space (Gelfand triple, nested Hilbert space, equipped Hilbert space) is a construction designed to link the distribution and square-integrable aspects of functional an
Tensor product of Hilbert spaces
In mathematics, and in particular functional analysis, the tensor product of Hilbert spaces is a way to extend the tensor product construction so that the result of taking a tensor product of two Hilb
Densely defined operator
In mathematics – specifically, in operator theory – a densely defined operator or partially defined operator is a type of partially defined function. In a topological sense, it is a linear operator th