Category: Digital rights management standards

Digital Transmission Content Protection
Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) is a digital rights management (DRM) technology that restricts digital home technologies including DVD players and televisions by encrypting interconnect
Open Media Commons
The Open Media Commons, sometimes referred to as the Open Media Commons initiative, is a computer industry group whose goal is to "develop open, royalty-free digital rights management and codec soluti
Creative Commons Rights Expression Language
Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (ccREL) is a proposed Rights Expression Language (REL) for descriptive metadata to be appended to media that is licensed under any of the Creative Commons l
Advanced Access Content System
The Advanced Access Content System (AACS) is a standard for content distribution and digital rights management, intended to restrict access to and copying of the post-DVD generation of optical discs.
Marlin (DRM)
Marlin is a DRM platform, created by an open-standards community initiative called the Marlin Developer Community (MDC). The MDC develops the necessary technology, partners, and services for enabling
The MPEG-21 standard, from the Moving Picture Experts Group, aims at defining an open framework for multimedia applications. MPEG-21 is ratified in the standards ISO/IEC 21000 - Multimedia framework (
Content Protection for Recordable Media
Content Protection for Recordable Media and Pre-Recorded Media (CPRM / CPPM) is a mechanism for controlling the copying, moving, and deletion of digital media on a host device, such as a personal comp
Common Interface
In Digital Video Broadcasting, the Common Interface (also called DVB-CI) is a technology which allows decryption of pay TV channels. Pay TV stations want to choose which encryption method to use. The
Key selection vector
A Key Selection Vector (KSV) is a numerical identifier associated with a which is distributed by a or its designee to Adopters and is used to support authentication of Licensed Products and Revocation
The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) is a policy expression language that provides a flexible and interoperable information model, vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms for representing statements ab
Project DReaM
Project DReaM was a Sun Microsystems project aimed at developing an open interoperable DRM architecture that implements standardized interfaces. Its primary goal was the creation of a royalty-free dig
Broadcast flag
A broadcast flag is a bit field sent in the data stream of a digital television program that indicates whether or not the data stream can be recorded, or if there are any restrictions on recorded cont
PlayReady is a media file copy prevention technology from Microsoft that includes encryption, output prevention and digital rights management (DRM). It was announced in February 2007.
Copy Generation Management System – Analog (CGMS-A) is a copy protection mechanism for analog television signals. It consists of a waveform inserted into the non-picture Vertical Blanking Interval (VB
DVB Content Protection & Copy Management often abbreviated to DVB-CPCM or CPCM is a digital rights management standard being developed by the DVB Project. Its main application is interoperable rights
AllVid was a proposal to develop technology enabling smart broadband-connected video devices to access the content on the managed networks of cable operators, telcos, and satellite-TV operators. It wa
Coral Consortium
The Coral Consortium was founded in 2004 by Hewlett-Packard Corporation, InterTrust Technologies, Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic), Samsung El
Serial Copy Management System
The Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) is a copy protection scheme that was created in response to the digital audio tape (DAT) invention, in order to prevent DAT recorders from making second-genera
Content Scramble System
The Content Scramble System (CSS) is a digital rights management (DRM) and encryption system employed on many commercially produced DVD-Video discs. CSS utilizes a proprietary 40-bit stream cipher alg
MPEG Common Encryption
MPEG Common Encryption (abbreviated MPEG-CENC) refers to a set of two MPEG standards governing different container formats: * for ISOBMFF, Common encryption in ISO base media file format files (ISO/I
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) is a form of digital copy protection developed by Intel Corporation to prevent copying of digital audio and video content as it travels across connecti
Video Content Protection System
The Video Content Protection System (VCPS) is a standard for digital rights management, intended to enforce protection or DVD+R/+RW content and related media.It was designed to protect video recording
OMA DRM is a digital rights management (DRM) system invented by the Open Mobile Alliance, whose members represent mobile phone manufacturers (e.g. Nokia, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sony-Ericsson, BenQ-Sie
Rights Object Acquisition Protocol
Rights Object Acquisition Protocol is a suite of XML-based Digital Rights Management (DRM) security protocols which enables Open Mobile Alliance-conformant user devices to request and acquire viewing