Category: Asymmetric-key algorithms

Falcon (signature scheme)
Falcon is a post-quantum signature scheme selected by the NIST at the fourth round of the post-quantum standardisation process.It has been designed by Thomas Prest, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Jeffrey Hoffst
Massey-Omura cryptosystem
No description available.
Discrete logarithm records
Discrete logarithm records are the best results achieved to date in solving the discrete logarithm problem, which is the problem of finding solutions x to the equation given elements g and h of a fini
In cryptography, XTR is an algorithm for public-key encryption. XTR stands for 'ECSTR', which is an abbreviation for Efficient and Compact Subgroup Trace Representation. It is a method to represent el
Three-pass protocol
In cryptography, a three-pass protocol for sending messages is a framework which allows one party to securely send a message to a second party without the need to exchange or distribute encryption key
Fermat pseudoprime
In number theory, the Fermat pseudoprimes make up the most important class of pseudoprimes that come from Fermat's little theorem.
Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm
The Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm (SEA) is an algorithm used for finding the order of or calculating the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field. Its primary application is in ellipt
Coppersmith method
The Coppersmith method, proposed by Don Coppersmith, is a method to find small integer zeroes of univariate or bivariate polynomials modulo a given integer. The method uses the Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász
Shamir three-pass protocol
No description available.
Wiener's attack
The Wiener's attack, named after cryptologist Michael J. Wiener, is a type of cryptographic attack against RSA. The attack uses the continued fraction method to expose the private key d when d is smal
Kyber is a key encapsulation method (KEM) designed to be resistant to cryptanalytic attacks with future powerful quantum computers. It is used to establish a shared secret between two communicating pa
Primality test
A primality test is an algorithm for determining whether an input number is prime. Among other fields of mathematics, it is used for cryptography. Unlike integer factorization, primality tests do not
Schnorr group
A Schnorr group, proposed by Claus P. Schnorr, is a large prime-order subgroup of , the multiplicative group of integers modulo for some prime . To generate such a group, generate , , such that with ,
Schoof's algorithm
Schoof's algorithm is an efficient algorithm to count points on elliptic curves over finite fields. The algorithm has applications in elliptic curve cryptography where it is important to know the numb