Hilbert space

Projective Hilbert space

In mathematics and the foundations of quantum mechanics, the projective Hilbert space of a complex Hilbert space is the set of equivalence classes of non-zero vectors in , for the relation on given by if and only if for some non-zero complex number . The equivalence classes of for the relation are also called rays or projective rays. This is the usual construction of projectivization, applied to a complex Hilbert space. (Wikipedia).

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algebraic geometry 15 Projective space

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It introduces projective space and describes the synthetic and analytic approaches to projective geometry

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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Introduction to Projective Geometry (Part 1)

The first video in a series on projective geometry. We discuss the motivation for studying projective planes, and list the axioms of affine planes.

From playlist Introduction to Projective Geometry

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The circle and projective homogeneous coordinates | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 7a | NJ Wildberger

Universal hyperbolic geometry is based on projective geometry. This video introduces this important subject, which these days is sadly absent from most undergrad/college curriculums. We adopt the 19th century view of a projective space as the space of one-dimensional subspaces of an affine

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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The circle and projective homogeneous coordinates (cont.) | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 7b

Universal hyperbolic geometry is based on projective geometry. This video introduces this important subject, which these days is sadly absent from most undergrad/college curriculums. We adopt the 19th century view of a projective space as the space of one-dimensional subspaces of an affine

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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Projective view of conics and quadrics | Differential Geometry 9 | NJ Wildberger

In this video we introduce projective geometry into the study of conics and quadrics. Our point of view follows Mobius and Plucker: the projective plane is considered as the space of one-dimensional subspaces of a three dimensional vector space, or in other words lines through the origin.

From playlist Differential Geometry

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The projective Quadruple quad formula | Rational Geometry Math Foundations 148 | NJ Wildberger

In this video we introduce the projective version of the Quadruple quad formula, which not only controls the relationship between four projective points, but has a surprising connection with the geometry of the cyclic quadrilateral. The projective quadruple quad function is called R(a,b,

From playlist Math Foundations

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MAST30026 Lecture 20: Hilbert space (Part 3)

I prove that L^2 spaces are Hilbert spaces. Lecture notes: http://therisingsea.org/notes/mast30026/lecture20.pdf The class webpage: http://therisingsea.org/post/mast30026/ Have questions? I hold free public online office hours for this class, every week, all year. Drop in and say Hi! For

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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Hilbert Curve

This shows a 3d print of a mathematical sculpture I produced using shapeways.com. This model is available at http://shpws.me/2toQ.

From playlist 3D printing

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Geometry and Topology in Quantum Mechanics - Mathematical Properties by N. Mukunda

DISCUSSION MEETING GEOMETRIC PHASES IN OPTICS AND TOPOLOGICAL MATTER ORGANIZERS: Subhro Bhattacharjee, Joseph Samuel and Supurna Sinha DATE: 21 January 2020 to 24 January 2020 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore This is a joint ICTS-RRI Discussion Meeting on the geometric pha

From playlist Geometric Phases in Optics and Topological Matter 2020

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Diffusion and superdiffusion from hydrodynamic projection by Benjamin Doyon

PROGRAM THERMALIZATION, MANY BODY LOCALIZATION AND HYDRODYNAMICS ORGANIZERS: Dmitry Abanin, Abhishek Dhar, François Huveneers, Takahiro Sagawa, Keiji Saito, Herbert Spohn and Hal Tasaki DATE : 11 November 2019 to 29 November 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore How do is

From playlist Thermalization, Many Body Localization And Hydrodynamics 2019

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A simple Qubit Regularization Scheme for SU(N) Lattice Gauge Theories by Shailesh Chandrasekharan

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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Isometry groups of the projective line (I) | Rational Geometry Math Foundations 138 | NJ Wildberger

The projective line can be given a Euclidean structure, just as the affine line can, but it is a bit more complicated. The algebraic structure of this projective line supports some symmetries. Symmetry in mathematics is often most efficiently encoded with the idea of a group--a technical t

From playlist Math Foundations

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Algebraic geometry 50: The degree of a projective variety

This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It defines the degree of a projective variety and gives a few examples.

From playlist Algebraic geometry I: Varieties

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Hilbert Space Techniques in Complex Analysis and Geometry (Lecture 9) by Dror Varolin

PROGRAM CAUCHY-RIEMANN EQUATIONS IN HIGHER DIMENSIONS ORGANIZERS: Sivaguru, Diganta Borah and Debraj Chakrabarti DATE: 15 July 2019 to 02 August 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Complex analysis is one of the central areas of modern mathematics, and deals with holomo

From playlist Cauchy-Riemann Equations in Higher Dimensions 2019

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Ekaterina Amerik: Rational curves and contraction loci on holomorphic symplectic manifolds

VIRTUAL LECTURE RECORDED DURING SOCIAL DISTANCING Recording during the meeting "Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class " the April 06, 2020 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by

From playlist Virtual Conference

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Mod-01 Lec-21 Projection Theorem in a Hilbert Spaces (Contd.) and Approximation

Advanced Numerical Analysis by Prof. Sachin C. Patwardhan,Department of Chemical Engineering,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

From playlist IIT Bombay: Advanced Numerical Analysis | CosmoLearning.org

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Richard Thomas - Vafa-Witten Invariants of Projective Surfaces 4/5

This course has 4 sections split over 5 lectures. The first section will be the longest, and hopefully useful for the other courses. 1. Sheaves, moduli and virtual cycles 2. Vafa-Witten invariants: stable and semistable cases 3. Techniques for calculation --- virtual degeneracy loci, c

From playlist 2021 IHES Summer School - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

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Wolfram Physics IV: Multiway Invariance and Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Find more information about the summer school here: https://education.wolfram.com/summer/school Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: http://wolfr.am/physics Check out the announcement post: http://wolfr.am/physics-announcement Find the tools to build a universe: https:

From playlist Wolfram Summer Programs

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Hilbert Spaces part 2

Lecture with Ole Christensen. Kapitler: 00:00 - Def: Hilbert Space; 05:00 - New Example Of A Hilbert Space; 15:15 - Operators On Hilbert Spaces; 20:00 - Example 1; 24:00 - Example 2; 38:30 - Riesz Representation Theorem; 43:00 - Concerning Physics;

From playlist DTU: Mathematics 4 Real Analysis | CosmoLearning.org Math

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Lecture 17: Minimizers, Orthogonal Complements and the Riesz Representation Theorem

MIT 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis, Spring 2021 Instructor: Dr. Casey Rodriguez View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-102-introduction-to-functional-analysis-spring-2021/ YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcI2_r51Eb8&list=PLUl4u3cNGP63micsJp_

From playlist MIT 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis, Spring 2021

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